Associated Press today tells the story of how Democrats in Washington
clearly do not want to end the Iraq War. This story includes all of the
tell-tale signs of both a party that disdains the will of voters and a
media unwilling to report even the most basic facts: Nancy Pelosi reading
Fox News talking points that claim conditioning funding on American
troops’ training is
supposedly not supporting our troops; Harry Reid nonchalantly saying
in the face of mounting casualties that there’s no real urgency to do
anything on the war because "Iraq is going to be there"; and the AP writer
refusing to acknowledge consistent public opinion polls by
CNN and the
Post that show the public strongly supports Congress cutting off
funding for Bush’s military escalation and conditioning funding on
adequate troop training, respectively.
Make no mistake about it: The
renewed refusal by Democrats to use their majority in even the most basic
way to stop the war is a declaration that the new majority is not close to
using even the most basic powers afforded to it to stop or slow down the
war. In other words, in backing off, the Democrats have just weeks after
the 2006 anti-war election mandate effectively declared themselves as
supportive of the Bush administration’s stay-the-course policy - a truly
sickening act of cowardice.
This is all the more reason for
folks to head over to the
States Network’s Anti-Iraq Escalation Campaign and use our website to
demand your state legislature tell Congress that its behavior on Iraq is
absolutely unacceptable. Clearly, the folks in Washington are so drunk off
power they have decided to ignore the majority of Americans who want an
end to the madness in Iraq. They need to hear from our states - and they
need to hear from our states right now.
get well Steve Gilliard. Look, I'm no doctor but when the phrase "open
heart surgery" pops up...this would be a tremendous loss.
Feb. 26
I spent all
day working on this. This happens to be the future. I just programmed my
own one hour music and politics show. I think its pretty good. No fluff. No
reality programming. Just good music and selected ideology. Quake in your
boots Reginald Hudlin and BET on about another six months. This is
just the first of these kinds of services. They'll get better. Bugs: Doesn't
work with explorer. In fact, it sabotages my entire jazropo page. Only works
with Firefox. I can't figure that out. His code is buggy.
Feb 25
World Record Average Around the
Internets or Stories I Need to Read More Carefully
liked the interview that
2 Political Junkies snagged with Mike Doyle. I didn't agree with one
point he made as to why he wouldn't impeach the president. He said he didn't
want to make Cheney the President. I suggested, in the comments, that you
could impeach both the President and the Vice President at the same time.
You could even go after Cheney first. And right on time, here's
Raw Story offering up six articles of impeachment for our favorite vp
hunter. That would mean President Pelosi, which I could live with. Just to
review: impeachment would be popular, would show the dems have spine, work
politically (monicagate cost the dems the 2000 presidency among other
things) and put the republicans on the defensive. Finally, and not least,
it might be the only way to save up to a million Iranian lives.
a place to create your own
playlists that looks good. My first
effort is here. I think the way to sell politics is the same way you
sell other products. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Just like the Geico
long time ago I was the only guy on the Better Humans staff who thought that
people who were worried about GM foods had a point. I was of the opinion
that while those foods shouldn't be banned you should at least know what
you're eating and it should be labeled. I believe all of those initiatives
were defeated so your every meal is a surprise. Turns out that one company
knew that their GM potatoes caused cancer six years ago,
but they didn't tell anybody. I think Chris Mooney
owes us all an apology. And for
"The media's the most powerful entity on earth.
They have the power to make the innocent guilty
and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power.
Because they control the minds of the masses."
(approximation of the
Evil One or the Instapundit.)
I see that the
Instapundit is getting a much deserved beatdown. How can I put this?
Glenn Reynolds is a crazy person. A right wing extremist. He's that blonde
guy in that first Matt Damon Bourne movie who clenches his teeth and jumps
out a window as opposed to being interrogated. Keep in mind whenever you
hear how Al Gore couldn't win Tennessee that radical extremist Glenn
Reynolds was "helping" him in that state. And why is hot Boing Boing girl
Xeni Jardin
linking to a guy who likes death squads? He supports them in Iran,
certainly Iraq (a half million Iraqi civilians gone and he knows no shame)
and he probably supported them in Latin America. Its who he is. He's an evil
little man. If he were a Marvel villain he'd be too over the top...
(approximation of Senator Joe Leiberman)
Apparently, another evil man, the
independent senator from Conn. Joe Leiberman, is holding the entire
Democratic Party hostage, according to the Booman Tribune. Here's the whole
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman
of Connecticut told the Politico on Thursday that he has no immediate
plans to switch parties but suggested that Democratic opposition to
funding the war in Iraq might change his mind...
"I have no desire to
change parties," Lieberman said in a telephone interview. "If that ever
happens, it is because I feel the majority of Democrats have gone in a
direction that I don't feel comfortable with."
Asked whether that hasn't
already happened with Iraq, Lieberman said: "We will see how that plays
out in the coming months," specifically how the party approaches the
issue of continued funding for the war.
He suggested, however,
that the forthcoming showdown over new funding could be a deciding
factor that would lure him to the Republican Party.
"I hope we don't get to
that point," Lieberman said. "That's about all I will say on it today.
That would hurt."
Leiberman, by the way, is Exhibit One
as to why some of us think that the Jewish delegation in congress supports
the Iraq War--and will probably be the first to support an Iranian war. He
certainly is the most obvious exhibit. Its certainly a question that a real
press should be asking: are you more loyal to Israel--not unlike fighting
for the
white South Africans--than you are to the United States? Are you willing
to invest American troops and treasure in a war that you think will protect
Israel (Mistakenly, as even a number of Jewish and Israeli thinkers have
pointed out.)? I think in Leiberman's case the answer is clearly yes. And
you can't write about it and politicians can't talk about it. Jewish
American money, which is a different thing than the majority of Jewish
American voters who voted with the wave and realize that the Iraq War makes
the world a much more dangerous place for Jews everywhere, seems to support
the war and punishes people who criticize it.
JEWISH WEEK - The Brandeis
campus is reeling in the wake of former President Jimmy Carter's visit.
Major donors to Brandeis University have informed the school they will no
longer give it money in retaliation for its decision last month to host
former President Jimmy Carter, a strong critic of Israel. The donors have
notified the school in writing of their decisions — and specified Carter
as the reason, said Stuart Eizenstat, a former aide to Carter during his
presidency and a current trustee of Brandeis, one of the nation's premier
Jewish institutions of higher learning. . . Brandeis history professor
Jonathan Sarna, who maintains close ties with the administration, told The
Jewish Week, "These were not people who send $5 to the university. These
were major donors, and major potential donors. "I hope they'll calm down
and change their views," Sarna said. . .
This kind of thing affects parties, blogs and newspapers,
in case you're wondering why you're not getting a full debate on this issue
on your "news" outlets. You can read about such things on the Internets,
which is why some people love the Internets. Of course, I imagine, there
might be lots of people who hate the Internets for the very same reasons.
Short 30 word reviews of cable movies
that I have watched:
I believe I also saw this
Woody Allen movie ("Match
Point") when it was called "Crimes
and Misdemeanors", one of the strongest of his post Annie Hall period.
It wasn't bad it just felt like I had seen it before except without British
accents. I should look more into the history of the film. Allen might
acknowledge that. One major problem and a spoiler: He never would have
gotten away with it because of all those cameras they have in Britain. He
wouldn't have been "lucky" so to speak. Meanwhile, "The
Squid and the Whale" is the kind of striking and shocking movie that
Woody Allen used to make. If you're married, I highly recommend that you
watch this film and Allen's "Husbands
and Wives" and then just get about the business of slitting your wrists.
Very painful yet funny. Great performances from both Linney and Daniels. I
swear I could read every evil thought from Daniels just by his expression.
Disturbing insights into writers and failure. Anna Paquin was hot too...
Unspace, or Mullah Rob,
wrote a review of "Black Snake Moan" which I hadn't even heard of. It
apparently features a black man (Samuel Jackson) who finds a beaten up
Christina Ricci on the road. She wakes up and then finds that she's chained
to his house in her underwear. The Sam Jackson character won't release her
until he's cured her of her "wickedness" far, this sounds like a
completely logical movie. I would do the same. I would have to use rope
because I can't afford chains and I would be fine with her "wickedness" but
I understand the motivation. I guess I'm hoping it has no redeeming
religious values attached to it but then why is Mullah Rob reviewing it as
he scratches his Spock goatee ever so suspiciously? Trailer here:
Feb. 19
In this month's The Humanist:
It's not a war over democracy and freedom. If you didn't
know that already...You can also care about human life even if you're not
being threatened with eternal Hellfire to do so. Related: This post
over at Max Sawicky's
site about how we're stealing their oil.
Mark Crispin Miller gives us the rundown
on the Voter Reform movement after the election. He criticizes these
nonbinding resolutions so he won't be invited on the Daily Kos Blogroll
anymore, not that he ever made that blogroll.
going to repeat the whole thing here:
The Senate unanimously punks out
If the Senate Democrats weren't
suffering from a severe collective case of battered spouse syndrome, they
would be all fired up about the sorry state of our election system, and
doing everything they could to make it better. By "better," I mean,
basically, "more honest," which, in this case, could work only to the
Democrats' advantage. After all, the party's top dogs tend to care far
more about (a) their own careers and (b) the party's welfare than they do
about the state of the Republic.
Such short-sightedness is all too
human, and so there's little point in our decrying it. In any case, such
self-interest would at least help save us from the looming fascist
order--if (again) the Democrats would only act out of self-interest,
rather than continuing to acquiesce so masochistically in BushCo's grand
subversion of American democracy, or what's now left of it. They cannot,
will not, face the truth about the nature of BushCo's regime. Thus they
keep rubber-stamping Bush's steps toward absolute control of the election
system, as they just did last night, approving the appointment of an
outright Bushevik to Bush's EAC.
This cave-in--and the
current rush to pass Rush Holt's bill’ which will finally do more harm
than good--make clear that the Democrats feel much assured by their big
"victory" in November. They tell themselves that they gave Bush the "thumpin'"
that he so quaintly mentioned in his first press conference after E-Day.
They tell themselves that their big win of 29 House seats was a sort of
proof that things can't really be so bad, or they would not have been
permitted to perform so well.
What they cannot, will not, face is the unpleasant truth about that
last election: that there was vast election fraud from coast to coast
again; that the volume of complaints from the grass roots (remember
them?) was evidently greater than it was two years before; that the
Dems arguably won not a mere 29 states but at least 50 (and probably did
better in the Senate than they think). In short, they will not, cannot,
face the fact that Bush did not just get a "thumpin'," but was routed--and
that it was not Rahm Emanuel/Chuck Schumer who deserve our praises
for the (actual) devastation of the Bush Republicans, but the people, who
turned out in record numbers, and with a new doggedness, to vote
against the Bush regime and all its works. The Democratic party will
not give them any credit for that action, or help those who were
disenfranchised once again.
There are currently four
Democrats, all of them in Florida, challenging the outcome of the 2006
election, and collecting evidence of election fraud in every case;
and they're doing it with no help from the party, which also pressed a
number of other "losing" Democratic candidates to do the "gracious" thing
and shut their mouths--as if it were "ungracious" to assert, and to
defend, the right to vote.
Before Election Day, Republicans
refused to talk about election fraud because it would hurt their
interests, they having lately "won." Now it's the Democrats who play the
issue down, or keep ignoring it, for the very same reason. Thus both
parties seem inclined to sell the voters out.
This is not about affixing
printers to the DRE machines, or any other trivial (and useless) technical
adjustment. It's about confronting those who can't and won't confront the
enemies of what was once was the world's most promising democracy. We must
confront them now, and force them to confront and overwhelm those
enemies, or we can kiss the Constitution, and the Planet Earth, goodbye.
Let me add a few thoughts to this: One of the advantages
of controlling the ballot isn't just controlling when you win, but
controlling when you lose. In a chess game sometimes its to your advantage
to sacrifice a queen or a rook or even a mid term election (What better way
to quiet the critics? See
Steve Gilliard.) in order to better position yourself for a long term
win. Right now it looks as if the dems retook the congress in order to
continue the war. Long range that sucks for the dems. It was great knocking
on doors against the republicans last fall. It won't be so great in 2008
when you're the party that did nothing to stop the war, an evil unjustified
war of imperialist greed at that. True, there's hope on the Murtha front but
he won't even get help from the more powerful blogs and he'll get killed by
the Corporate Press. Murtha will need all the help he can get.
One more thing: there is vast
disagreement about the merits of the Holt bill as its currently authored.
People for the American Way supports it. Here's the best critique I've
read so far from Josh Mittledorf.
I think the argument that this is
"achievable" doesn't carry much weight, when it is likely we will get only
one bite at the apple this legislative session. The threshold for support
has to be higher than simply "doesn't hurt" or even "better than what we've
Consequently, I hold any election legislation accountable for making a
significant improvement in the situation. I don't think the Holt bill rises
to this standard because
Effective legislation must be
explicit about consequences and remedies when, inevitably, their mandates
are violated. There are already ample rules, especially at the state
level - some might say more than ample rules - that are not being
enforced. For example, tens of thousands of precincts have suffered
violations and corrupted vote counts, while the only prosecutions of which
I am aware are the two Democratic officials recently convicted in
Ohio. Another example:
Pennsylvania, like many other states, provides that computer code
for electronic voting machines must be certified by the state; but in
practice, the code is routinely altered by manufacturers up to the day of
the election, with no possibility of state supervision. Whom do we sue?
What are the appropriate remedies?
There is a huge loophole in Sec
327, providing that when states recount an election because it is close,
they don't have to use the very paper trail that the bill works so hard to
provide! So when exactly are the paper trails counted?
The bill is likely to entrench
both DREs and the EAC as albatrosses on our voting system for years to
from the Post Gazette, here's a profile
on our local
voter reform activist hero, Marybeth Kuznik. There doesn't seem to be
any mention of the Holt bill or the split in the voter reform community
about that bill's worth. If you want that, you have to read the Internets...
Feb. 18
So, Reginald Hudlin is kinda of a
dick. I got banned (I seem to have a talent for that, at least when I make
an effort...) from that web forum of his. Luckily I
saved the page and you can read it here. Its fair use and all and its
news when a Ted Turner type doesn't answer questions on his own web forum.
He doesn't address any of my arguments. What this means: BET on J will turn
into yet another Viacom music channel that has nothing to do with good
music. Its almost like Viacom hates music. It just feels that way. One more
note to Reggie: Why is your forum moderator 10 years old? Is that the
audience you're aiming for? Wait. Don't answer that.
Then again, we're very close to being
able to create our own channels and saying fuck viacom and probably cable tv.
All you need are playlists and somebody that won't yank your vids after two
minutes. French Daily Motion would be perfect if they did real playlists.
But they don't offer playlists, yet. Now, there is
Mania TV, which allows you to create
channels. The embeds are shaky plus they're windows media only. That doesn't
bode well. I can't get it to work with mozilla. It sure would be nice if the
Pirate Bay people offered a video service...Oh,
a channel: it only has three vids so far because the service seems to be
buggy and slow (Yep. Definitely a Microsoft product...) but there might be
more later from the Steely Dan Channel. Guaranteed to be better than BET on
J. It also has a zoom function.
As people may or may not know, I have
been banned from both the Daily Kos, for
writing this and having the nerve to defend myself and also the Booman
Tribune, even though I think Booman is actually a real progressive. I
thought in both cases that the bannings were unwarranted and not the actions
of people that you call "progressive" or even "liberal".
I think those are all fairly good
rules. Hey, at least you have them. I kind of wonder what brought them on.
I'm sure there was a lengthy and fair process going on when Markos dropped
you from his blogroll. Well, if it takes experience to make you better...
Philip Shropshire
PS: I think you were dropped
because you wrote about AIPAC and whether members of the jewish delegation
of a certain house committee were objective when it came to
Israel...perfectly appropriate questions by the way that a vigorous online
press should be asking. And I'm sure, in an alt universe, where there were
10 Iraqi sunnis sitting on a US house committee you would be asking the same
More on the purges from the Daily Kos
blogroll here
If you're a normal person or a couple
on Valentine's Day then I recommend
by the Beatles. If you're a serial killer in training, then I highly
Vincent Gallo's "Honey Bunny", also featured over at the Red Light
District. I don't think I've ever seen Paris Hilton so...appealing.
Yet another edition of "I Love You Steve
Gilliard/Gawd I Hate You Steve Gilliard". Agree with
that appealing to racist white evangelicals is not the way to go. Agree
with Steve that
we really don't know a lot about Obama and that black voters are all
distrustful that he's a trojan horse for NAFTA Two or eliminating Headstart.
Or a black republican who represents the whims of the powerful and not the
interests of the black community. Agree with Steve that if you keep
calling him
uppity Salon you'll push me into his camp out of rage. But Gawd I Hate
Steve for
recognizing that the blogroll stuff matters. I suppose I would feel
better about his position as the lone black on the blogroll who doesn't care
about being on the Daily Kos blogroll if he wasn't at the very tippy top of
the Daily Kos blogroll, which, according to people who have been purged can
cut your traffic by up to a third. Of course, like Chairman Markos, Steve
does hate those dirty fucking hippies like Max Sawicky...
I haven't chosen a presidential nominee
yet. For me its between Obama and Edwards. I was leaning toward Edwards
until his statements on Iran (probably won't immediately withdraw if Bush
starts yet another ill conceived war...)and this blogger controversy. I
definitely am hostile toward religion--for good reasons--and probably
wouldn't make for a blogger that should be hired by the Edwards campaign,
although I'll probably end up knocking on doors for whoever the presidential
nominee is for the dems unless its an uninspiring choice. I can understand
the politics of respecting religion, but I can't understand letting your
enemies determine who your friends are let alone your employees and that
apology thing...I would have tendered my resignation. So Obama is going up
and Edwards down but I still can't make a call....
Feb. 9
I see
someone else has used the newspaper generator for hilarious effect. Note
to self: Tell the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents
that I'm black no matter what whitey sez.
Read all about it. You
can create
your own snark headlines/stories here if you're interested. Meanwhile,
all's quiet on the Mullah Rob front. Since he didn't answer my challenge of
what is the evil atheist agenda I will answer it for him, karate chop and
muay thai knee included. There is no evil atheist agenda. We're just the
people at Jonestown who say "Let's not drink the koolaid." We're the ones at
the Branch Davidian ranch saying "You know, I never thought Koresh was the
messiah." We're the ones who don't commit suicide in order to catch the
interstellar ride on the comet. And we're the ones who don't believe in
fairy tales no matter how nice they make us feel. Its an honorable way to
see the world and to live.
(Great toon by Stephanie McMillan,
who I will never eat
with. "Yes that's right I don't think I can vote Green Stephanie... and
this is delicious! What do you call it? Garlic Oleander stew? That's got a
kick...and, hey, I don't feel so good...")
I see Ralph Nader is considering another
run. I have never voted for Ralph Nader because we live under a terrible
gawdawful winner take all system. Terrible for democracy. And, now, of
course there are hit teams aimed against Third Party candidates.
Ask Carl Romanelli. When we run off to Mars I say let's all use
proportional representation and auditable ballots. The democracy would be
But I do know why Nader is running. The
Republicans gave us a gift today in that they voted down even a worthless
bill condeming the war, but the dems really have to go further. They have
the power to cut off the funds, but simply won't use it. They're just not
that much of an opposition party are they? Just look at how they handled the
filibuster issue. Let me get this straight: the dems can't use the
filibuster when they're in the minority but the republicans can. How nice. They
really are the Washington Generals Party. The Republicans can play
hardball and do everything within their power to destroy the dems. The Dems
want to "work" with the Republicans, the most evil party on the face of the
planet. The party that could teach Emperor Palpitine a thing or two. A
party, that by all rights, shouldn't exist. There shouldn't be a party that
just represents the oil and insurance industries and works against the long
term public interest at every turn. Right? But that's what we got. The
Ruthless Dark Side Bidness Party and the less ruthless Joe Biden/Leiberman
business party that enables them, and, oh look, Unity 08 is right between
them giving me a "choice".
The odd thing is that I really think
that a well funded Third Party effort could work well in 2008. I still think
if you had 30 million to blow the Greens should shoot for five Senate seats
and 10 to 15 house seats. That way they would hold, in theory, swing vote
say on just about every issue. That's why I wasn't happy that a progressive
guy like Craig Newmark won't improve his net worth by taking google ads. The
American Left needs money to create infrastructure and to work year round.
Hey we're not all rich white kids doncha know. (See
"My Brilliant Career at ACORN.")
There's also a real opportunity for a
well funded progressive Third Party presidential candidate but he has to
play to win. Well funded means 25 to 30 million in at least 17
states..Perhaps Ralph will win the lottery or that famed Hollywood Left will
do something besides give money to Dems...
"We believe our current societies are fundamentally
flawed and based on wealth accumulation, and wish to create a model nation
based on what we believe are the most important ideals."
I'm going to join the message boards and recommend seven
large cruising ships and space space I say Mars and/or orbital
habitat or bust. I'm also rejoining the message boards...
Feb. 4
I think this is my favorite blasphemy
vid. If someone ever gives the Richard Dawkins foundation 10 million and we
could run public service ads... Of course then the question would be: who
would run them? Out here on the Internets, though, there are men and women
of free will that can post this:
If that "cure" (it actually looks like a fairly
long-term treatment) works in humans and if there isn't a deadline beyond
which it doesn't work, it still only works for Type Is.
I'm type II. Crapola. Still, there's stuff coming down the pike. Hang in
And by the way, if you are type II, go to a periodontist. There's some
research showing a startling link between Type II and periodontal disease.
If periodontal disease is present, cleaning it out and clearing it up will
do wonders for blood glucose levels. Even if you're Type I, infections make
your BGs worse.
Happy holidays, btw.
Well, if I understand this and its a little technical, the
breakthrough isn't just the process but the point of view. They attacked
diabetes as if it was a disease of the nervous system. I guess, logically,
then, if you could improve your nervous system you could eliminate your
diabetes, type one or type two. Well, I couldn't do it but a former
paramedic might. By the way, there is a man who's managed to cure
his own diabetes and his name is Ray Kurzweil. His father died of the
disease and Ray used a radical approach to the disease. It seems
complicated. He's eliminated sugar from his diet and takes about 250 pills a
day. Sounds hard. He says he's stopped his cellular aging though, despite
his silver hair...
Festivus Christmas Eve
Imaginary Diety Holiday Around the Internets.
Powering cars with coal might seem like a recipe for
ecological disaster. But if fuel experts are right, a liquefied form of the
notoriously dirty mineral will be providing much of the world with its
transport fuel within the next two decades.
A while back Steve
Gilliard claimed that people who claimed that election theft was possible
were wrong and bad and awful and such. Steve needs proof,
not deductive logical proof but a Republican dumb enough to say "We
cheat and here's how we did it." By that same standard the Iraq war is
glowing success because Bush says it is. He would do well to take a good
look at what's happening in Florida's 13th district. Some
Highlights from Bradblog:
Christine Jennings and her lawyer, Kendall Coffey,
appeared Wednesday on Lou Dobbs Tonight with guest host Kitty
Pilgrim to discuss the latest news concerning Florida's 13th Congressional
District. As BRAD BLOG
has reported often (most recently
here, here and
here), Vern Buchanan was
declared the winner in Florida's 13th after the disappearance of 18,000
votes left the Republican with a paltry 369 vote lead over his opponent
Jennings. Subsequently, a handful of experts including one provided by
e-voting manufacturer ES&S, concluded that the inclusion of the missing
votes would have propelled Jennings to an easy victory based on an analysis
of the Sarasota votes which did not
spontaneously combust.
Unfortunately, the will of the people is a foreign
concept among those controlling the Florida election apparatus which
declared Buchanan the winner after recounting nothing a couple of times.
With no paper trail (much less a paper BALLOT, and there is a
big difference!), a "recount"
merely refers to state election staffers testing whether a few selected
machines are working properly and is entirely unrelated to the vote count.
By certifying Buchanan the winner, the state forced Jennings to seek relief
in the Florida courts.
This did not sit well with Sean Hannity who, with
Buchanan on as a guest a few weeks ago, found the entire affair
"unbelievable" and further evidence that Democrats are sore losers.
Juxtaposing the Hannity clip
as well as Tom Feeney's reaction to the election controversy, recounted by
Brad here, to Jennings
appearance on CNN (clip above right), makes for quite an interesting
experiment. While hardly evidence that could be used in a court of law like
the damning statistical evidence, the contrast is, nevertheless, telling.
So the black guy won the slots
deal? And he wants to invest 350 million into the lower Hill District?
Sounds good to me.
Dec. 17
The Lost Room is probably
the best show I've ever seen that's centered in Pittsburgh even though it
only looks like exterior shots and soundstage and/or Canadian proxy
shooting. Its one of the best fantasy shows ever made, better than
Heroes. They're repeating the whole six hour series tonight from 5 to 11 on
the sci fi channel. There's probably a torrent somewhere. Try not to look
into Kevin Pollack's glass eye. I haven't seen anything this good that was
made for television since the 70s version of "The Lathe of Heaven". Really
good. I hope they make this a series. It was also written on the CMU campus.
"There is no sin in making a
living changing the world. There is no sin in being able to eat, and pay
your rent, and go to sleep at night without worrying if the power is going
to be shut off tomorrow. Activists who eat, who get sleep, who have a
place to live, and know that they can put gas in their car (for however
long we have it) tend to do much better work than activists who are
starving, hungry and poor. It's the Rockefellers who have sold activists
on the notion that you have to be poor, and that's for the precise purpose
of making you ineffective."
This is the kind of advice
that the ACORNS, the PIRGs, and the Grassroots Campaign would be well
advised to actually take. If you're looking for more info on this, then
here's Greg Bloom's
complete series of articles about the failed attempt to organize both
canvassers and callers in Los Angeles. Note to DAM phone callers: The Fund
simply shut down the offices in LA. The DAM phone center used to be local
but it's now owned by a
national calling chain that could probably use the nuclear option as
well. I really think the solution is to rebuild both the field and phone
canvasses from scratch, with worker protections and standards already in
place. More info on the Internets about this: Here's Greg Bloom's complete
series of articles about the
Fund's unionbusting
activities in LA. (Pittsburgh's Working America, run by the
AFL-CIO, and which used to canvass, also has a union but I'm not
sure what its status is. That would be a legitimate story by the way:
Union shop engages in union busting tactics. I'm not sure what the answer
is there.) Here's the official
website for that group that organized the union efforts in LA. Earlier
I mentioned that there was a recent book published that talked about the
history of the canvass but I couldn't recall its name, until now. That
book is called "Activism,
Inc.: How the Outsourcing of Grassroots Campaigns Is Strangling
Progressive Politics in America." Here's a short excerpt that the
America Prospect
Here's a thought that I just
concluded: The Jews are right that Jesus Christ, if he ever existed,
wasn't the son of God and probably that virgin birth thing too. However,
the message of Christ is superior to the one in the Old Testament. Still,
I have to agree with Bertrand Russell that if you're going with fantasy
gods Buddha seems to be the best of the lot. I also prefer the afterlife
in "What Dreams May Come". And a flying Pony. Or a flying dinosaur raptor
I could ride. Or a working Moller aircar. It's all good in fantasy land...
I find this reworking of the Star
Trek franchise frightening, although it is more Battlestar Gallacticaish.
Vulcan no longer a member of the Federation? Heresy I sez.
Philias writes "A new
web-based Star Trek Animated Series may be in the works. CBS is
considering a pitch by veteran Trek producer Dave Rossi for a 'Clone Wars'
style animated series for Like Clone Wars the episodes would
be just a few minutes long. Unlike the old animated Trek show from the
70s, this one would be with a whole new crew set in a new time period. The
setting is to be a war-torn post-9/11-like Trek universe 150 years after
the time of Picard." From the post: "The Zero Room team felt that
the time was right for a new approach to Trek. The setting is the year
2528 and the Federation is a different place after suffering through a
devastating war with the Romulans 60 years earlier. The war was sparked
off after a surprise attack of dozens of 'Omega particle' detonations
throughout the Federation creating vast areas which become impassible to
warp travel and essentially cut off almost half the Federation from the
rest. During the war the Klingon homeworld was occupied by the Romulans,
all of Andoria was destroyed and the Vulcans, who were negotiating
reunification with the Romulans, pulled out of the Federation. The setting
may seem bleak and not very Trek-like, but that is where the show's hero
Captain Alexander Chase comes in."
cure fo diabetes? This disease killed both my father and my uncle and
is due to kill me within about 15 years. So this would be nice if it was
Dec 12
A Pedestrian by the book Tuesday Morning Around the
I missed
Staniland and the Wool Gathering blogger at Scott McCloud's thing last
Thursday afternoon. That was a great slide show presentation. If you love
comics, then those images just have a lot of meaning for you. He even had
his daughter give a brief presentation. I guess he's trying to turn his kids
into show people. Might as well have named 'em Dweezil and Moon Unit.
They're blogging
about their book tour here and
the Pittsburgh gig specificially. (One reason I missed the
Wool Gatherer is
that I don't know what she looks like and I don't link to her. (Not
political enough.(She must have a career she wants to keep..)). I did check
out her site though. She writes children books and does the audio work for
them. I
honestly thought she gave great voice. She sounds like a professional
actress...NPR Quality.)
Dec 11
End of Monday Night Around the Internets
The IWW strikes another Starbucks.
I learned that from this professionally written
Indy Media report. It features my old pal Lisa Stolarski who has
just a fantastic athletic body and whom I lust after despite her bouts of
Ker- Razy...Please don't sue me. I've always admired for her
progressive politics. Lisa is also a very good writer and I wonder if she
wrote this press account, which, has the Mark of a Professional. Even
features poetry. Take it away Lisa:
"IWW member Lisa Stolarski stated that workers will
keep its focus on why the Union is protesting Starbucks—to stop anti-union
behavior and reinstate the six pro-union Starbucks workers fired for
exercising their legal right to organize. "The corporate world is watching
Starbucks right now,” said Stolarski. “If Starbucks gets away with illegally
firing workers for organizing activity, then this behavior sets a precedent
for chain corporations worldwide. It is essential that every worker and
every unionist stand up for the Starbucks Six, because in defending the
baristas' right to organize we defend the foundation of unionism."
Coincidentally enough
I met Lisa at DAM (where we both used to make calls on behalf of the
Sierra Club, NARAL, the DNC etc.) a call center hothouse that has since
moved to the South Side. I understand the workers there are thinking about
unionizing. They could probably use a hand from the IWW...does the IWW pay
its organizers anything? Just curious...
Dec. 6
Late Wednesday night early Thursday morning Around the
Scott McCloud is speaking at 4:30
pm at CMU which means I don't have to choose between his presentation and
the Stillers.
Praise Science.
The people
behind the great yet very depressing documentary "The Corporation" have
released a shareware version of their film
with tipjar in hand. If you're
one of the readers out there with a few cents to share this holiday season
(based on delusion of course) then consider
giving. This is part
Nov. 30
"Lament and Anger"--That's the title of tonight's
Around the Internets. Not to be confused with "Love
and Anger" or "Love
and Money."
Scott McCloud will be
speaking here in Pittsburgh December 7th at CMU. He's probably the best guy
on Earth when it comes to the theory of comics. His books are also wonderful
and elegant reads. I reviewed one of
his books
here. Check out some of
his online essays here. Definitely will try to make that.
with Ed Burns, the creator of The Wire, one of the best shows ever. Ed
Burns not only used to work homicide but taught as a public school teacher. More tube news:
preview of the
Monday night's Heroes. Two disturbing vids
from Kurt Nimmo about the history of
our wars against the Third World (short version: generally we just
murder poor brown and yellow people.) and
a trailer for a movie about the
many mercs in Iraq who, quite frankly, are completely unaccountable. Kurt
writes a longer piece where he argues that these private forces are death
squads. That does have a Latin American kind of familiarity to it.. Atheism
student has been expelled for talking about atheism, or, in this case,
expressing his out of control idea that he doesn't think leprechauns are real.
There's a great
series at the Daily
Kos/MYDD about how people were trying to organize a PIRG office in Los
Angeles and the predictable Wal Mart like response to the effort from the
Nader spawned PIRGS. Its part of a bigger story--I think someone wrote a
book about it--about how most jobs on the left--ACORN, the PIRGS, the
Grassroots campaign--kinda suck. Its not just the low pay. It's the fact
that there's no job security and you're kind of treated like just another
disposable retail worker. I can publicly
testify that ACORN is the zaniest. For God's sake stay away from them.
Here's kind of a defense, sorta. It matters because people's first
experience with the American Left is likely to be a very negative one. ACORN
and PIRG people are almost cult like. Not good for the movement. Even more related:
The IWW is in town and they're attempting to unionize canvasses. Or at least
what I read at the bottom of My ACORN piece:
No one doubts that the canvass industry is notorious for underpaying and
undervaluing its workers. The high turnover rate and low morale are clear
indications that canvass workers struggle each and everyday. As frontline
workers in the most high profile, successful and lucrative political,
environmental and social justice movements of our day, we deserve better. We
recruit and build membership and fill the coffers of some of the biggest and
most respected non-profits in the world. Without professional canvassers,
these organizations would collapse.
The Pittsburgh Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) want you to know that
canvass workers have a right to demand better working conditions, pay, and
hours—but we can only stand up for ourselves and our families if we organize
across the industry. By the remarkable similarity of unacceptable working
experiences for most canvassers, it is clear that the bosses have conspired
to prey upon us as expendable, transient, and voiceless workers.
But let us remember the famous words of IWW
founder, Mother Jones: “My friends, it is solidarity of labor we want. We do
not want to find fault with each other, but to solidify our forces and say
to each other: ‘We must be together; our masters are joined together and we
must do the same thing.’”
DON’T AGONIZE, ORGANIZE--with the Pittsburgh IWW Canvassers Union. For more
information, contact:
Richard Dawkins had some really
interesting things to say about South Park, Ted Haggard and the Steven
Colbert show here:
Finally, I have repeatedly been asked what I think of South Park and of
Ted Haggard’s downfall. I won’t say much about either. Schadenfreude is not
an appealing emotion so, on Haggard, I’ll say only that if it wasn’t for
people of his religious persuasion, people of his sexual persuasion would be
free to do what they like without shame and without fear of exposure. I
share neither his religious nor his sexual persuasion (that’s an
understatement), and I’m buggered if I like being portrayed as a cartoon
character buggering a bald transvestite. I wouldn’t have minded so much if
only it had been in the service of some serious point, but if there was a
serious point in there I couldn’t discern it. And then there’s the matter of
the accent they gave me. Now, if only I could be offered a cameo role in The
Simpsons, I could show that actor how to do a real British accent.
and here:
I had a good time in New York. The Colbert show was
fun, notwithstanding my misgivings before (which I have removed, because
they now seem misplaced). While I was waiting, he came in to see me as
himself, introduced himself and made sure that I understood his act: “You
know I play a complete idiot?” I must say, when he is in character, he does
it extremely well. The real Colbert is obviously highly intelligent and a
very nice man. Aficionados seem divided about 50/50 over whether the real
Colbert is religious. He is obviously too intelligent to be religious in any
simple conventional sense. I suspect either that it amuses him to blur the
distinction between his ‘character’ and the real Colbert. Or perhaps he is
religious in the Einsteinian sense that all of us are, and goes to church
because, like Martin Rees, he ‘believes in belief’ (Dan Dennett’s happy
Related: There's 15 hours online
of the Beyond Belief conference. I was blown away by
session 9. Features atheists going at each other at a much higher level
than, say, Ted Haggard vs. Dawkins. (Personally I think its just
professional jealousy on how successful both Harris' and Dawkins' books have
Nov. 26
Looks like
Staniland and
Mark Rauterkaus have come out against gambling in the Hill District. I
understand that the black clergy is against because they're against
"gambling"--it appears that they must have missed those Pennsylvania lottery
I'm going to disagree. The question for
me has to do with civil liberties and also costs versus benefits. From what
I've read, Capri, the bidder with the most amount of money on table is
promising millions of dollars in public redevelopment and a 30 percent
hiring rate for minorities (And in Pittsburgh that just isn't a small thing.
In fact, considering the forces that are pushing deindustrialization it
could be years before it won't be such a small thing.) Second, gambling
seems to be the only kind of taxation that people actually like. Its not as
if you stop gambling in the hill then people stop gambling. They just go to
the tracks in West Virginia or Vegas or Atlantic City. Ditto for
prostitution by the way. Legalize and decriminalize I sez. Might as well
keep the money local. From what it looks like the benefits outweigh the
costs. I also find this somewhat spontaneous opposition to be suspicious.
Tonya Payne
has never heard of the opposition. I suppose if I was jaded I might
think that they were funded by opposition gambling bidders and not a
spontaneous opposition but I like to bask in the ocean of my naiveté.
But I would
like to know their point of view. Over the next couple of days I'll be
listening to
I had totally forgotten about this
but who did the Pittsburgh Courier finally endorse? Well, they
didn't endorse Lynn Swann, but they did endorse Rick Santorum. Yeah,
right. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: There is no
legitimate black press in the US. There is no African American Al Jazeera
that represents the interests of Black Americans who vote for the Democratic
as opposed to traitorous black republicans and generally
dim people.
It's a fucking crime. If you want to find legitimate non sellout black
opinion you must journey to the Internets, period.
Speaking of the legitimate black
press, the people behind the Black Commentator, the closest thing we have to
the late and missed Emerge Magazine,
are doing a new project.
They do nice safe corporate media stories like "The
Niggerization of Palestine." (hat tip to Uncle Scam at Amsam for that
I have to admit that I wasn't that impressed with the new Bond film. Should
have blown my last six dollars on The Fountain. Perhaps next week. I thought
the performances were interesting. I like the athleticism of the new Bond. I
suppose at the core of Bond movies is always a troubling politics. In the
real world, half of the things that Bond would be doing I would kind of
hate, probably destabilizing Chavez or working overtime to fix the
Nicaraguan elections. Here, we know he's trying to stop a funding network
for "terrorists" (Good
luck.). We don't know if they're people whose eyes bleed blood or if
they're just nationalists who want the US out of Iraq. Just once, at 24 or
one of the Bond films, I would like one of those bad terrorists to tell us
why they hate the US. I bet they could give us a
legitimate reason or two.
But all they do is snarl and torture people, which is something that
only really really bad
Bond villains would authorize, in movies anyway. For me, while it was a
nice gritty recentering of the series, the world needs a stylized reshoot
like in Sin City. Of course, there's always my fave unwritten science
fiction masterpiece: James Bond in outer space. That way you could do more
with locales. That's what I enjoyed most about the Star Wars movies: those
snazzy alien worlds. You could even do interesting things with alien virtual
worlds. Even came up for a name for the journalist hero, kind of Greg Palast
with weapons: His name would be Skychom. Izzy Skychom. If I ever write
it...don't bet on it.
The reasons given for this
congressional Stockholm syndrome don’t stand up to scrutiny. “It would
tear the country apart,” many say, as if that hasn’t already happened. It
was the Clinton impeachment which accomplished that, and perhaps the
nation would benefit psychically from a well justified tit for that
brazenly opportunistic tat. But even if it doesn’t, Bush needs to be
Bush needs to be impeached
because Bush worshippers just plain deserve it. It was they that were
giddy with self-righteous rage, so desperate to take Clinton down that
they didn’t care how pathetic their excuse was. They need to be paid back,
and to know they asked for it. They need to be demoralized and dismissed
before they take the government back and damage it further. They need,
after all, to know their reign was a colossal failure, a blight on the
record. They need to know that now and forever, George W. Bush will be to
presidents what OJ Simpson is to all-star running backs. These people
understand things in terms of winning and losing, and they need to know
that, in the end, they lost.
needs to be impeached because the only language these people understand is
power. Their hearts will not be touched by forgiveness. Any mercy is a
sign of weakness to them. If you want to earn a thug’s respect, you’ve got
to kick his ass up and down the block. No negotiation. No compromise.
Slash and burn. Teach these assholes a lesson. Leave them broken and
gasping in a puddle of their own urine. Don’t ever let them forget the
humiliation and the shame of it.
beyond revenge and humiliation—the reasons that Republicans will actually
understand—Bush needs to be impeached because he is a criminal of the
highest order, and because tolerating criminals at the seat of power is
itself a crime against the nation. The core problem in Washington today is
not the president’s lack of respect for the law; it’s that congress has
done nothing about it. The first step toward restoring a reasonable
government is correcting that.
Bush needs to be impeached for
the same reason any conservative will tell you that drug offenders need to
go to jail forever. In other words, if a president abuses his power,
misleads the nation, flouts the constitution, breaks longstanding
international laws and ignores congress—and then, when the opposition
takes power, nothing happens—what kind of message does that send to the
next power-mad president? Bush—and Cheney—need to be impeached because
that’s how this thing works.
Bush needs to be impeached, but
it’s not going to happen. Not a chance. Because as wrong as the
Republicans are, they’re right about one thing: the Democrats just don’t
have the courage to do what’s right.
Related: Debate
over at the John
Conyers blog over impeachment. Look, this frak-up of an idiot
president stole the presidency twice by making sure that African Americans
couldn't vote. I want my vengeance. By the way, impeachments work great
for the party pursing the impeachments. Politically, its great for the
dems. Even if they had relentless and ruthless hearings day after day
without impeachment it would be great. So the corporate media and
Washington's wise old men won't report it and don't want it--probably
because they want the republicans to win.. Fuck 'em. We don't need or even
want them anymore.
Introduction: Pre-Election
Concern, Election Day Relief, Alarming Reality
There was an unprecedented level
of concern approaching the 2006 Election (“E2006”) about the vulnerability
of the vote counting process to manipulation. With e-voting having
proliferated nationwide, and with incidents occurring with regularity
through 2005 and 2006, the alarm spread from computer experts to the media
and the public at large. It would be fair to say that America approached
E2006 with held breath.
For many observers, the results
on Election Day permitted a great sigh of relief—not because control of
Congress shifted from Republicans to Democrats, but because it appeared
that the public will had been translated more or less accurately into
electoral results, not thwarted as some had feared. There was a relieved
rush to conclude that the vote counting process had been fair and that the
concerns of election integrity proponents had been overblown.
Unfortunately the evidence
forces us to a very different and disturbing conclusion: there was gross
vote count manipulation and it had a great impact on the results of E2006,
significantly decreasing the magnitude of what would have been, accurately
tabulated, a landslide of epic proportions. Because virtually all of this
manipulation appears to have been computer-based, and therefore invisible
to the legions of at-the-poll observers, the public was informed of
“isolated incidents and glitches” but remains unaware of the far greater
story: The electoral machinery and vote counting systems of the United
States did not honestly and accurately translate the public will and
certainly can not be counted on to do so in the future.
Only 7,000 votes separates the
Democratic Senatorial candidate Jim Webb from incumbent Republican George
Allen. Leading up to the election, the State of Virginia rejected more
than 91,000 names submitted from voter drives, blocking their
registrations. The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law
School says that Virginia’s +methods of rejecting voters had a notably
racial bias. Golly. Put the two numbers together — the 91,000 citizens
questionably barred from voting and the teeny-weeny Senate vote margin,
and Virginia begins to look a lot like Florida on the Potomac.The blockade
of voters at the Virginia polling station doors followed on last year’s
promise of Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman to mount a,
“challenge to voter eligibility” in Virginia. Mehlman vowed, through an
attack on the voter rolls, to “do whatever we can” to keep control of
Virginia. And he did. Voters blocked (and other purged from voter rolls)
received “provisional ballots.” The state only counts about 15% of these.
You do the math and tell me who
really won Virginia and the Senate.
And let’s not talk about the
Montana vote - and we won’t now that Rumsfeld’s useless carcass has been
thrown in front of the TV cameras.
--From Greg Palast
And from the Free Press:
The percentage of uncounted votes
in the allegedly "fraud free" 2006 Ohio election is actually higher than the
fraud-ridden 2004 election, when the presidency was stolen here. A flawed
voting process that allowed voters to be illegally turned away throughout
the morning on Election Day may have cost the Dems at least two
Congressional seats and a state auditor's seat.
The evidence comes directly from the official website of GOP Secretary of
State J. Kenneth Blackwell
Blackwell website. But researchers wishing to verify the number of
uncounted ballots from that web site should do so immediately, as Blackwell
is known for quickly deleting emb+a+rrassing evidence. In 2004, Blackwell
deleted the evidence of excessive uncounted votes after the final results
were tallied.
Despite Democratic victories in five of six statewide partisan offices, an
analysis by the Free Press shows a statistically implausible shift of votes
away from the Democratic Party statewide candidates on Election Day,
contrasted with the results of the Columbus Dispatch's final poll. The
Dispatch poll predicted Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland
winning with 67% of the vote. His actual percentage was 60%. The odds of
this occurring are one in 604 million.
So let's define the election the
right way: It was great that the Democrats won majorities in both the House
and the US Senate, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a need for serious
reform of our election machinery. But first, one more quote from Steve
Gilliard, who,
here, speaks his master's voice, Markos (thoughts on him
here and
here). Turns out, after about six years of work, seven or eight books by
great writers and world class thinkers, Kos wants to
help the voter integrity movement. I mean its a good turn and all and
we'll take the hope but Greg Palast, Mark Crispin Miller and Bob Fitrakis
were way out front on this. Okay here's his quote from Steve:
After all
the bullshit about how Rove was going to steal our elections, after all the
times I explained how this was not possible, here's the case. Diebold
machines simply suck. Hacking is less of a problem than that they just don't
work. But it's easier to whine and bitch than do.
Well, first,
it wasn't bullshit. In fact,
had the "white redneck" vote turned out as usual it would have worked.
"It", as
has been stated many a time by various voter rights advocates, would
have been a combination of both voter suppression (and the notorious non
counting of provisional ballots in Ohio and elsewhere.) and machine hacks.
Of course, as has been pointed out here and other places we're not allowed
to even look at the election machines to even figure out if there has been a
hack. There was a massive legal fight to preserve the 2004 ballots that was
won without the help of Markos.
So, to sum up,
its great that dems won but that doesn't mean that the machines worked
because your side won. In fact, it means nothing if you believe in
democracy. Our goal now is to push Conyers and/or Waxman to look into this.
Ask him to invite people like Greg Palast, Mark Crispin Miller, and Bob
Fitrakis to capital hill. This is still the most important issue. The
overall goal, of course, is to restore and protect the black and latino
vote. If that happens, then the current majorities in congress can be held
and expanded upon.
You never know.
The Republicans might figure out not to charge the rednecks 3 dollars a
gallon or more--and not to lower the prices right around election time that
tells everybody "we think you're stupid"-- by 2008 and all our gains will
vanish. (I really hope Conyers
reads and
helps enact this.)
Nov. 16
Well, what do you know.
Someone, with little respect for
the law, posted my review of
Thomas Friedman's book "The World is Flat" at Daily Motion where I can watch Veronica Mars
and Superman reruns all day. Damn those French. Just awful. But it is cool
to hear my words read by a cool Bill Curtis like pro actor type.
And I'm having
a very civil discussion with Steve Gilliard about the merits of Greg
Palast. Very polite with a Masterpiece Theater tone.
I have also now seen both Richard
Dawkins episodes of South Park and read the aforementioned debate.
I wanted to comment on one aspect that appeared in both venues, and also
even in the Wired article which I have yet to comment on. And that's this
idea that telling people that their god given delusions are, well,
delusions, isn't very nice. Or as it was so eloquently put in South Park,
and I'm going to paraphrase from memory: "being a dick about it".
Well, it should be said that sensible
Brights like
myself were quite okay to live and let live...until it became clear that
religious forces won't allow us to do this. It started for me with this
overall realization that when fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist
Moslems get their hands on nukes then we're probably all dead. It started
showing up specifically when these backward delusions started getting in the
way of science policy--everything from the teaching of evolution to stem
cell research. I'm okay with you believing that Santa Claus has a wonderful
place for you after death full of virgins and hellish eternal torment for
your enemies/people that don't agree with you (how Christian) but not if it
interferes with the greater good in the here and the now. I think that the
major religions are life hating and as Bertrand Russell has stated they are
unworthy of strong independent men and women, as opposed to childlike sheep.
And, frankly, while I'm uncomfortable with puncturing the delusions of
believers, if rudeness is necessary to save the world then a dick shall I Funky Dung can certainly attest to.
Nov. 10
From wild comics
stylist Warren Ellis of all
people. I guess because of shows like Comedy Central and the Colbert Report
Brits know our bad apples as well as anybody. By the way, when Howard Dean
told Jon Stewart "thank you" for the wave he was right. Success has many
fathers as they say. (Gawd, look at that scary Home-Schooled glaze of
theocratic hatred from the son..."Begone satanic forces...I shall avenge
On Friday,
November 10, the Thomas Merton Center will honor Professor Angela Davis,
educator, civil rights activist and anti-prison industrial complex
advocate, at the annual Merton Award Dinner. The event will be held at the
Sheridan at Station Square on the Southside of Pittsburgh. The social hour
will start at 6pm and dinner will begin promptly at 7pm. Entertainment
will be provided by local spoken word poet, Nathan James and special
musical guests. Raffle prizes include a one-week getaway at a cabin in the
scenic Allegheny Mountains, a package of tickets to local entertainment
and cultural events and a refurbished bike from Free Ride, Pittsburgh's
only recycled bike program. The raffle winners will be drawn and announced
at the event so make sure to purchase your tickets ahead of time! Raffle
tickets are $5.00 a piece.
The Dinner is now sold out. There are no more seats available. Thank you
to everyone who reserved their seat!
Nov. 8
Obviously I'm thrilled with the election results. But I
just wanted to win the house. It looks like we're going to win the US
Senate. Of course, now, the filibuster will be completely legal and used
every other minute to thwart meaningful legislation. The problem this
creates is that the dems still won't have real power and the republicans can
run against the Democratic Congress in 2008. I don't know how many problems
dems can solve within two years. Still, its a nice problem to have. And good
riddance to Rumsfield. Can't wait for the Dingell, Rangel, Waxman and
Conyers chairmanships to begin.
I have also replaced this
icon in the lefthand corner:
with this:
Until I'm dragged off to one of those detention centers
for reeducation of course....
Well I'm still tired from knocking on doors Saturday. Over
the last three weeks I've knocked on doors for Ed Rendell, Bob Casey, Jason
Altmire and even Shawn Flaherty. The democrats should win but we should have
won in 2000 and 2004 as well. I really really hope this piece by Greg Palast
is wrong. Even if they're cheating its much harder to rig house races
throughout the country. The dems are competitive in 40 house races and they
just need to win 15. Anyway, I'm leaving to go vote. Again, hope Greg is
Nov. 3
America, founded in secularism as a beacon of
eighteenth century enlightenment, is becoming the victim of religious
politics, a circumstance that would have horrified the Founding Fathers. The
political ascendancy today values embryonic cells over adult people. It
obsesses about gay marriage, ahead of genuinely important issues that
actually make a difference to the world. It gains crucial electoral support
from a religious constituency whose grip on reality is so tenuous that they
expect to be 'raptured' up to heaven, leaving their clothes as empty as
their minds. More extreme specimens actually long for a world war, which
they identify as the 'Armageddon' that is to presage the Second Coming.
--Richard Dawkins quote I think...
Well, if the idea that any
publicity is good publicity, then Richard Dawkins appearing on South Park
Wednesday was pretty cool. (You can see the episode here
at Daily Motion which never pulls down anything. I 'm still waiting for
one thing to be withdrawn. Those damn French.) But it didn't show Mr.
Dawkins in a very flattering light. According to the message board at
Dawkins net one of the South Park boys hates Atheism as much as he hates
Scientology, Mormonism and Catholicism. That just isn't intellectually
consistent. And did they have to show Saint Richard having sex with that,
you know, unattractive creationist...I mean, Jesus Christ. Or "Oh Science!"
By the way, when we succeed in our evil plan to turn everyone into an
atheist I don't think that will mean the end of human conflict. I just think
that we will find better things to kill each other over. Dying over
Christianity or Islam is not unlike dying for the Easter Bunny or the Great
Pumpkin. What could be sillier than dying for myths and pretend after
Speaking of why some of us are put
off by the hypocrisy of the Christian Church, then let us look
no further than Mr. Haggard. If you watched Mr. Dawkins first special
"The Root of all Evil" then you've already met this fundamentalist preacher
and alleged partner of male prostitutes and meth addict. This is why I
admire Richard Dawkins and have very little respect for these modern day
Elmer Gantrys. Check out
Dawkins vs. Ted
One more
thing: "Hacking Democracy" will be on tonight on HBO. News
about that here and Diebold's
attempts to quash it.
adding Laura Staniland's new blog "The
Ideas Bucket" to the local Pittsburgh blogroll. She's an activist with
the League of Pissed off Voters and she's pretty. Please don't hold either
against her. More blogging tonight when I have time. Yes, there will be some
comment on the Richard Dawkins South Park. Quick review:
and contemptuous of all sides, but funny. Per usual.
Oct. 31
Trick? You're living in a
country where the will of the people can be subverted by computer hacking
and the Democratic Party seems to be in on it....Boo! Scary stuff huh? You
can fight it by way of parallel elections. Or even by photographing your
vote by cell phone. Got this from Richard "Our
Bob Fitrakis" King:
Dear friends,
The Theft of American Elections
is a Media Issue
The loss of our right to vote (or have it
counted) is a media issue which is why you are all getting this
email. I've talked a lot about the effects of media ownership
consolidation on the destruction of democracy by permitting a few
corporations to fail to report the essential information we need to
be a self-governing people. Not only does the main stream media
refuse to investigate and report on the impossible discrepancies
between the 'official' count and the exit polls, but they are
actively complicit in this fraud. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox and the
AP own the exit polls and have defied John Conyers' request for the
raw data, keeping that data secreted from even qualified independent
We are all trying to take optimism from the lead
democrats have in the polls going into the election. Keep in mind
that they had these leads in 2002, when the Republicans got
themselves total control, and they had even greater promise going
into the 2004 elections. If you are still not convinced of the
massive fraud that is going on, you can look at my 'cliff notes'
version about the theft, which I wrote thinking people might read a
few pages as opposed to an entire book .
Exit polls have historically been seen as the
gold standard of reliability and are still considered as such
everywhere in the world, except here. How is it that exit polls
were relied on for a half century in this country and then suddenly
they were wrong in 2000, and again in 2002 and again in
2004? Steven Freeman, author of Was the 2004
Presidential Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the
Official Count, had analyzed the exit
polls of the swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida in 2004
and concluded that the odds of the exit polls being as far off as
they were are 250 million to one! And still the media utterly
failed to question the evidence before its eyes.
It is precisely because the exit polls are so
reliable in proving the actual vote that for the first time in a
half century, there will be no exit polls this year. The media
consortium which owns the exit polls is actively suppressing the
evidence we need to maintain our democracy: in this case information
about how we've lost the ability to elect or evict our government.
Without exit polls, it will be exceedingly difficult to have the
evidence establishing the theft. Just like electronic voting, not a
trace of evidence should be left to expose the greatest theft of
this country's history.
How to fight back?
Firstly, we need the most massive turnout -- some
people think if it's high enough we can overcome the level of the
theft. Others think it will at least make it more difficult for the
Republicans to explain how they somehow won again, even though
Americans have never returned, and never would return, such an
unpopular, incompetent and corrupt crew to office.
Secondly, we need independent exit
polling. Independent exit polls have been used successfully to
prevent fraud. See for inspiration, Thom Hartmann's How to Take
Back a Stolen Election,,
in which he describes how the elections in post Soviet countries --
where, like here, there was evidence the regime in power was
planning to steal the elections and where, like here, the main
stream media was either controlled by, beholden to, or owned by
supporters of the regime in power -- were saved from the
intended theft by the use of independent exit polls. If the
Ukrainians can do it, why not us?
Now we have independent exit polls. Steve Freeman
has teamed up with Ken Warren of The Warren Poll and created exit
polls you can do this year,
instructions for doing your own exit poll (also annexed here as
an attachment along with the Sample Questionnaire you'll need).
It would be great if as many of you who can, try
to do your own exit polls this year or if you're already committed
this year, then next year and/or 2008. Sign on now at and be sure to click on "amateur
pollsters" in the signup form. Don't wait till later to sign up- we
have to build our forces for 2007 and 2008 now and this way we can
stay in touch and keep you informed.
The Vote Count Projection Project will be developing a
nationally coordinated exit polling project for 2008. If you do
exit polling this year pursuant to the instructions provided here,
your input from this year's experience will be greatly appreciated.
Developing independent exit polls on a national
basis is a huge undertaking, but what choice do any of us have. It
is nothing less than our ability to exist as a free democracy that
is at stake. It is after all, our duty:
"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil
Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty
to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair
inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us
with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and
transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an
everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as
it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence
without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of
false and designing men." - Samuel Adams
Letter from Richard "Our
Bob Fitrakis" King
about how easy it is to do
parallel elections. Apparently, you just put a video recorder in the
polling booth and that serves as a permanent record for some volunteers,
kind of like heightened exit polling. That would, conceivably, make
elections harder to steal. That's brilliant. Nothing from Markos about this.
Here's Richard's letter, published in the Post Gazette:
Two simple steps could help
safeguard these elections.
Safeguarding the integrity of elections is fundamentally an American
value and should be a nonpartisan effort. Paper ballots with routine
audits are among the best safeguards available for electronic elections.
Voter verification of paper records for audits and recounts strengthens
confidence in our elections.
Last month in Washington, D.C., a majority of congressional
representatives vouched support for HR 550, the voter-verified paper
record bill. While awaiting passage of this legislation, Pennsylvania
officials should take two steps to help safeguard our elections for
testing of voting machines on Election Day is a way to audit the
accuracy of the software on Election Day. It is inexpensive and doable
for November's election. In parallel testing a video camera documents
the test votes cast by volunteers and at the end of the day a comparison
is made of the votes cast with the votes tallied. The process is
intended to catch vote fraud.
Additionally, our county
should verify that the software on our voting machines is that certified
by the state. Counties across our nation receive their voting machines
from overseas manufacturers without verifying the software. Software
verification should occur before and after each election.
These steps toward safeguarded
elections would be unnecessary if we had voter-verified paper ballots
with routine audits. But until we do have transparency in elections with
meaningful audits and recounts, our county should make every effort to
enhance the confidence of the voters.
You might have heard that
New York Indy Media reporter was killed in Oaxaca Mexico, which
apparently is having a somewhat successful working class revolt against the
state. Sort of if Ohio fought to secede I guess. Not something covered
intensely and/or favorably by the either your somewhat sane center right
corporate Free Press (post gazette) or your crazed and deranged farthest
right corporate Free Press (tribune review). Who knew.
You might not have heard that
Pittsburgh Indy Media has two guys from the radical
POG group (no doubt the first to be invited to those new fangled
detention centers)
down there who were just footsteps away from the shooting.
Jack Reed
lives. He just doesn't work for corporate media outlets.
Here's a snippet:
As of this writing, the Priistas
have set up their own barricades within the neighborhood, APPO has activated
the mobile brigades, 4 or 5 people have died, dozens injured, and barricade
3 remains up, reinforced, and alert. Among the attackers were local
municipal police (such as Abel Santiago Zarate and Juan Carlos Soriano
Velasco) and politicians/PRI thugs (such Manuel Aguilar and Pedro Carmona,
the man identified as Brad Will's killer), all from the neighborhood. Though
the two of us had slightly differing expectations of how the day would pan
out, neither of us expected an attack of this kind or magnitude in broad
daylight. The diversity of people who fought the Priista attackers was
astounding. We saw young kinds helping to gather cohetes and Molotovs. We
saw old women armed with rocks making their way to the front. We saw people
wearing circle As, hammer and sickles, and people who didn't wear their
political identity on their sleeves. In the end, it didn't matter who you
were, only what side you stood on.
Yep. The PG's Samantha Bennett gives me
that same kind
of vibe. Yeah, "almost like a blog", right. Look, it is not the format
it's the content.
I'm adding the Steven
Barnes--prolific and commercial black writer-- blog "Dar
Kush" to the permalinks. Should have added
George Dvorsky long
Speaking of your sell out Truman
Show press, I see the Pittsburgh Courier has given us a
bizarre editorial telling black people not to vote. There is no
independent national black press in this country by the way. Rod Doss is a
radical republican pro lifer (supports clinic bombing for example) who's
supported Republican candidates and agendas ever since the mid 80s whenever
I last worked for him. (And I refused to write pro life propaganda articles
for him.)The paper has been pretty good over the last several months in that
at least they work hard Tribune Review kind of way. Probably so the paper
can tell black people not to vote (that might trend Republican by the way,
just a bit...) and to endorse Lynn Swann in all probability...Sigh.
Oh, by the way, if you do the crazy
thing and vote, in numbers too large to steal even though no such number
exists as long as the dems are mysteriously Washington Generals silent on
the vote theft issue, you would create the most
black delegation ever in the US House. Seems to be missing from my
probably Scaife funded "black" paper the New Pittsburgh Courier.
of but they work hard for the radical right agenda, I did learn something
from the Courier about
Rendell's plan to undercut these Payday Loan Sharks with a more
reasonable loan system. I'm voting for Ed Rendell by the way. He's Jewish.
In fact, I'm doing GOTV for the Dems where I proudly state that I'm voting
for Ed Rendell, often to African Americans. Yet I've been banned from both
the Daily Kos and the Booman Tribune for talking about AIPAC and whether its
prudent to have two Jewish Americans like Schumer and Rahm run the party's
take back congress efforts if they support the Iraq War, which happens to be
a proxy war for Israel. One, you would pick conservative replacements like
Bob Casey who support the war and two: You wouldn't really mind if the
Republicans won and you wouldn't mind too much about a vote theft issue that
allowed them to.
Oct. 27
This is almost an hour long
but its a nice summary of just about every argument made on the voter fraud
front. First, this guy's credentials: He's an MIT PHD. So he's probably not
completely dim. Disturbing things I learned from his presentation: 1. The
exit polls probably weren't wrong and in fact the larger they are the more
accurate they become. 2. Chuck Hagel not only ran a vote count company but
he resides in a state that doesn't allow recounts. 3. If this is right, then
Democrats are probably in on the fraud--the horrifying question is by how
much? Everyone? Just a few at the top? 4. The exit polling that will be done
for this election won't be real. The data won't be open to the public even
for examination. Freeman was working with People for the American Way to do
an independent exit poll but was stopped mysteriously. Just for the record,
there was no legitimate reason to do that. Of course, why don't the Dems do
it. Its within their budget. See point three.
You can find more vids here.
Related: Richard King, our local Bob Fitrakis, discovers that PC Anywhere is
installed on
our Allegheny County voting machines. I feel better already...
Also related: Over at Ars Technica
here are some
directions on how to hack an election..I
might note that the dems are far behind on the hacking wars. Hackers of the
world unite...and steal an election for dems for once. If you really want to
stop stolen elections, then steal on behalf of progressive candidates...
However, we need to look at states that we know are pretty
much compromised. So, we need 15. Let's throw out those two seats in
Florida. Let's throw out that one seat in AZ that now has a voter id law.
Let's throw out those two seats in OH and for good measure Texas. That takes
a 23 seat gain and turns it into 17. And quite frankly, we can't promise
accuracy in the machines anywhere else. We do know that if the republicans
steal it, again, the brilliant strategery of the dems, Markos and Steve
Gilliard is that we don't talk about it, ever. I also love this part of the
plan that does nothing to expose it, such as not supporting and funding
large scale volunteer exit polling and parallel voting plans. Good plan,
fellas. Related: People smarter than the dem establishment, Markos and Steve
Gilliard are working to create citizen run and funded independent exit polls
and some parallel voting. You can join them over at the
Election Defense Alliance.
(I have volunteered to help but apparently there's nothing happening in the
Pittsburgh area. So it looks like I'll be involved in Get Out the Vote
Really good issue of Biz 2.0. I
was actually impressed with the last issue as well. Those disruptive
companies, seem, well, very very disruptive. First, there's this car
company--backed by Kleiner Perkins--the gold standard of investment
firms--that looks like it could create an
electric car that really really works. More about this
company from Treehugger and
here as well. Also adding the
Energy Blog and
Clean Break to the permalinks.
device is not technically a battery because no chemicals are involved. In
fact, it contains no hazardous materials whatsoever. Yet it acts like a
battery in that it stores electricity. If it works as it's supposed to, it
will charge up in five minutes and provide enough energy to drive 500
miles on about $9 worth of electricity. At today's gas prices, covering
that distance can cost $60 or more; the EEStor device would power a car
for the equivalent of about 45 cents a gallon.
And we mean
power a car. "A four-passenger sedan will drive like a Ferrari," Clifford
predicts. In contrast, his first electric car, the Zenn, which debuted in
August and is powered by a more conventional battery, can't go much faster
than a moped and takes hours to charge.
cost of the engine itself depends on how much energy it can store; an
EEStor-powered engine with a range roughly equivalent to that of a
gasoline-powered car would cost about $5,200. That's a slight premium over
the cost of the gas engine and the other parts the device would replace --
the gas tank, exhaust system, and drivetrain. But getting rid of the need
to buy gas should more than make up for the extra
cost of an EEStor-powered car."
Sounds like a disruptive winner.
Combine that with the Google foundation attempt to create a great hybrid
car...are the Software Kings taking on the Oil Barons? I back the Software
Kings. They're competent and they don't necessarily have to kill people to
make a buck.
Here's a pic of my great great
great grandfather. He was actually a pretty wealthy guy according to my Aunt
Sonya. You can look into his eyes and see the carefree glee of his life.
Sept 25
I'm really enjoying the
Neil Gaiman Eternals. Related: Rob Owen of the Pittsburgh Post
interviews the time distorting actor in Heroes Masi Oka. Apparently, and
stereotypically (Would love to have this "good at math" stereotype by
the way), this guy is good at math and is a real computer geek who works for
Lucas' ILM. He moved from Japan when he was six to the US which explains why
future Hiro with the sword speaks better English than I do...
I'm just reading
Main story here...and check out the comments...
Oct 23
The most terrifying thing about
the Stolen election story is its permanence. In other words, if you aren't
allowed to vote them out, then in all likelihood, you won't be able to.
Ever. Greg Palast does have
some good news on
people who have managed to fight back and pass a very strong paper
ballot law in New Mexico. And no the democratic party establishment wasn't
helpful in passing it. The Washington Generals Party strikes again...
Governor Richardson, who
ducked the issue for three years, and his Secretary of State, once openly
hostile to reform, had to relent in the face of the public uprising. In
February of 2006, Richardson signed a model law requiring that all voting in
the state take place on new paper ballot machines, with verifiable
tabulating systems. Richardson now claims the mantle of leader of the voting
reform campaign.
Voter Action, successful
in New Mexico, is now pursuing lawsuits in seven states to stop the
Secretaries of State from purchasing electronic voting systems which have
records of inaccuracy, security risks, and have been proven unreliable.
In New Mexico we learned,
once again, that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. To protect your
right to vote, you must know what is happening in your state – before,
during, and after Election Day – and be willing to hold your leaders
Fitrakis reports
that, though some basic elements were required by the state, different
counties created different letters. That means there could have been as
many as 88 different letters sent out. He determined that in Ohio's Miami
county, the letters did not require a response which, failing, would cause
a purge. The vendor managing the registered voter roll was instructed not
to purge voters. But Fitrakis added that all registered voter databases
created at the county level are sent up to the Ken Blackwell's central
state voter databank, and that it is possible they were purged there, in
spite of the local county official's instructions to the vendor managing
the records at the local level.
To ascertain just what has been going on with letters to voters, Fitrakis
says, "This weekend, we are requesting the letters of all 88 counties."
Fitrakis says, as he reported to OpEdNews earlier, "If we find after our
due diligence investigation there was any inappropriate purging-- if
mistreatment for minorities or young people, we will move for an
"What we're trying to do now is to examine the letters and also, compare
the data bases, electronically, from all 88 counties, with the secretary
of state's office (database.) But there is the possibility that exists
that the private companies that have been contracted to run the voter
registration may have taken action, unless otherwise authorized
(instructed) not to by the board of elections. And the possibility remains
that the secretary of state's office could have taken action (purged voter
names from rolls) and this is still under investigation. It's not a
settled issue."
OpEdNews asked, "With the history you already know of, do you have serious
concerns that this happened?"
Fitrakis replies,
"This is the
exact same pattern of purges that occurred in three key democratic areas
in 2004-- Toledo, Cleveland and Cincinatti."
"We believe that past abuses have occurred and these initial reports would
be directly in line with the past abuses. The potential that these abuses
occurred still exists.
"We are pursuing it. We are gathering information and if that information
suggests any of these purges targetted young people or minorities, we are
in fact, going into federal court.
"We are not satisfied at this moment that this did not occur. In fact, the
evidence suggests the clear possibility that the system would allow such a
There was a
massive get together in Ohio several weeks ago that I wished I could have
attended. But, thanks to the Internets,
its all online. Here's one snippet I
I tend to think that if the Dems
take over the House then that would be a great thing because a lot of
progressives would run chairmanships. Others think nothing will change.
Those others got a boost today
when Nancy
Pelosi announced that impeachment would be off the table if the dems take
back the house. If I was John Conyers then I would be fuming right
now. I sincerely hope that the chairs ignore her and go after these
criminally incompetent clowns. This isn't blow jobs. Its war crimes, not to
mention the very minor theft of at least two national presidential
Bob Fitrakis was quoted yesterday in
an article by OpEdNews executive editor and publisher, Rob Kall,
claiming that thousands of Democrats have been recently purged from the
Ohio voter rolls:
Dr. Fitrakis, told OpEdNews,
"Essentially, by purging these rolls, the Republicans, by shrinking the
electorate, have already won in Ohio. If they can't win, which is what
the polls show among registered voters, the way to win is to use their
nuclear option-- to target black voters, young voters and the working
poor-- by purging them so they can't vote.
Reports indicate that starting as early as
shortly after the 2004 presidential elections, but particularly
recently, hundreds of thousands of voters-- mostly urban apartment
dwellers (likely black) and students-- who are primarily Democratic--
were sent notifications that they would be purged from the eligible
voter lists if they did not respond the letter. But, reportedly, the
letter was designed to be easily overlooked, perhaps treated as junk
mail. Failure to send in a response caused the voter to be removed from
the voting roll.
Fitrakis observes, "They aren't challenging
voter eligibility in Republican areas. This is coming from the
republican party. They're not targeting their own base.
"If it follows the pattern from 2004, they
will have purged heavily Democratic areas. They will challenge high
performance democratic precincts."
He probably won't get any help from the
Democratic Party for reasons that are incomprehensible or disturbing. I
mean, they're either completely dense or they're complicit. Upper tier dems
must want a fascist state too where you can kill people on a whim. I guess
they think that's cool. Meanwhile, one of the main posters at the Booman
Tribune makes the obvious conclusion: of course
the dems
should help Bob Fitrakis. If you succeed in culling away several hundred
thousand voters from primarily dem districts (as has happened) then you've
lost before the election is even held. Unless you don't really want to win.
Then the actions of the dems make perfect sense.
By the way, if you read Mark
Crispin's Miller's
Washington Spectator pieces (he's done two so far) then you realize the
dems have to know about voter fraud and have chosen to remain silent. Its
almost as if they're quite comfortable with allowing the only party that
represents minority voices, labor, the environment, etc., to lose and the
party that represents white privilege to win. Almost. Miller thinks the
picture is completely grim. I think there's some hope however. The dems need
15 seats. Right now, they're competitive in 45 to 60. Not every
congressional district has those machines. Other districts have audits and
other safeguards. Can dems find 15 dems who can win whose fate isn't tied to
these easily compromised machines. Of course, even if the dems manage to
squeak thru Miller claims that's when Republicans will bring out, just
guess, the voter fraud issue. Stunning...
I know no one asked me my frackin'
opinion but did Saul have to kill his wife? Now that he knew couldn't he
have used her to feed the enemy false info? Of course, she might not be
dead...Looks like next week its Kill the Collaborators. Meanwhile, at
Heroes, what's with the cool Hiro of the future who speaks perfect American
English? I too would like my future self to be as cool, with a sword on my
Oct. 19
Quick Afternoon Around the Internets
understand that John Kerry wants to run for president again. I will work
very hard to make sure that he isn't the nominee. By not challenging
Blackwell's tactics in 2004, at least in the courts,
he's now
poised to use them again in 2006. Thanks for not fighting Kerry. Thanks
for nothing. I'll fight for the first guy who I even think will fight for me
and that probably won't be you...if I haven't been detained in some secret
prison someplace. Here's a thought: they not only hack the machines to
ensure republicans win, but to ensure that either ineffective or Fifth
Column dems face them. Don't run Kerry.
last night's South Park. Don't always agree with the politics, but they're
funny. They're really funny. Must go and
buy some bear mace.
Crispin Miller gives you his precognitive election forecast
here and
here. Its kinda grim.
Oct. 18
More really
depressing election news despite what should be a blowout. First, looks like
Ken Blackwell has purged
1.2 million
people from the rolls. Looks like Ken has a great shot now. As I told
Steve Gilliard: never count out the guy who counts the vote.
A loaves & fishes/Holy Ghost victory for the GOP in
by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
October 17, 2006
The polls all point to a Democratic sweep in November. The news pours in
about pedophile Republicans and Team Bush contempt for their fundamentalist
bedmates. Iraq implodes. Deficits soar. Katrina lingers. Scandal is
On the other hand, there are rumors of an "October Surprise." An attack on
Iran. A new terror incident. Osama finally captured.
Gas prices are down, the stock market up.
None of it dampens the Democrats' euphoria. They think they are about to
win. In conventional terms, they should.
But think again. Please.
It will take just two Biblical fixes for the GOP to keep the Congress, and
thus solidify their power in this country, possibly forever: a loaves and
fishes vote count, a Holy Ghost turnout.
We coined the phrase "loaves and fishes vote count" to describe the tally in
Gahanna, Ohio, 2004. This infamous precinct in suburban Columbus registered
4258 votes for George W. Bush where just 638 people voted. The blessed event
occurred at a fundamentalist church run by a close ally of the Reverend
Jerry Falwell.
These numbers were later "corrected." But they reflect a much larger
reality: the 2004 election was stolen with scores of dirty tricks for whose
second coming the Democrats have yet to fully prepare.
In the two years since the fraudulent defeat of John Kerry, we've unearthed
an unholy arsenal by which that election was stolen. They include: outright
intimidation, wrongful elimination of registered voters, theft, selective
deployment of (often faulty) voting machines, absentee ballots without
Kerry's name on them, absentee ballots pre-punched for Bush, absentee
ballots never mailed, touch screens that lit up for Bush when Kerry was
chosen, lines for black voters five hours long while white voters a mile
away voted in fifteen minutes, tens of thousands of provisional ballots
pitched summarily in the trash, alleged ex-felons illegally told they could
not vote, Hispanic precincts with no Spanish-speaking poll workers,
deliberate misinformation on official web sites…and that's not even the tip
of an iceberg whose bottom we may never see.
Thanks to a federal lawsuit, we have finally been
able to look at some of the actual ballots from Ohio 2004. Just for
starters, researchers Stuart Wright and Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips have
found a precinct in Delaware County where 359 consecutive voters allegedly
cast ballots for Bush. Dr. Ron Baiman found another precinct in Clermont
County where a random inspection found 36 straight replacement ballots, a
phenomenon that can be accomplished only by divine intervention or outright
These initial snippets have been unearthed with no cooperation or
participation from the Democratic Party. The official Democratic spin is
that they have "looked into the matter." But public records indicate that
they have yet to visit the actual ballot storage facilities to examine the
public records from the 2004 election.
In sum, we see no indication that the Democrats are prepared for the
inevitable…that Karl Rove will steal again, and more, in 2006.
In Ohio alone, four election boards have already
eliminated some 500,000 voters since the 2000 election---ten percent of the
state's electorate---from the registration rolls in four Democratic
counties. No similar purges have occurred in rural Republican counties. The
Democrats have said or done very little about it.
To date there is no logical explanation from John Kerry as to why he
conceded with 250,000 votes still uncounted while Bush's alleged margin was
just half that. Nor have we heard about Democrat plans to monitor the
ever-larger numbers of electronic voting machines deployed throughout the
United States with no paper trail and no transparency for programming codes
and memory cards that are privately owned, with no public inspection
Which is brings us to the Holy Ghost turnout. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has
reported in Rolling Stone Magazine, in Georgia 2002, U.S. Senate incumbent
Max Cleland went into Election Day with a very substantial lead in the
polls. He proceeded to allegedly lose by a substantial margin. Church-state
operatives like Ralph Reed attributed this astonishing turn-around to an
alleged last-minute mass turnout of evangelical voters.
Similar things were said about Florida and Ohio 2004.
But it never happened. There are no visual reports or other reliable
indicators of extraordinary lines or massive late-in-the-day crowds at the
polls. Throughout all those election days, it was every bit as quick and
easy to vote in rural precincts that gave Bush his miraculous victory as it
was impossible to do so in your average black neighborhood. But there was no
extraordinary turnout of last-minute Bush voters.
What happened instead hearkens to the Holy Ghost, made manifest in
electronic voting machines that cannot and will not be monitored. The
miraculous pro-Bush margins give new meaning to the phrase "ghost in the
machine." While the Democratic vote count was slashed and trashed in urban
precincts, the rural voting stations, through the miracle of untrackable
electronics, materialized just the right number of GOP votes to keep the Men
of God in the White House (where it's recently reported they dare to mock
those earthly evangelicals who allegedly gave them their margin of victory).
There's absolutely nothing to prevent this from happening again in 2006.
Major studies from the Conyers Committee, the Government Accountability
Office, Princeton University, the Brennan Center, the Carter-Baker
Commission, and esteemed others, have all come to the same conclusion: it
takes just one individual with inside access---or even just a wi-fi
machine---to change the outcome of any election anywhere.
Electronic voting machines can be pre-programmed, re-programmed,
re-calibrated, electronically adjusted, hacked, jimmied, jammed or otherwise
blessed with a few well-placed electrons and---LO AND BEHOLD!---a Democratic
landslide can be born again to a Republican deliverance.
We already see the signs. The corporate bloviators
predict a last-minute surge for Bush. The Fox/Rove media machine has planted
suggestive stories at the New York Times and elsewhere about the alleged
hidden powers of the GOP juggernaut. They will, they say, once again turn
out those invisible legions of evangelical voters when and where necessary.
Every two years, Rove leaks some story that is implausible and easily
refuted: four million new evangelical voters are identified nationwide; or,
a late surge of homophobic Old Order Amish rush to the polls in Ohio; or shy
and reluctant right-wing Republican women flood the polls at closing and
slip out unseen without speaking to exit pollsters (but, they are only shy
in the early evening in Republican counties).
And the Democrats? They say they are also turning
out voters. But what happens when their names are miraculously gone from the
new electronic registration rolls? When there aren't enough machines in
their precincts on which to vote? When they press a Democratic name on their
touch-screen and an anointed Republican's lights up? Or when techno-gods
from private partisan vendors barge in unchallenged to "adjust" the
e-machines in the middle of the voting process.
So far, the Democrats have heaped abuse on those who dare to warn of all
But as it is written, so it shall be: unless there are armies of trained,
dedicated citizens prepared to monitor this upcoming election, electronic
and otherwise, the Holy Ghosts will vote, the loaves & fishes will multiply
and be counted, and the GOP will once again emerge with total control of the
checks and the balances---this time, perhaps, for all Eternity.
Nuclear rockets
in Space! Probably not a good idea. Unless you build them in space. Here's a
question: would a nuclear submarine work in space? And Related below: I
think the
Burt Rutan rocket has the best shot at making space travel
realistic. Some of us would like to leave now, please. I'm sure they'll be a
need for bloggers in space, as opposed to doctors and engineers and
programmers. Gotta learn some new tricks...
Oct. 16
Two very depressing political
stories despite what should be a Democratic Party onslaught. One:
Counterpunch sez Rahm Emmanual picked a pro-war, pro-Israeli majority to
take over Congress.
There is a drawback to this theory: Rahm picked what he thought would be the
safest dem pickup opportunities. He might not have taken a look at those
long shots who might want to be an opposition party. Plus, a lot of
progressive dems take over chairmanships, unless Rahm changes seniority
rules. Two: Bradblog writes about
why the Bush team looks so relaxed despite facing an electoral nightmare.
Hint: never count out the person who counts the votes. Related:
Sam Smith's (Undernews guy) on
why progressive change is so hard. I agree with most of it especially
how hard it is for the "masses" to find time to do anything because you're
too stressed out and/or overworked to even attempt to change the world. But
the rise of fascism hasn't coincided with the Internet but the use of those
black box voting machines.
the Cowboy Bebops online...which can't be legal. Nor can those complete
Futuramas. Is French Daily Motion above the law? I've never seen anything
pulled from that site.
went down to Stephanie's site and told her she still has to vote. If
polling puts Republicans down in over 40 house seats and they win anyway
then even the professional voting establishment (cough kos cough) might
begin to suspect a rat. But probably not, sigh. (Kos after the election:
"Yep! We gotta go far far right! I'm wearing a swastika and I'm
deporting relatives now...! Only way to win. Only weirdos fight to fix the
machines.") Anyway, from Richard King, who I wish would get a blog, gives
us this from Mark Crispin Miller:
In response to a reader's question at
blogspot. com
("Briefly, what's being done to prevent voter-machine fraud for 2006 and
2008. What can dedicated individuals do?"), Miller writes:
As far as the next election is concerned,
there's little we can do, as some 80% of the vote will be electronically
cast or counted on Nov. 7. So it's necessary that we take these other
A) Support the independent exit polls
planned by the Election Defense Alliance, at
http://www.election defensealliance. org/. [This is a vital
project, as independent exit polling remains the last unvarnished source
of accurate information in the age of electronic voting. These polls won't
be retrofitted to jibe with the corporate media's anointed victors, but
lots of money is needed quickly to make this project a success.]
B) Tell people that they must vote on
Election Day, so that the national turnout is as high as possible. This
will make another theft that much more difficult to spin.
C) Tell people that it's very likely that
the GOP will "win" despite its vast unpopularity, so that they (the
people) won't become demoralized by their apparent defeat.
D) Urge everyone to monitor the process in
his/her own locale as carefully as possible. Get visuals, as w/ a video
camera. Take careful note of any monkey business. [We would add that
it's a good idea to create a publicly-available photo/video archive of any
noteworthy events you happen to record.]
E) If you spot improprieties, or have a
problem at the polls, be sure to call 1-866-OUR-VOTE, and contact the EDA
(address above), and tell them everything. Keep a written record of your
F) Get ready, psychologically, to stand
with others in defiance of Bush/Cheney' s latest "victory." [In other
words, expect the worst, but remember you don't have to accept the worst.
At some point, the level of active resistance will have to grow
significantly if real change is going to be made. A critical mass is
building, as evidenced by the WCW actions in more than 230 cities
nationwide last week. Start talking with your friends and neighbors about
the logic of resistance, and make connections with those living near you!]
#167 by D Benasicon September 23, 2006
at 2:53 am
you are a great writer ad I do respect your battle for reason, and I
enjoyed the interview.
However, you missed great opportunity here:
"where is the evidence that the rational sciety is any more moral or
better place to live than a religiously based culture?
-I don't know if there is any evidence..."
Great example of workable atheistic society is Sweden as Sam Harris
"The level of atheism throughout the rest of the developed world refutes
any argument that religion is somehow a moral necessity. Countries like
Norway, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan,
the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom are among the least
religious societies on Earth. According to the United Nations’ Human
Development Report (2005) they are also the healthiest, as indicated by
measures of life expectancy, adult literacy, per capita income,
educational attainment, gender equality, homicide rate and infant
mortality. Conversely, the 50 nations now ranked lowest in terms of human
development are unwaveringly religious. Other analyses paint the same
picture: The United States is unique among wealthy democracies in its
level of religious literalism and opposition to evolutionary theory; it is
also uniquely beleaguered by high rates of homicide, abortion, teen
pregnancy, STD infection and infant mortality. The same comparison holds
true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states,
characterized by the highest levels of religious superstition and
hostility to evolutionary theory, are especially plagued by the above
indicators of societal dysfunction, while the comparatively secular states
of the Northeast conform to European norms. Of course, correlational data
of this sort do not resolve questions of causality--belief in God may lead
to societal dysfunction; societal dysfunction may foster a belief in God;
each factor may enable the other; or both may spring from some deeper
source of mischief. Leaving aside the issue of cause and effect, these
facts prove that atheism is perfectly compatible with the basic
aspirations of a civil society; they also prove, conclusively, that
religious faith does nothing to ensure a society’s health."
Oct. 8
"And lo, Saint Richard stood upon the mountain top
and spake..."
Time for your Sunday atheism service. First, there's
this new NPR interview with Richard Dawkins,
he takes questions. (Monty Pythonesque highlight: He notes that there
is now a schism between orthodox flying spaghetti monster believers and
the reform movement of flying spaghetti monster believers. Who will win.
That's the question of our times...) There's also a debate between Sam
Harris and Gay Catholic Andrew Sullivan
about theology here. And if you're looking for the classic Richard
Dawkins' piece "Root of All Evil",
then try here. I understand that there's fear from evangelicals that
they're losing teens. Well, blame the Internets. This time it would be
true. Back in the 70s when I was an impressionable teen I had to work my
way through 100s of writers before I ran across Bertrand Russell's "Why
I'm Not a Christian". Now, with the Internet, there are literally hundreds
of sites and people you can link to who also don't believe in Santa Claus,
or allegedly infallible people in pontiff's hats. You can get Richard
Dawkins and Sam Harris on Youtube. And I tend to think that when the
faults of religion are outlined you can make some choices. I tend to think
this is yet another reason as to why there will be a crackdown on the
There are detention centers being built to be used in
the event of a "national emergency." I wonder if the US attacking Iran
(which it's been threatening to do, and the US can't win without using
nukes) would qualify? Or another terrorist attack -- real or staged?
Another Katrina? Economic hardships or collapse? Hello?
stolen from Truthdig article.) I think I've figured something out.
Cartoonist and probable commie sympathizer Stephenie McMillan has parsed
it out as well. The United States isn't building concentration camps
because of what they're doing, but because of what they're planning to do.
I'm currently not an enemy combatant. In fact, I hate fundamentalists of
every stripe, including Al Q and the Taliban. But would I be content to
just post on a blog if we wiped out 50 million people in Iran by way of
nuclear strikes? Or more? I'll leave that an open question in the light of
these new laws. Let it be said, in a public and prominent way, that
I shall always be loyal to Emperor Palpitine , Cardassia,
the Dominion, the Cylons, the United States. No matter how many
innocent people we kill. I have always loved Big Brother.
Speaking of
reflections on future tyranny, Battlestar Galactica makes it pretty clear
why we're despised in Iraq and Afghanistan. We're evil imperialist
savages. We don't even make the Cylon pretense of trying to find a new
way. I mean, its not exactly the Iraq insurgency--full of their own silly
ethnic and religious divisions--but if you wanted to know why the Iraqi
police are marked men...It also has an element that my favorite science
fiction has always had: its completely subversive. Insurgencies around the
world could use tonight's two hour premier as a recruitment film. It even
goes into why our puppet regimes are hated so much. Brilliant edgy stuff.
Oct. 5 demonstrations were a bust. As far as I could tell there were
only significant protests in San Francisco and New York--where it could be
argued they've already driven out George Bush. I don't think they were
well organized. I couldn't even find self promotion of the local
demonstration at Pittsburgh Indy Media,
where usually seven people with a sign can write up their world changing
adventures. Saw nothing at the Post Gazette. Related: Cartoonist
McMillan participated. 100 people won't drive out the Bush regime.
That's just 100 people that the Bush regime will put on a list to be
summarily executed by the Cylons. (You must see the Battlestar Galactica
premier or as I call it "Frackin' Life in Iraq"...)
Oct. 4
Will this work? I dunno. The only peaceful demonstrations that have worked recently were the
protests against the immigration bill. Can we import French kids to
demonstrate? Just a thought. Good luck folks.
11:00 am ET
The Fountain at Point State Park (downtown)
We will informally meet at the water Fountain (where 3 rivers meet) in
Point State Park at 11am. Then we will head out on Blvd of the Allies for
a peace walk in the Golden Triangle business district, splitting off into
smaller groups to various points around the city. Please obey traffic
lights and let pedestrians pass, so the authorities leave us alone! Bring
your cameras, camcorders, cell phones. **Do NOT bring any signs into the
park**, it's against the law! We're asking everyone to wear a RED SHIRT or
RED JACKET so we look like a river of blood in the streets, for the TV
news camaras; Representing the innocent civilian blood being spilled by
the BUSH REGIME. We don't have a permit, so this is like a pickup game.
Bring a Frisbee or softball to use the park with friends and we'll go from
there. Downtown merchants who support the peace walk, please put a WORLD
CAN'T WAIT poster in your shop window so peace walkers can patronize your
shop, cafe, or bar! Let's all make this a great day of peaceful BUSH
PROTEST in the city of champions!
V for Vendetta is out on DVD. You know what's sad? I
used to live in a country where this kind of fiction was, you know, just
Things that I'm
learning from Marlo,
the brutal gang leader at the Wire. Never talk back to Marlo. And when
Marlo shakes your hand that means the conversation is done--no matter the
great advantages of joining the criminal union known as "The Co-Op".
Season update: The Wire was shut down as of episode three because it was
turning out to be a liability for the mayor. But the Wire doesn't end for
another 30 days and it could be restarted with a new mayor and if they
could find those bodies that Marlo stashes away in abandoned tenement
houses. Now, here's something I can't figure out: if you watch the
Sopranos and Marlo probably does he must know the secret behind successful
murders. Big Tony always gets rid of the bodies, but not in his own
neighborhood! They go out to the woods or they chop them body, no
CSI forensics. I would tell that to Marlo but then he would probably
just have Felicia shoot me. Related: also kind of liked Dexter, the
serial killer who kills serial killers and I'm looking forward to the
season premier of Veronica Mars. It really does have the exact feel of
Buffy but its much more realistic. Everything could happen. Its also a
very good tech guide where you figure out that a good detective can find
out pretty much anything.
Oct. 2
Oct. 1
You know I was
having a date (every year or so I have one) and this girl wanted to live
in Chile. She just thought it was a nice country. I don't think she knew
anything about Pinochet and the fact that he murdered lots and lots of
people. While she assured me that the "troubles" were over I have to admit
that mass slaughter of one's political opponents leaves a bad taste in my
mouth. Of course, now, with my fate resting in the hands of the Republican
courts (not sleeping easy) Chile, or even one of those Stan
countries....Doesn't sound so bad. Anyway, with Bush taking advice from
the official Dark Side spokesman and international war criminal
Kissinger--who ordered Allende gone and put into power another
international war criminal Pinochet-- you might want to know how things
were in Chile. If this new law isn't ruled unconstitutional, then
apparently there's nothing to prevent the government from whisking you
away and dropping you from a great height (see North by Northwest) from a
plane into the ocean, or a harder surface. "This is not america...sha na
na na..." indeed. It has made me
think of this.
LEVEY, AFTER DOWNING STREET - On September 11, 1973, Gen.
Augusto Pinochet headed a military coup that overthrew the
democratically-elected government of President Salvador Allende. Chile
at that time was one of the world's oldest constitutional democracies.
In the months that followed, in a round up of "terrorists", Chilean
military and intelligence officers arrested 30,000 Chileans and some
foreign nationals. Virtually all were tortured, and 3,000
"disappeared", many dumped alive from military aircraft into the
Pacific Ocean. The Junta's secret police also sought out its critics
abroad, a few weeks later blowing up the former Ambassador, Orlando
Letelier, in his car as he drove through downtown Washington, DC.
In the years that followed, "President" Pinochet ruled through
emergency "anti-terrorism" decrees, before he retired as a Senator for
life. Before he left the presidential palace, however, the General
assured himself that he would never be brought to trial for his
crimes. While the country was still effectively controlled by the
military Junta he headed, the runner-stamp legislature passed laws
granting amnesty to those officials who had committed torture and
murder during the "state of exception" to constitutional rule. The
amnesty laws also granted lifetime "legislative immunity" to members
of Parliament, including, of course, Senator Pincochet. . .
Even though Spain, France and several other countries had issued
warrants for Pinochet's role in commanding the murder of their
citizens in Chile following the coup, Pinochet travelled the world in
luxury and, he thought, security from arrest. As former "head of
state", most countries would not touch him. But, that changed in 1998,
when during a visit to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and
other Right-wing friends in Britain, he was detained on an extradition
request from Spain.
After a long court battle, a three-member Court of the House of Lords,
the highest appellate tribunal in the UK, found that Pinochet's claims
to immunity as former head of state and to legislative immunity were
invalid in the face of charges of violation of international laws
against genocide, torture and crimes against humanity. The Blair
Government ended up sending him back to Chile, where the new
democratic government and courts stripped his immunity, and placed
Pinochet, now 87 years old, under indefinite house arrest.
After five hours of searching through the
80-plus page bill, Alex Jones, who won the 2004 Project
Censored award for his analysis of Patriot Act 2, uncovered numerous other provisions
and definitions that make the bill appear as almost a mirror image of
Hitler's 1933 Enabling Act.
And then there's this.:
Further actions that result in the classification of an individual as a
terrorist include the following.
Destruction of any property, which is deemed punishable by any means of
the military tribunal's choosing.
- Any
violent activity whatsoever if it takes place near a designated
protected building, such as a charity building.
- A
change of the definition of "pillaging" which turns all illegal
occupation of property and all theft into terrorism. This makes
squatters and petty thieves enemy combatants.
light of Greg Palast's recent hounding by Homeland Security,
after they accused him of potentially giving terrorists key information
about U.S. "critical infrastructure" when filming Exxon’s Baton Rouge
refinery (clear photos of which were publicly available on Google Maps),
sub-section 27 of section 950v. should send chills down the spine of all
investigative journalists and even news-gatherers.
Well I guess
that nixes my plan of roaming the US Caine style. By the way, have you
ever downloaded or uploaded something illegally? Ever blogged something
negative about that incompetent, mediocre, vote stealing,
constitution-trashing idiot of a President King George...well, you, my
friend might be a terrorist. They'll be no real determination of that
being that there won't be any trial.
First they came for
José Padilla. Now they're coming for the rest of us…
The War Party cannot carry out its program of overseas
conquest and "regime change" without cracking down on the home front –
that is, by
antiwar sentiment with treason, including in the
legal sense. The
"area of combat" is far wider than the mountainous passes of
Afghanistan or the growing mountain of
bloodstained rubble that is Iraq: the main battlefield, as this
administration well knows, is on the home front. It is a war for the
hearts and
minds of Americans – the one theater of operations in which they
cannot afford to lose.
War is indeed the health of the State, because
all states are simply instruments of coercion. It is precisely in time
of war that governments exercise their core function, which is the
large-scale deployment of organized violence. The efficient delivery of
this violence, in such places and instances as required, demands a highly
centralized, authoritarian command structure, one ideally suited to the
mindset and proclivities of our Bizarro Conservatives in that it brooks no
"Whatever else this is, it is not a constitutional
democracy. It is a thinly-veiled military dictatorship, subject to only
one control: the will of the Great Decider. And the war that justifies
this astonishing attack on American liberty is permanent, without end. "
I might add, however, that Sullivan is only getting
what he asked for. After all, he was one of the biggest and loudest
supporters of the invasion of Iraq: he railed and ranted for months on end
until he finally got what he wanted. It was Sullivan who declared, shortly
after 9/11, that the late Susan Sontag and the intellectual elites on the
East and West coasts amounted to an intellectual "fifth column" in the
struggle against Osama bin Laden. Nor do I recall him protesting when this
president declared that the hostilities would last for
at least a generation. Now he's shocked – shocked! – that the
War Party is moving to seize "emergency powers" in what amounts to a coup
d'état against the Constitution.
Sullivan may protest that no, he never asked for this,
but what did he imagine would happen in the atmosphere of war hysteria he
and his erstwhile neocon allies promoted? In the immediate aftermath of
9/11, when the
anthrax letters sent to the media and congressional offices opened up
a whole new level of public panic, Sullivan was
demanding that we
use nuclear weapons on the Iraqis. We had to "act now," he screeched,
certain in the knowledge that the Iraqis had sent the anthrax, and "draw a
line." While this "need not mean nuclear weapons," on the other hand, it
just might mean nuking the crap out of Baghdad.
Well I guess the big
news is that
King George can throw me into a cell pretty much with a whim.
And: What good is the Democratic Party? If you can't filibuster a bill
that allows the president to lock you up without trial--and this apparently
includes senators--then what can you filibuster? I'm sure 90 percent of the
people thrown into the gulags said: "Well, that will never happen to me..."
It does sound somewhat unconstitutional but so is stealing two national
presidential elections. I guess our fates are tied to the Republican courts.
Sleep easy everyone.
The ultimate expansion of the "unlawful combatant" definition to include
any and all opposition to the War Party, whether military or political, is
only a matter of time, and not much time at that. This administration and
its allies have long maintained that their critics are "objectively" aiding
the terrorist enemy. If Iraq is the main theater of our war on terrorism,
then criticism of the war effort, such as organizing an antiwar
demonstration, amounts to "material support" for "hostilities against the
United States." . . .
We are having a press conference this Thursday,
September 27th, at 9:30 AM in Market Square (Rain Location: The Union
Project, 801 N. Negley Avenue) to announce our new text message
voter registration technology, also known "Text the Vote."
To register to vote by text message, send
one of the following key words to 75444, "Pa, Pgh, LeaguePA, LeaguePgh,"
and you will get a text reply back telling you to enter your name and
address. Within days, a partially completed voter registration form will
be mailed to your house, which you must then complete (sign and choose a
party) and mail to the Allegheny County Elections Division.
The address for the Allegheny County
Elections Division is:
Division of Elections
Allegheny County
542 Forbes Ave., Room 601
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2953
More election stuff:
From True Majority:
electronic voting machines will be used once again this fall, and already
during the primaries they failed. In Maryland crowds of legal voters were
turned away from the polls when the machines couldn't be started1.
There's a simple safeguard – have
enough paper ballots on hand so the election can go forward even if the
machines let us down again. Obvious, right? Senators Boxer (D-CA) and Dodd
(D-CT) have introduced a last-minute bill which would provide money to any
state that is willing to print up the paper ballots. It's cheap, it's easy,
and there's no reason not to do it. But time is short.
for "American Blackout". Makes the really disturbing yet true voter
theft argument: Had the Republicans not intentionally deprived black
voters of the ballot in 2000 and 2004 the national election for the
presidency would have gone the other way. Both times.
Adding the
Secretary of State Project
to the permalinks, right by Bradblog. (tip of the hat to Froth for this
one.) The Secretary of State controls elections. Think Ken Blackwell and
Katherine Harris.
Speaking of movies, I
thought the Superman film was pretty well done (though not as good as the
X Men 3 film--where I wasn't entirely certain that Magneto was the "Bad
Guy"), except for this recasting of Lex Luther as just a mere "scoundrel"
who cheats widows out of their inheritance. I mean, Halliburton does more
evil than that every 20 minutes. Lexcorp is the real tool of evil. The TV
show has it correct: if you want to be evil run a large multinational. If
you bribe the right Republican official, then you can pretty much get away
with mass murder. I always wondered why Al Q just never bought a food
processing plant and went about "serving" the public. They'd get away with
and they would have Republican courts defending them every step of the
I really plan on
enjoying the Steelers this year. It would be nice if they won another
Super Bowl but don't bet on it. In fact, don't be surprised if they don't
make the playoffs or even break 500. I mean, they're good enough to repeat
but I just think other teams are hungrier. I will root for them no matter
I'm also watching
lots of teevee. I watch the Wire, a quietly subversive show. By the way,
for Wire watchers, show writer Ed Burns made that leap from cop to teacher
in real life. He knows whereof he speaks. Last season, he took on drug
legalization (he's
probably a member of this group I hope.) and this season he takes on
inner city schools. If you're watching this season, then I truly expect
one or all of those middle school kids to bite the dust. Am very
frightened of the female enforcer "Felicia". Also checking out the
Brotherhood (Or as I describe it: Its a story about two brothers. One
works as a politician in a corrupt system, where he tries to create
sweetheart deals on the side, has a ruthless Machiavellian streak
and will do anything for power. The other brother works for the mob.
Not always easy figuring out who the evil one is.) and looking forward to
Battlestar Galactica. Love those fundie cylons who know that
"God Loves Me"
and that the pope is infallible. They're a television and in
real life. (Weeds looks to be excellent as well.)
Over at Phil's
Seminal Jazz Rock and Politics Videoblog I've added: Patricia Barber's
"Winter", "Push
and Pull" by Prince and Nikka Costa,
"Biscuit" by Portishead, "King
of the World" by Steely Dan, "Oslo
Skyline" by Jaga Jazzist, "No
Peace" by Terranova, "City
Girl" by Kevin Shields (dreampop shoegazer stuff), and "Reel
Life" by the Cinematic Orchestra. I think these were all featured this
week. Bonus: Over at Red Light District there's a sexy vid called "Hey
Little Boy" by the touch myself Divinyls.
Over at American Samizdat where I'm pretty much the John McCain Republican
there was an attack on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Where Uncle
Scam, who I mostly agree with despite his affection for the band
The Afghan
Whigs, said some things and quoted from some sources that I didn't
agree with:
Gates Foundation: Helping the world, one
murderous investment at a time.
Look at that list of corporations. Does any one of those represent your
vision of what the world should look like in the future? It's almost a top
ten list of the world's top environmental marauders.
Okay, let's offer some defenses here:
One.) There needs to some separation between what the
evil company Microsoft does and what the Foundation does. Quite frankly,
the foundation does wonderful stuff. They've saved, if
this page is correct, about 1 million African lives with many more to come.
Yes, there probably are attempts to build the Microsoft brand while
they're saving poor people just like I'm stuck with Explorer and Explorer
only in public libraries but who gives a fuck? If you're living in sub
Saharan Africa and you're alive because of
a Microsoft funded vaccine then I think you're okay with the branding.
I don't hate Bill Gates because he's autistic. A lot of smart people
are. It's a combination of genetics and environmental poisons. Its
not his fault. Perhaps his foundation can do something about that.
Three:) I think Bill Gates generally wants to help
people through the Foundation. Yes, there's a branding component to it,
but I don't think its the main thing.
Four.) I don't hate all capitalists. Some of them are
very talented and have earned their money by offering innovative and
exciting products and ideas. Bill Gates, even though you could argue that
he was groomed to be a part of the ruling classes, earned his money
through his ideas and his drive. It's not like he's incompetent like our
President. The kind of guy who will kill, well, pretty much an unlimited
amount of people in order to further the interests of the oil industry.
Microsoft, while no saint, hasn't murdered a hundred thousand Iraqis to
further its ends. And the Foundation does much much good.
Five.) Okay, so you're unimpressed with Bill saving,
millions of lives or
really cool school experiment in Philly (Quick Leno like joke:"Heard
Microsoft is funding a school in inner city Philly...but then the school
crashed and the 700 students were lost...(rimshot)!), what about the fact
that it probably inspired Richard Branson to spend $3 billion to fight
global warming, inspired Google to set up its
own billion dollar foundation and probably inspired Craig Newmark
(okay he might have done it anyway) to set up the
Craigslist foundation. I
might note that all of these men have exciting ideas about philanthropy.
It's not United Way handout stuff. I've already applied for a grant from
one of them and been turned down but I'll keep trying. Bottom line: Bill's
foundation is encouraging Atlas not to shrug. And being that Atlas will
drown with the rest of us
if the worst case Mother of Storms global warming scenarios come true
then that might be worthwhile.
Six.) How ethical is it to use profits from unethical
companies to fund ethical causes. I don't know. Sort of depends on
what evil the corporation is doing versus what good the money is going
for. But at least Bill is trying. What exactly are the good works of Exxon
that they've done with their record ill-gotten, price gouging profits?
I'll wait.
Seven.) Yes, I will be asking the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation for a small personal grant...And perhaps a yacht.
If you don't want to
read 6 or 7 books or about 10 to 12 websites daily and you still want to
know the Essence of the Hacked Vote argument, then listen to this four
minutes by Mark Crispin Miller.
Brad Friedman, doing
a piece for Salon, writes more about that Princeton hack of a Diebold
can be seen here. What's stunning about this is that Brad's team
essentially had to "find" a Diebold machine and then hand it over to the
Princeton team for independent review--of course, in a slightly honest world
these tests would have been done already. Shocking. Just shocking. And by
the way, this is outstanding journalism. Out of curiosity, what are your
daily newspapers reporting on that's this important? Anything? Ever? Is
there a more important issue than the vote fraud issue? This is why people
gravitate to the Internets. Its for the same reason that Paul Sorvino gave
as to why people come to the mob in Goodfellas: because people need
have problems information that
they can't take to the police
can't get from the corporate media. And/or an abundance of porn
lowers the rape rate.
From Mark Crispin Miller's site:
Thank God Salon has
finally dumped Farhad Manjoo...
Hack the vote? No problem
Diebold, the e-voting-machine maker, has long sworn its systems are
secure. Not so, says a new Princeton study. Converting votes from one
candidate to another is simple.
By Brad Friedman
Sep. 13, 2006 Having reported
extensively on the security concerns that surround the use of electronic
voting machines, I anxiously awaited the results of a new study of a
Diebold touch-screen voting system, conducted by Princeton University. The
Princeton computer scientists obtained the Diebold system with cooperation
from VelvetRevolution, an
umbrella organization of more than 100 election integrity groups, which I
co-founded a few months after the 2004 election. We acquired the Diebold
system from an independent source and handed it over to university
scientists so that, for the first time, they could analyze the hardware,
software and firmware of the controversial voting system. Such an
independent study had never been allowed by either Diebold or elections
The results of that study, released this morning, are troubling, to say
the least. They confirm many of the concerns often expressed by computer
scientists and security experts, as well as election integrity activists,
that electronic voting -- and indeed our elections -- may now be
exceedingly vulnerable to the malicious whims of a single individual.
The study reveals that
a computer virus can be implanted on an electronic voting machine that, in
turn, could result in votes flipped for opposing candidates. According to
the study, a vote for George Washington could be easily converted to a
vote for Benedict Arnold, and neither the voter, nor the election
officials administering the election, would ever know what happened. The
virus could also be written to spread from one machine to the next and the
malfeasance would likely never be discovered, the scientists said. The
study was released along with a
Your Election Has Been Hacked Around the Internets
First up,
here's a disturbing YouTube video of how your
elections have been hacked, or at least Diebold machines. This won't change
until the hacks start affecting Republicans.
Story here.
the Brennan Center released another report. This report congratulates
Congress for implementing the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and taking us
forward. However, the executive director said, "the way it is being
implemented by many states, combined with new underhanded efforts to crack
down on voter registration and participation, could move the country
backward. We see a real problem coming up in November in the elections." /
Today, also, Princeton University scientists released a report on the
vulnerabilities of the Diebold TS voting system. This is the first time
that hardware, firmware, and software have been investigated at the same
time and the vulnerabilities are staggering. / Unbelievably Texas
Secretary of State Roger Williams said Tuesday that he hopes the statewide
adoption of electronic ballots will boost voting among young Texans and
make elections more secure. Why would anyone think elections are more
secure after witnessing what happened in Maryland yesterday? / Lancaster
Co. Pennsylvania commissioners just purchased 92 additional eSlate DREs.
Meanwhile the county elections director is asking all voters to use the
paper ballots and eScans. It seems that someone has a lack of confidence
in DREs. …
first hand account from Avi Rubin, who
has written another book about our easily hacked machines. That's
about 6 or 7 by my count. Still no word from Kos when this will be an
issue. Again, these really aren't problems until they affect House and
Senate majorities in Congress.
are some people--American
people--who think we need old fashioned French rioting, or rioting and
protest that actually works. Sounds good to me.
From their FAQs:
Q: Does protest make
any difference?
A: It does -- and it
doesn't. Let's start with how it doesn't. Protest doesn't make a damn bit
of difference if it's "protest as usual". Protest that trims its sails to
the political terms set by electing Democrats, or that tries to be
respectable, or that doesn't convey that THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE AND MUST BE
BROUGHT TO A HALT. No, protest like that doesn't really amount to much.
Never has and never will.
We're talking about
tens of thousands going into the streets with a clear standard -- BRING
THIS TO A HALT -- and a spirited call to others to join this. Our recent
statement envisions "a great wave of people unleashed from the huge
reservoir of people who are deeply distressed over the direction in which
the Bush regime is dragging the country and the world, moving together on
the same occasion, making, through their firm stand and their massive
numbers, a powerful political statement that could not be ignored:
refusing that day to work, or walking out from work, taking off from
school or walking out of school -- joining together, rallying and
marching, drawing forward many more with them, and in many and varied
forms of creative and meaningful political protest throughout the day,
letting it be known that they are determined to bring this whole
disastrous course to a halt by driving out the Bush Regime through the
mobilization of massive political opposition."
That kind of
protest could and would make a difference. It would begin to galvanize
into an active political and moral force the millions who hate the way
things are going but are now paralyzed. The possibility of turning things
around and onto a much more favorable direction would take on a whole new
dimension of reality. This would send a different message to the whole
Face it: no great
change has ever been won without protest, without people acting
"from the bottom up" to set a new agenda, without struggle, without
upheaval. No. The protests in 2002 and 2003 didn't succeed in
preventing the Iraq war, but they let the whole world know that Bush was
acting in the face of huge public opposition. They put him on the moral
defensive. And they helped to set terms for the future - as the ugliness
of the war got revealed and people increasingly have come to oppose it.
The problem is not that our actions have had no impact; it's that we
have not acted up enough. A new season of upsurge must start now, one
that sets out to reverse the whole direction in which this society is now
hurtling, and to dramatically change the course of history.
The stakes now are too
high to keep going through the motions of protest as usual -- politics
that say: the people in government exercise power and make the
corresponding decisions and our only role is to protest certain things
they do. Instead, we need to act on the truth that when people take
massive and independent political action, they can change things very
profoundly. People in the 60's did not ask the liberal Democrats then in
office for permission to fight for civil rights and Black liberation or to
protest the war. They just did it, mobilizing millions and effectively
saying in the immortal words of Bob Dylan that "your sons and daughters
are beyond your command." The whole ethos of a generation and a country
Change does
not come easy - it never does. And change never comes from Washington,
D.C. - it is always forced on that city. But I must confess - for some
reason (call me a naive idiot) I thought change among Democratic lawmakers
in Congress would occur after Democratic primary voters spoke. Apparently,
I was wrong. In a spate of stories today (here
here for example), we see that Democratic Senators yesterday tripped
over themselves to applaud Sen. Joe Lieberman as he returned to
Washington. The message wafted through the Senate club like the aroma of
chicken cordon bleu wafts through a country club: Democratic senators are
afraid that voters - actual voters - may get to have a say over who
represents us in Congress. Though the stinging
“how dare you” attacks against their own Democratic nominee, Ned
Lamont, were not present yesterday - the “how dare you” feeling was
clearly transmitted. It is fear and loathing inside the Senate Democratic
club - fear of change, and loathing of democracy.
There was
Joe Biden telling the Hill Newspaper “I don’t think there’s any of us
out there saying ‘Goddamn, I hope Joe doesn’t win.” There was Sen. Blanche
Lincoln (D-AR) demanding a “big hug” from Lieberman. There was
Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) fulminating to reporters about Lieberman being
“very, very welcome in our caucus.” Undoubtedly,
Lieberman chief-of-staff-turned-Enron-lobbyist Michael Lewan was
sitting in his K Street office smiling - after all, he was the guy
Lieberman deployed to help him maintain Senate support after voters sent
him down to a crushing defeat in August.
And yet,
forget all that, said Democratic senators as they gave Lieberman a hero’s
welcome of ovations and hugs and essentially pretended that Lieberman’s
crushing Democratic primary defeat never happened. They’re message as as
clear as the light of day: They’re message as as clear as the light of
day: They’re willing to embrace anyone - ANYONE - even if that person is
working hard to slice the Democratic Party’s heart out, undermine the
party’s efforts to win elections, embolden the far right, and relegate
Democrats to permanent minority status. They apparently do not understand
that when you embrace and sing “for he’s a jolly good fellow” to the
people that are trying with all their might to destroy you, you scream to
the public that you fear your own shadow, you have no self-confidence, and
that you don’t really believe in what you say you believe in. Whether it’s
Democrats embracing Lieberman, or embracing George W. Bush when he pushed
the Iraq War - the same loud message comes through.
The question
really is - what’s next? How about a Senate Democratic luncheon
celebrating Ken Mehlman? Better yet, how about a Democratic National
Convention speaking slot for Don Rumsfeld? Maybe a Senate Democratic
resolution asking Dick Cheney to accept official congratulations for his
repeated lies about Iraq? What about Democratic senators using their
campaign PACs to contribute to Republican candidates for Senate? Or, screw
it - why not just a full on, white-gloved, black-tie gala at Union Station
sponsored by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee celebrating the
careers of Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich - the two GOP political gurus who
relegated Senate Democrats to minority status?
Sept 8
"First they came for the
Independent Investigative Journalists...All Several of Them. Seymour and Bob Fitrakis watch your backs..."
Yes, the rumor’s true. Greg Palast
is facing a criminal complaint from the Department of Homeland Security
stemming from his filming the Hurricane Katrina investigation for Link TV
and Democracy Now. The film’s producer, Matt Pascarella, is also facing
the legal wrath of Big Brother.
It appears the complaint is about
filming a sensitive national security site owned by Exxon petroleum. It
seems that photographing major Bush donors is now a federal offense.
Reached at an undisclosed location,
Palast says, “Let’s not get over-excited. They haven’t measured us for our
orange suits yet.”
During questioning by Homeland
Security, Palast asked, “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be looking for Osama?
Or for guys with exploding shoes? … We’re journalists.” At Palast’s
request, Homeland Security confirmed that Louisiana is, indeed, still part
of the USA but did not respond when asked if the First Amendment applies
part one and
part two of Palast/Pascarella’s film. (In association with BigNoise
Films) BigNoise Videographer Jaqui Soohen has not been charged.
If we had a serious and
real independent black press in this country (And no Oprah and Ebony and the
New Pittsburgh Courier don't count.) this would be frontpage news every
single day.
Evening Around the Internets
Internets Attack. All the Big League bloggers are attacking this
version of Amerika, of course they didn't have an Internets back then.
Atrios has a dozen posts. So far:
They've gotten
Scholastic to back down. Wasn't possible 20 years ago. "Problem, what
problem", the corporate media would have sighed. "Write a letter you
leftwing troublemaker. Maybe we'll print it after it airs 500 times..." This
is why they hate the Internets so. Update:
"Ouch" and "heh".
A seen-it-all gambler called to a
high-stakes poker game in 1958 New Orleans finds instead murder, betrayal,
and a lost love in this murky, brooding debut. The staff at L'Hotel Moreau
wastes no time putting Deke Watley in his place. The disfigured desk clerk
stares boldly as he indicates how much he knows about him; the bellhop who
carries his bags pulls a gun on him. Alex Moreau, who manages the hotel
for his blind father, is playing for even higher stakes. He tells his
dealer that Mr. Watley is to win, for now, and so it happens. But poker is
nothing more than a front for Alex's real plans. He wants to kill the
father who murdered his mother, the black islander who'd blinded August
Moreau. And when the elder Moreau sends retired private eye Harry Tate to
trail August's mistress Hannah, and Tate follows her to a meeting with
Deke, the onetime lover who'd left her high and dry back in Texas, Alex
sees his chance. He kills Tate and ropes Deke into the murder, telling him
they'll have to move quickly against August before he strikes back. The
ensuing cycle of Mardi Gras bloodshed is set forth in prose by turns as
grandiloquent as Faulkner and clipped and stylized to a fare-three-well.
The result is a gusty, somber mood piece the cast is powerless to stop
from unfolding because "not enough people were dead yet." Author tour
Here's a
quick test on whether the new mayor is evil or not. If he follows the
charter--and I get
all my info from those soft porn merchants 2 Political Junkies--and
accepts a term until the next election of 2007 then he's okay and is
deserving a look at a full term. If he goes for the power grab and goes for
the full length of the mayor's term then he's evil and not worthy to be
mayor. Choose wisely Anakin or Luuuuke...
Drummer Billy Cobham might actually be the best composer
to come out of the Mahavishnu Orchestra! I've heard a lot of people covering
Red Baron. The baseline for Stratus was sampled by Massive Attack even.
Check out his world class technique above.
Well, my
good friend Kos, who banned me from his site,
is coming to Pittsburgh! South Side 7 pm. Well I think I can make
that....Meanwhile, when I was in a bit of a vindictive mood I wrote this
about Mr. Kos over at Max Sawicky's site. Its sort of why I'm not a big fan
of Mr. Kos but I am interested in what he has to say. Really I am. Not
buying that book though...
Well, my problem with Kos is that
even though I've been a democrat much longer than he's been is that I've
banned from his site as have many other people. In fact, not only have I
been a democrat longer, I've never been dumb enough or murderous enough to
join the US Army where I would be killing people for vague or spurious
reasons. Of course, he says he was a republican when he entered the army and
I sometimes think with these widespread purgings that perhaps he truly never
left the fold.
Some of us are also annoyed that he seems to fit quite comfortably within
the DLC mold. I don't know if you've watched the primaries but even if the
dems overcome the fixed machines--which I doubt--it will be a DLC dem
majority. O happy day. It would have been nice if the leading left bloggy
voice out there had supported more progressives. (Editor's
note: Like Chuck Pennacchio. Yes he was a long shot but you wouldn't have
cringed whenever you watched him debate on Russert....Atrios....who,
like Kos, didn't support Chuck.)
And finally, some of us are annoyed that he's been hostile to the vote fraud
story. Even if you don't agree with the story you need to debunk it,
otherwise everything you're working for on the left means nothing. You're
just going to continue losing close elections. I mean, you could draw a
graph showing direct correlation between the use of these new machines and
the rise of the Republican majority. True, Bradblog and Crispin Miller and
Fitrakis have their own online forums but it would be nice if the Cadillac
of the Scooped software folk could get behind the bandwagon. Of course, that
silly book that Kos wrote and that I'm not buying doesn't mention the vote
theft issue as The Issue. Perhaps its jealousy. And at this point, I
wouldn't put it past him.
So those are my complaints about Kos from the Left. My two cents so to
Philip Shropshire
Philip Shropshire | Homepage | 06.22.06 - 12:54 am | #
Speaking of people we
corrupt Washington pols don't like, there's
this story from Bradblog
about why what Obrador is doing in Mexico is very important.
The money shots are here:
Mexico matters because the people and leaders refused to give up when the
system failed to give them a real recount. The independent election
institute tried to pass off a Calderon victory without investigating the
numerous and substantial allegations of election fraud. For example, the
institute tried to announce a victory by President Vincente Fox’s
hand-picked candidate, Calderon, until an audience member pointed out
ballots that they failed to count —
at least 2.5 million of them. That
type of "error" is rarely an error; rather, it shows bias and intent to
deceive. The electoral tribunal resisted
but was ultimately pressured into a recount of 9% of the vote. The tribunal
then refused to order a total recount of the paper ballots even though it
found that 130,000 were either missing or invalid — in only 9% of the
precincts! The projected total for 100% of the precincts would be over 1.3
million ballots. Yet the full recount failed to materialize.
And here:
What are the lessons
for us? Be prepared to fight fraud. Prior to the election many
activist groups armed themselves
with documentation strategies to capture fraud as it occurred. When you
know it's fixed, stand up and protest. The casual forgetting of 2.5
million votes, the statistical problems with the winning candidate's
in-law-authored tabulation software, and the dirty tricks to knock Obrador
out of the race before it started all served as warnings. The intended
victims were not about to be victimized. They prepared and protested
immediately. They were told to be mature about the process and
expect cheating. When that happened, they upped the ante and began
massive protests. Now they say loudly, in unison, "We do not
consent" as they form parallel social and governmental structures.
They've have had enough!
They've had
enough. When will we reach that point? A study of their courage,
strategy and tactics is well worth our time. As we do that, it is
important to speak up, share information, and spread the word — the
Mexican people and their leaders are the heroes of democracy.
I don't
really have a lot to say about Mayor Bob O'Connor's death. I mean, he
really didn't like me very much. After I gave him my card with this
website on it and
after writing this piece about one of the mayoral debates, I saw him
several months later outside of a Northside political function. He was
outside talking to some supporters I guess. As soon as he saw me, he
scowled and walked back into the building where the event was being held.
I actually think that's a great response--almost as good as the Rev. James
Simms throwing me out of his office in the 80s--for a feisty blogger/writer
to get. But I don't think it qualifies me to write misty eyed memorials to
the guy. Still, sympathies to his family and loved ones.
This isn't the first Pittsburgh major that I've seen die
in office. When I was a reporter for the Pittsburgh Courier (again way
back in the 80s) I lived through the administration of Richard Caliguri,
who also died from a rare disease. I actually liked that Mayor because he
invited me into his office and gave me two front page stories. He also
could have prevented the possibility of two black reps on City Council,
but he didn't. Some years later the city solicitor swore that my stories
in the Courier pushed him to accept the proposal that created district
elections in Pittsburgh. Then again, what if the Mayor knew that he had
that disease? He may have decided to leave on a note of grace. Just a
I am slightly worried about the new mayor who, if I
recall a 2 Political Junkies post correctly, isn't able to distinguish
between our two black female city council people. Well, let's see what he
does...Who knows. Perhaps I can get another mayor to scowl at me.
Meanwhile, at the US Open and
International Basketball:
Sharapova always has a shot to win it but there are
still holes in her game. But there's just a lot of depth in the women's
side this year. Mentally, I just think Justin beats everyone, although I'm
rooting for Americans Davenport and Serena I just don't think they're
match tough even though they both could take it all. Love Dementieva's
powerful thighs (I'm thinking about starting a Church of Worship based on
them) but she needs a better serve. Ask Hingis, who got tossed last night.
Love the Agassi run. His two matches have been some of
the best men's tennis that I've seen in years. Still think America's best
hope is Andy Roddick who seems to be widening his game (more net play,
better volleys). Its not just "serve well, hit forehand hard", which won't
defeat the Federer anyway. Perhaps its the Conners effect. Root for Blake
as well but not sure if he's good enough, quite frankly. Not enough
weapons, not enough consistency. Could win it if he gets hot... Though
never doubt the Power of The Federer. Best rumor I've heard: a Pete
Sampras return. His body isn't broken like Agassi's. He should only play
three slams: Australia, Wimbledon and the US Open. Need to keep the Grand
Slam record in American hands. I miss the Big Four days of Sampras, Agassi,
Chang and Courier.
Quick note on FIBA basketball: The best US team of pros
isn't going to beat cohesive international teams that have been playing
for years. On the other hand, instead of Bosch, Miller and Elton Brand I
would have preferred Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant. Might want
to consider a premier point guard like Kidd or Iverson as well. And make
your goddamn foul shots. ON the other other hand, team USA had no answer
for that Greek (?) 315 pound African-Greek defensive lineman. Might
want to give Shaq a call and at least ask. Don't like our chances against
Argentina but a win would be nice.
The potential for the situation
to turn violent has clearly shocked people. The intensity of the moment is
seen in the words PRD deputy Emilio Serrano offers to the gathered crowd,
"We are willing to die for the cause for independence!' he yells, "For
freedom and democracy in Mexico! In 1968 the students were willing to die
and the Mexican army massacred them. We are also willing to die!" he says
looking back at the police line, "we will die on the line, don't you think
so comrades?" 'Yes!' yells back the crowd.
Later I asked Obrador if he is
worried that his actions have isolated some of his supporters. He paused
before answering, "Yes, but it's the price that I have to pay because
these measures are well seen by a many people. It's the only way we have
to make them listen."
The morning after the clashes,
police water tanks are deployed in the streets surrounding the Congress
building and hundreds of federal police patrol the streets.
I asked Obrador how this
movement would be remembered in Mexico's history. "Mexicans are no longer
willing to accept the humiliation and fraud," he replies. "The country has
to change because from this movement, transformations are beginning to be
born. The guys in power are going to see themselves forced to change some
things. They're no longer going to be able to keep on doing things the
same way in this country," he tells me firmly.
Mexico City is on edge as
everybody waits for the Electoral Tribunal to announce its decision. It
remains to be seen where this new movement is going but it seems that
whatever happens, Mexico will be very unstable and divided in the near
a long and detailed interview with Leftist PRD candidate Andrés Manual
Lopez Obrador over at ZNET who is, well quite possibly, leading a
civil revolt in Mexico and deservedly so. By the way if you haven't gotten
this yet: elites in other countries have noticed the wonderful results
from Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 and have exported them to Mexico and other
countries to be named later. Despite the nonviolence pushed by Obrador I
truly think this will turn violent. And frankly, I think if you're going
to fight and die for something, as opposed to oil company revenues, then
democracy is certainly worth fighting and dying for.
As someone who watched Kerry
not even take the election to the courts--where, as is evident now, its
quite clear that he had an even better case than Gore--this is amazing.
Imagine a candidate who fights for the public interest. Just astonishing.
You can actually do this. Who knew.
I root for them and their
struggle for justice. Why do I believe them? Because if you win
legitimately you're okay with recounts. The Ruling Party refuses a full
recount. Honestly now let's put two and two together. That's always the
Chavez retort by the way: go count the ballots. (That's why we know Chavez
won fair and square.)
I'll be excerpting this over
the next several days but here are the best bits:
On the International
Observer question:
PAN has claimed that the elections were
clean because of the presence of international election observers.
However, the 673 election observers only oversaw a fraction of the
country's 130 thousand polling stations and one of the international
observer groups, Global Exchange, has documented possible cases of
vote-buying by the PAN and PRI political parties, illegal confiscations of
voter ID cards and ballot shortages at certain polling stations.
So why is the majority of the
press repeating that the presence of international observers ensured that
the election was clean and fair? "It was the electoral tribunal itself
that put out that press release about the observer's," Global Exchange
President Ted Lewis told me. "We were really annoyed with them when they
did that. And about two thirds of the other observers were diplomats who
are not allowed to make public comments."
Now, this looks familiar:
scientists smell a rat:
There's also an interesting
theory that has emerged concerning the timing of results as announced by
the Federal Electoral Institute. Victor Romero is a Doctor of physics who
specialises in statistics and randomness at the National University of
Mexico. He studied the electoral commission computer results closely and
he believes there is strong evidence of interference.
Dr Romero explained to me a very
unusual statistical pattern he noticed with the PRD vote as the tallies
came into towards the end. "The PRD was winning and then suddenly at about
70% they start losing and never even gained .01 of a percentage," he
explained. It seems incredible that as the last 30% of results came in,
the PRD share of votes never increased. "It could be like this and then
like that," Dr Romero explains, moving his hands up and down, "More of one
party and less than another. But not in order. The order here is
completely unexplainable."
This physics specialist is
talking about something a lot more sinister than stuffing ballots. "There
is a possibility statistically speaking, very strong, that there was an
interference with the computer system of the IFE that made the counting of
the votes," Dr Romero concludes.
Once again, public perception
isn't helped by the fact that Calderon's brother in law has a contract for
computer management systems at the electoral commission. Dr Romero's work
and similar studies by others have gained quite a following on the
Internet but remain largely ignored by the mainstream Mexican media.(
note: kind of like here in the United States.)
Then there's some
interesting commentary about the role of the Mainstream Mexican Media
which sounds familiar:
The national Mexican Television
networks, Televisa and TV Azteca seem to
have an unusual penchant for
in-depth reporting of weather conditions rather than disputed presidential
elections. The left wing newspaper La Jornada is one of the only outlets
that regularly publishes and investigates PRD's claims of fraud. (
Note: Let me guess the Jon Benet story was big there too right?)
I asked Obrador why the Mexican
Television was like this? He laughed out loud at my question. "It's
because they are a part of the group that dominates the country. They
don't want for a change to happen," he said, " The media is very powerful.
Behind the media are the owners of the media. They're the richest men in
In case you
live on a planet which will be destroyed by warring factions of invisible
sky monster devotees, then you might want to look at a Planet B. I think
Mars is that Planet B.
Here's a trailer for the Mars Underground:
August 30
Mike Shamos,
Kathy Dopp has argued represents the dark side of the voter integrity
debate--according to her Mike's okay with the machines returning wrong
unverifiable results--wrote
a letter to the Post Gazette. This letter was
in response
to a pretty good editorial in favor of the suit filed by election
activists--still not sure if I'm a named plaintiff but that's
okay--against the machines that Democrats seem determined to put in place
despite the elections of 2000 and 2004. Richard King, a prominent voting
rights advocate, wrote a response to Shamos which I'm printing in its
entirety. I don't know if it will appear in the Post Gazette.
Dear Editors of the
Post Gazette
In the 1970s Nestle
sold baby formula to impoverished breastfeeding mothers. The mothers
were persuaded that being "modern" was best for their babies who, in
epidemic proportions starved to death... all for the sake of "being
modern", profit, and its victory over common sense. In your editorial
"Trust, but Verify" you imply that the "potential of the computer age"
would be lost if we used, as most of our country does use, optical scan
voting, which is also by the way, a computer system.
Precinct based
optical scan systems are advocated by the top computer security experts
in the country for good reasons: Paper ballots are observable permanent
records for voters and officials. They are by far easier to secure than
software and vapor ballots. They are also the most cost effective. In
contrast, its impossible to 100% guarantee that software is free of
malicious code.
Security is a
process, not a product. Software security requires on going vigilance.
Our county officials apparently have learned software security from the
vendors who designed security holes into their systems and whose work
Dr. Avi Ruben says would have flunked out of his undergraduate computer
security class at Johns Hopkins. Last week we heard from Allegheny
County officials that a voting software audit means asking the software
what version it is. Thats like asking a stranger if you can trust him
with everyone's retirement account... at a distance, anonymously, and
with no hope of ever knowing if the money was stolen or not.
Way to go Dan Onorato!
You've avoided recounts and audits, permanently. Voters never see a
permanent record of their vote! In an historical context steeped in
election fraud, you've spun the purchase of our county's unsecurable
elections as a victory... and you can be confident in your victory as
the PG has yet to do any feature article on the security problems of
eVoting... because doing that could damage voter confidence in the
integrity of our elections.
I recall Nestle only
changed their marketing of formula to African mothers when the publicity
became a problem too... about decade later.
I'm adding
a big flat slob to the Pittsburgh permalinks. He's the only person
who thinks the Greens, if you read the law the way its supposed to be
read, should only have to reach 16000f voters. Just on a tactical
note: I really don't see much of a difference between Santorum and
Casey. It would be nice if Casey had applauded the recent Plan B
Victory--which undermined about 20 years of work by the anti-choice
right--but I don't think he has.. It makes these decisions personal
and private. Just a horrible setback in the War Against Fucking. I'm
glad there are no Greens in the governor's race. Could stand the
competition in the senate race.
I'm also
adding Raw Story and
TPM Muckraker to the
permalinks, right beside Greg Palast.
Hearst: The Face of
Modern Capitalism, here in the United States, Mexico and beyond...
I was going
to write a long thoughtful piece about Deadwood,
Booman beat me to it. I hear its not being renewed which is
insane. Perhaps the powers that be didn't like Hearst as a Metaphor
for Capitalism. Looks about right to me. If they had another year,
then I was going to lobby for a Kung Fu episode starring David
Carradine. He can still play the role. They could bring back the old
music. Would have been cool. I might note that voting for Bob Casey
Jr. is not unlike slitting the throat of a young girl. Just awful. I
mean, I guess its for the greater good...
Speaking of
ruthless ruling class pricks
who beat
up journalists and steal elections, looks
like Mexico's
Supreme Court has decided everything was fair in that election.
You could have a recount but that would be, what, fair? You wouldn't
want that now would you? The opposition promises a nonviolent
resistance but the Hearst-like ruling Mexican elites won't allow that.
They'll have to fight for democracy. I wish them well.
Best story on the issue. Looks like the civil war will have two
Apparently, Mona
Lisa, Robert Redford and Mickey Mouse are registered Democratic Party
The Green
Party is right about this. I got this through the Internet emails. I
have omitted the party's author. By the way, for the 1000th time, had
the DNC not given me a pro war, anti choice Leiberman-like Christian
Zionist Pro Israel at any price guy like Bob Casey to vote for it
wouldn't matter what the Green Party does or did....Bonus:
hates the lazy ass wait until Labor Day campaign of Bob Casey.
Priceless. Of course, you could have decided to work on behalf of
Underdog Chuck Pennacchio but noooooooo...
The leadership of
the Democratic party has been attacking the Green Party and Carl
Romanelli in particular over the last several weeks. First they
attack Carl Romanelli for taking donations from Santorum supporters
and imply collusion between the Green Party and the Republican
Party. Granted, the republicans cynically donated to someone who
does not share their views in an attempt to cut Bob Casey's lead.
Do the Democrats require a loyalty oath before taking donations? If
there is any collusion, it is between the two major parties who
redistrict and concede not only races but entire states to each
other denying the voters of a real choice.
In addition, T.
J. Rooney and the Democratic leadership claim 69,000 of the 99,000
signatures the Green Party submitted to the Bureau of Commissions,
Elections and Legislation were fraudulent and included the names
Mona Lisa, Robert Redford and Mickey Mouse among others. The
defense of the signatures is now taking place in Harrisburg and as
it turns out, Mona Lisa, Robert Redford and Michael "Mickey" Mouse
are all registered voters in the state of Pennsylvania. T. J.
Rooney should have done some research before making such slanderous
Shame on the
leaders of the Democratic party! We all know the Democrats take
money from some of the same people who donate to the Republicans.
How dare they criticize the Green Party for taking some of this
money in an attempt comply with the unfair ballot access laws that
the Democrats and the Republicans created. The Green Party needed
67,700 signatures of registered voters to get their statewide
candidates on the ballot while the Democrats and the Republicans
needed only 2,000. Even this is now in contention since the 2005
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice retention votes were a statewide
election. Based on the 2005 statewide results, the Green Party
would only need 16,000 signatures.
Green Party
volunteers worked for months towards the staggering goal of 67,700
signatures. When it appeared the goal was unattainable, Carl
Romanelli decided to solicit donations to pay petitioners. This
effort provided the stimulus to reach and exceed the signature
goal. How dare the Democratic leadership belittle the work of these
individuals by calling their efforts fraudulent.
The Green
volunteers who worked on the signatures prior to submitting them to
the state worked 44 hours without sleep weeding out obviously bad
petitions and making sure everything was in order. I am sure
the democrats and republicans can collect 2000 signatures without
losing any sleep or breaking a sweat.
The Green Party
has nothing to be ashamed of. It achieved a goal no one thought was
possible. It played by the rules that the two parties made. Now
the leaders of the Democratic party are crying foul. The Democratic
leadership said that the Green Party does not belong on the ballot.
How dare they! Tens of thousands of registered voters in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania say that the Green Party does belong on
the ballot.
As far as money
goes, this is a prime example of the need to remove money from
politics. Carl Romanelli took money to get on the ballot and get
his anti-war, clean energy, single payer health care message out.
The Democrats and Republicans take it to fund their campaigns and
influence their votes.
If nothing else,
this whole episode is a prime example of the need for fair,
verifiable and publicly financed elections.
Hearst: The Face of
Modern Capitalism, here in the United States, Mexico and beyond...
I was going
to write a long thoughtful piece about Deadwood,
Booman beat me to it. I hear its not being renewed which is
insane. Perhaps the powers that be didn't like Hearst as a Metaphor
for Capitalism. Looks about right to me. If they had another year,
then I was going to lobby for a Kung Fu episode starring David
Carradine. He can still play the role. They could bring back the old
music. Would have been cool. I might note that voting for Bob Casey
Jr. is not unlike slitting the throat of a young girl. Just awful. I
mean, I guess its for the greater good...
Speaking of
ruthless ruling class pricks
who beat
up journalists and steal elections, looks
like Mexico's
Supreme Court has decided everything was fair in that election.
You could have a recount but that would be, what, fair? You wouldn't
want that now would you? The opposition promises a nonviolent
resistance but the Hearst-like ruling Mexican elites won't allow that.
They'll have to fight for democracy. I wish them well.
Best story on the issue. Looks like the civil war will have two
Apparently, Mona
Lisa, Robert Redford and Mickey Mouse are registered Democratic Party
The Green
Party is right about this. I got this through the Internet emails. I
have omitted the party's author. By the way, for the 1000th time, had
the DNC not given me a pro war, anti choice Leiberman-like Christian
Zionist Pro Israel at any price guy like Bob Casey to vote for it
wouldn't matter what the Green Party does or did....Bonus:
hates the lazy ass wait until Labor Day campaign of Bob Casey.
Priceless. Of course, you could have decided to work on behalf of
Underdog Chuck Pennacchio but noooooooo...
The leadership of
the Democratic party has been attacking the Green Party and Carl
Romanelli in particular over the last several weeks. First they
attack Carl Romanelli for taking donations from Santorum supporters
and imply collusion between the Green Party and the Republican
Party. Granted, the republicans cynically donated to someone who
does not share their views in an attempt to cut Bob Casey's lead.
Do the Democrats require a loyalty oath before taking donations? If
there is any collusion, it is between the two major parties who
redistrict and concede not only races but entire states to each
other denying the voters of a real choice.
In addition, T.
J. Rooney and the Democratic leadership claim 69,000 of the 99,000
signatures the Green Party submitted to the Bureau of Commissions,
Elections and Legislation were fraudulent and included the names
Mona Lisa, Robert Redford and Mickey Mouse among others. The
defense of the signatures is now taking place in Harrisburg and as
it turns out, Mona Lisa, Robert Redford and Michael "Mickey" Mouse
are all registered voters in the state of Pennsylvania. T. J.
Rooney should have done some research before making such slanderous
Shame on the
leaders of the Democratic party! We all know the Democrats take
money from some of the same people who donate to the Republicans.
How dare they criticize the Green Party for taking some of this
money in an attempt comply with the unfair ballot access laws that
the Democrats and the Republicans created. The Green Party needed
67,700 signatures of registered voters to get their statewide
candidates on the ballot while the Democrats and the Republicans
needed only 2,000. Even this is now in contention since the 2005
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice retention votes were a statewide
election. Based on the 2005 statewide results, the Green Party
would only need 16,000 signatures.
Green Party
volunteers worked for months towards the staggering goal of 67,700
signatures. When it appeared the goal was unattainable, Carl
Romanelli decided to solicit donations to pay petitioners. This
effort provided the stimulus to reach and exceed the signature
goal. How dare the Democratic leadership belittle the work of these
individuals by calling their efforts fraudulent.
The Green
volunteers who worked on the signatures prior to submitting them to
the state worked 44 hours without sleep weeding out obviously bad
petitions and making sure everything was in order. I am sure
the democrats and republicans can collect 2000 signatures without
losing any sleep or breaking a sweat.
The Green Party
has nothing to be ashamed of. It achieved a goal no one thought was
possible. It played by the rules that the two parties made. Now
the leaders of the Democratic party are crying foul. The Democratic
leadership said that the Green Party does not belong on the ballot.
How dare they! Tens of thousands of registered voters in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania say that the Green Party does belong on
the ballot.
As far as money
goes, this is a prime example of the need to remove money from
politics. Carl Romanelli took money to get on the ballot and get
his anti-war, clean energy, single payer health care message out.
The Democrats and Republicans take it to fund their campaigns and
influence their votes.
If nothing else,
this whole episode is a prime example of the need for fair,
verifiable and publicly financed elections.
Once in awhile,
maybe you will feel the urge
To break international copyright laws
By downloading MP3s from file-sharing sites
Like Morpheus or Grockster or Limewire or Kazaa
But deep in your heart, you know the guilt would drive you mad
And the shame would leave a permanent scar
'Cause you start out stealin' songs, then you're robbin' liquor stores
And sellin' crack and running over schoolkids with your car
So don't download this song
The record store's where you belong
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh, don't download this song
Oh, you don't want to mess with the RI-double-A
They'll sue you if you burn that CD-R
It doesn't matter if you're a grandma or a seven-year-old girl
They'll treat you like the evil hard-bitten criminal scum you are
So, don't download this song
Don't go pirating music all day long
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh, don't download this song
Don't take away money from artists just like me
How else can I afford another solid-gold Humvee?
And diamond-studded swimming pools? These things don't grow on trees
So all I ask is everybody please
Don't download this song (don't do it, oh no)
Even Lars Ulrich knows it's wrong (you can just ask him)
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should (you really should)
Oh, don't download this song
Don't download this song (other people should do it for you)
Might wind up in jail like Tommy Chong (remember Tommy)
Go and buy the CD (right now) like you know you should (go out and buy
Oh, don't download this song
Don't download this song (na, na, na, na, na, na, oh)
Or you'll burn in hell before too long (and you deserve it)
Go and buy the CD (just buy it) like you know that you should (you
cheap bastard)
Oh, don't download this song
You know it
occurs to me, as I'm really busy doing freelance work right now, why
not print the original review of The Pact which ended my career as a
BET book reviewer. (This and the fact that they weren't interested in
review of Zadie Smith's work...)
Review of "The
Pact" that BET refused to run...Still waiting for my $50 Kill Fee
As a matter of
record, let it be stated that this reviewer enjoyed the Harry Potter
books and the Lord of the Rings movies very much. This is despite the
belief that their writers live or have lived in what could only be
called very White White White White White worlds. Tolkien could be
forgiven. Afterall, those were the times. Not only that: any attempt
by him to handle the race matter would turn out like Kipling’s
patronizing romantic view of colonialism anyway. But J.K. Rowling?
Hasn’t modern Britain turned into an island full of Indian and
Jamaican immigrants? Don’t tell me Rowling never saw them, like Woody
Allen’s missing black and Hispanic New Yorkers for all those years,
with her modern eye. Her perceptions must have been dimmed by a
devilish incantation.
someone can write a good fantasy novel and have people of color play a
significant role. Turns out that the ever prolific Steven Barnes has
already written that good book and as you might imagine: It’s a bit
darker than anything that Rowling has ever come up with, not just in
tone, but casting. Or at least I don’t remember private
assassins—partial to using hit and run techniques on bicycling
kids—murderous drug dealing bikers and gay body builders with a mean
streak ever taking a ride on Harry Potter’s magic train. Here’s a hint
of Charisma’s NC-17 tone: an angry gang of male gay body builders
aren’t just content to kick your butt silly. I’ll leave it at that.
premise is actually pretty interesting. What would happen if you took
the genetic structure of what we could call African American super
people (Your Alis, Robert Johnsons, Oprahs and so forth) and
genetically transferred their traits into young children from poor
backgrounds. And what if it turns out that the book’s fictional black
super achiever, Alexander Marcus, a black billionaire Rupert Murdoch
with a military background, has a ruthless streak that the scientists
didn’t know about? You would get some very ruthless and intelligent
mutant kids (The X-Men are even mentioned.) who seem to live an ethic
that Machiavelli or Sun Tzu would admire. You could argue that their
murders are all self-defense, but it’s still grisly. The kids are such
effective machines that at the book’s denouement—where the assassins,
armed with their big guns and their Nam tactics, slowly unfold their
plans to make the genetically altered kids summer Camp Charisma
experience a fatal one—you might find yourself feeling a kind of
precognitive pity for the assassins. Turned out to be right. It’s not
unlike reading the “The Wrath of Khan: The Pre-Teen Years”, for those
of you who get Star Trek references.
The big
thrill here is that you get your science fiction with a varied cast of
color. Black folks are represented at almost every level of society
doing interesting cool things. There’s the hack reporter looking for
one last great headline, the struggling business owner mother of one,
the ex-jock, the street kids, even the super achiever. Barnes even
manages to touch upon class differences within the black community
itself. These are insights missing from the movies these days, a lot
of science fiction television, and even genre books for that matter.
All in all, a
very satisfying read. Don’t be surprised to find yourself racing
through the final 100 pages even though you can see what’s coming. It
would be nice to see this on screen, just as affirmation that black
people can be included in Great Fantasy and it can still be a cool
story as well.
Bad Boy Brawly Brown
By Walter
someone who’s not entirely thrilled with Walter Mosley’s science
fiction—and by that I mean that I
really didn’t like “Blue Light”—I’m happy to report that the
writer has taken us back to the world of his now legendary and iconic
private eye Easy Rawlins in Bad Boy Brawly Brown. With
his Rawlins titles always marked with the name of a color, Walter
Mosley offers more than just readably exciting genre books: they reach
the level of passionate social history and Great Art. Bad Boy
is no exception. I couldn’t put it down.
This new book
takes us to the Los Angeles of 1964. It features, in no particular
order: the rise of a group that sounds suspiciously like both the
Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers, some surprising commentary on
the value of a high school education in a white society, and some out
and out premonitions about the fate of black leaders and the
counterintelligence operations and do a google search if you’re
curious.) operations.
By the way, we
know this is fiction written by a black man because Easy essentially
closes down the LA headquarters of COINTELPRO after a vigorous letter
writing campaign to the NAACP and local media. Good job Easy. If only
you were real…
There is also
the usual assortment of shady characters, police beatings, fistfights,
gunshots, big scores, dead bodies and dark sexual secrets. There’s
also the question of whether Easy’s equally legendary sidekick Mouse
actually died in the last book “A Little Yellow Dog”.
All of the aforementioned factors are tied into a complicated Raymond
Chandler plot that I wasn’t even close to figuring out until the very
end. But, to be honest, I enjoyed the journey so much the destination
became moot.
After all,
Mosley’s Easy Rawlins books aren’t just detective novels. They are, in
fact, social snapshots of a time, of a place and of a people. If you
want to see a perspective of how working class black folk were living
in 1964—and you’re too lazy to dig through the works of Manning
Marable or John Hope Franklin—just read the Rawlins books and you’ll
get a pretty good perspective of How It Was. The busy work of his
genre motifs of fisticuffs, corrupt cops and black female molls is
always seen through a historical prism. The Vietnam War and the civil
rights movement serve as the backdrops this time. (Where will Easy be
during the Watts riots and the day Bobby Kennedy got shot…?) Yet it’s
Mosley’s commentary about these ideas and movements, as seen through
Easy’s jaded 44-year-old eyes, that’s just so interesting. For
example, one character talks about how the cops plan to kill or
discredit all the important black leaders. Easy makes the call that
his adopted son Jesus would be better off being home taught than
facing hostile instructors at the public school.
There are also
the usual Easyisms. Easy has a nice habit of falling into off the
books Big Scores and then there’s this food thing. We learn that the
collard greens have the scent of vinegar and bits of salt pork. The
lasagna has a thick red sauce. Mosley really gives you the feel of a
place with his eye for tastes, smells and textures. There’s also some
great intelligence in the storytelling throughout. I thought it was a
stroke of genius when we find that the smoker Rawlins huffs and heaves
after just running two blocks.
Final verdict:
Bad Boy Brawly Brown is great storytelling combined with
a social conscience. It’s a great read and just more proof that Walter
Mosley just might be the best black male fiction writer alive today.
August 19
"You mean,
when they steal an election you can fight back..?"
Looks like
the Mexican elites have watched our elites in 2000 and 2004 and
decided that elections really don't mean we count all the votes. Yeah,
we got your "democracy right here" should be the Mexican/US elites'
new slogan. Despite about a ton of evidence for vote fraud--and even
if there wasn't you would want a vote count right just to erase doubts
right? Right--the Mexican High Court essentially declared a winner
without the actual proof of the count.
Here's the call:
Mexico's highest
electoral court has rejected complaints about last
month's congressional election, giving conservative candidate Felipe
Calderon's party the largest stake in the legislature.
Calderon's ruling
National Action Party (PAN) will have 52 seats in the senate, more
than other parties but still short of a majority, the electoral court
said on Wednesday.
The Institutional
Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled Mexico for most of the last
century, will have 33 seats in the senate, and Andres Manuel Lopez
Obrador's Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) will have 28 seats.
The PAN will have
206 seats in the lower house, with 123 controlled by the PRD and 105
held by the PRI.
So that's it then. The
Mexican opposition should just take their ball and go home. Or better
yet, do a kind of nudge nudge wink wink democratic party response
where oh its terrible that the real choice of AIPAC and my big funders
gets the presidency, again. Just awful. Or not:
Open defiance
Supporters of Lopez
Obrador said their once-peaceful protest movement would become openly
defiant of Mexican law if a full recount is not ordered in the
disputed presidential race.
The electoral
judges must declare a president elect by September 6.
Lopez Obrador lost
the presidential vote on July 2 by a hair and his PRD has challenged
the result, alleging fraud.
His party had also
contested some of the results of the congressional election.
For more than two
weeks, Lopez Obrador's supporters have protested against the election
result by camping out in Mexico City's giant Zocalo square, the
symbolic centre of political power in Mexico, and along the city's
central Reforma Avenue.
Lopez Obrador
supporters, backed by the city government, have already seized main
streets in the heart of the capital, setting up protest camps on the
elegant Reforma Avenue and clashing with federal police outside
Gerardo Fernandez, an aide to
Lopez Obrador, refused to say what illegal acts supporters were
planning. But he told reporters on Wednesday that the campaign of
civil disobedience would begin after a mass meeting on September 16
and will "imply a position of rebellion against authorities".
"The right is trying to impose
a president, and we are not going to let this happen," Fernandez said.
No violence pledge
He said the
movement would not include an "armed insurgency".
But riot police and
demonstrators clashed in Mexico City as protests against the results
of the presidential elections turned violent on Monday.
supporters threw rocks at police, who employed baton charges and tear
gas. At least eight demonstrators were injured.
campaign says the election was clean and has criticised protesters for
"kidnapping" the capital.
With tensions
rising in the capital, more than 1,000 federal police officers in body
armour have encircled congress with steel barriers and armoured
vehicles, prompting the Mexico City authorities to accuse the
government of authoritarianism.
Again, wtf? You can do
this? Really? And you have leaders that encourage you to do it? Of
course, there could be a blood bath...but are you willing to fight for
We still
don't know what will happen in Mexico.
Defenders of
Empire here and abroad seem to be rooting for the conservative
candidate, who looks like he stole about a million votes or so. That's
about par. Meanwhile, Narco News, which I've finally added to the
permalinks, has the scoop.
Finally, the hard numbers are
starting to come in. In the “partial recount” of paper ballots from
July 2 presidential election in Mexico, ordered by the Supreme
Electoral Tribunal (known as the Trife), the recount has been
completed in 10,679 precincts of the 11,839 ordered by the court
(about 9 percent of Mexico’s 130,000 precincts). From these precincts,
Narco News has obtained the following preliminary numbers that confirm
the massive and systematic electoral fraud inflicted on the Mexican
In 3,074 precincts (29 percent
of those recounted), 45,890 illegal votes, above the number of
voters who cast ballots in each polling place, were found stuffed
inside the ballot boxes (an average of 15 for each of these
precincts, primarily in strongholds of the National Action Party,
known as the PAN, of President Vicente Fox
and his candidate, Felipe Calderón).
In 4,368 precincts (41 percent
of those recounted), 80,392 ballots of citizens who did vote are
missing (an average of 18 votes in each of these precincts).
Together, these 7,442 precincts
contain about 70 percent of the ballots recounted. The total amount
of ballots either stolen or forged adds up to 126,282 votes altered.
If the recount results of these
10,679 precincts (8.2 percent of the nation’s 130,000 polling
places) are projected nationwide, it would mean that more than 1.5
million votes were either stolen or stuffed in an election that the
first official count claimed was won by Calderon by only 243,000
Among the findings of this very
limited partial recount are that in 3,079 precincts where the
PAN party is strong and where, in many
cases, the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) of candidate Andrés
Manuel López Obrador did not count with election night poll
watchers, one or more of three things occurred: Either the Federal
Electoral Institute (IFE, in its Spanish initials) illegally
provided more ballots than there are voters in those precincts, or
the PAN party stole those extra ballots,
or ballots were forged.
“Taqueo and Saqueo”
These preliminary recounts
demonstrate mainly two kinds of fraud: “taqueo,” or the
stuffing of ballot boxes with false votes as if putting extra beans
inside a taco, and “saqueo,” or “looting,” that is, the
disappearance of legitimate ballots cast.
A significant problem, now, for
Mexican democracy (for those who claim that the election was fair, and
also for those who view this evidence as proof of electoral fraud) is
that there is no way to tell, inside each ballot box, which of the
ballots were legal and which were not; nor which ballots were stolen
and which were not.
From there we
traveled southwest by subway and bus to Caricuao with baseball
aficionado Cesar Rengel, an activist and organizer with the Bolivarian
Revolutionary group Frente Francisco de Miranda. Rengel was our guide
and translator to the Missions, the hugely popular anti-poverty and
social welfare programs instituted throughout the country by the
Chavez government. We proceeded first to a modern full-service medical
clinic, Clinica Popular Caricuao. The lines were long and doctors were
extremely busy when we arrived, so we spoke to a patient waiting for
service. Zulay, a raven-haired, middle-aged woman, dressed in a tank
top with track pants and baby blue sneakers attested to the
improvements in medical care under the administration of Venezuelan
president Hugo Chávez. She said that the clinic was staffed with 60-70
doctors and provided medical care without charge for Venezuelans. To
alleviate the waiting times, a new clinic is being erected nearby
which will be staffed by Venezuelan and Cuban physicians. The Cuban
doctors, we were told, are a temporary measure until Venezuela has
enough of their own to staff the clinics.
Sounds awful. You
wouldn't want that hope for the masses getting around. We're doing so
much better in Iraq. If you define health clinics as needlessly
slaughtered innocent civilians....
When I talk to
audiences around the country about my book
Hostile Takeover I discuss with them the faction of Democrats who
undermine their party (Bob Geiger is keeping track of
which Democrats are
supporting Lieberman).
These Democrats supporting Lieberman are exactly the kind of people I
am talking about: lawmakers who view American democracy as their
exclusive property to be manipulated and disregarded as they see fit.
We as Democrats will never be able to fight the conservative movement
effectively if in every fight a handful of our own leaders are selling
out, undermining our efforts, and siding with the corrupt forces that
are driving this country into the ground.
It is time for
Democratic Senators to
stop telling everyone how nice a guy they think Joe Lieberman is -
he’s not a nice guy, he’s a craven, selfish, anti-democratic
opportunist, and is as mortal a threat to the Democratic Party’s
ability to take back Congress as George W. Bush is. It is time for
Democratic Senators to stop listening to an Enron lobbyist who is
demanding they ignore the will of voters. It is time, in short, for
our own leaders to stop worrying about country club sensibilities,
stop being so comfortable in the minority, and start getting serious
taking back political power.
It might also explain
why they're not up in arms over the voter integrity issue. Like
Leiberman, they're rooting for the other side.
As far as I
can tell,
only the Philadelphia Inquirer covered the suit against the voting
machines in our state. I saw nothing over at the Post Gazette. Your
liberal media at work. Sigh. Related:
Big Salon Story
about how the Republicans are taking their vote suppression
efforts national. Not just Ohio (where Blackwell is down by 20 points
but don't count him out) and Florida, but four other states. Dems, as
reporter earlier, have a response in place
but don't know if
its enough.
Welp, I
obviously took the weekend off. I did check out the Shadyside Arts
festival. I'm going to replace the Pat Metheny and Gil Scott Heron
vids above eventually but they're really really good. Check them out.
One problem I have with the silly Multi Medium/Atrios vids is that
there's a problem with really good music getting played. The crappy
music stations no longer promote really good bands who play really
good music. There might be a Bjork or a Nirvana out there, but you're
more likely to find them on YouTube.
It just seems to me that
you should use your Power of the Internets wisely and promote
quality--especially if you've hooked up your computer to your Technics
amp stereo system and you get just an incredible sound.
In future
news, or what should be happening tomorrow at 11 am: There's going to
be a formal suit filed against the voting machines here in
Pennsylvania. I was supposed to be their token Western Penn rep but
I've been busy doing freelance work so I wasn't named in the press
release. I still have to read over the complaint. But I wish them
luck. Let's exhaust all legal options of dissent before figuring out
that we all need to join the
Bajoran resistance.
Pennsylvania Voters
Filing Suit To Block Unreliable Electronic Voting
Lawsuit to be filed
Tuesday, Aug. 15; Lack of paper trail, vulnerability to hacking cited
WHAT: A news
briefing and Q&A with plaintiffs and their lawyers. The plaintiffs, a
diverse nonpartisan group of Pennsylvania voters, are filing suit
against state officials to stop the use or purchase in 56 counties of
paperless touch-screen electronic voting machines that do not keep a
written record of votes. This is the most comprehensive lawsuit in
Pennsylvania to challenge the use of electronic voting based upon
therequirements of the Pennsylvania Constitution and state election
Trek inspirational poster. And: really? Isn't it obvious that
Pittsburgher Frank Gorshin represents the Israeli/Palestinian
conflict....? No?
from Bradblog. Part four of what real opposition parties do. Will
they win? I don't know. But they'll feel better that they tried to
make democracy work..
Protesters Seize Toll Booths, Blockade Stock Market and Government
No business as
usual in Mexico City — until the votes are counted!
Mexico, the movement for social justice continues to take to the
streets to press its demands.
Supporters of
presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador took over
tollbooths throughout Mexico City on Aug. 8, preventing federal
officials from charging tolls on the highways into the city, and
blockaded the agricultural ministry, preventing employees from
entering. (Reuters)
The actions were
in response to a court ruling that dismissed a full recount of
ballots from the July 2 presidential election, in which what appears
to be massive fraud led to the victory of the big-business candidate
Felipe Calderón over López Obrador by a margin of less than one
percentage point.
Protesters have
occupied the Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City’s main thoroughfare,
for nearly five miles since July 30. The 47 encampments have stalled
traffic along a street containing government offices, the U.S.
Embassy and luxury downtown hotels, with business in the area
claiming losses of millions of dollars. They have also blocked the
entrance to Mexico’s stock market.
The sweetness
of Lieberman's defeat
August 10, 2006
Any morning which carries the fragrance of a defeat for Democratic
senator Joe Lieberman is one that should be savored. And his
humiliation at the hands of Connecticut voters in Tuesday's Democratic
primary is all the sweeter for the fact that it looks as though we may
be able to enjoy another Lieberman defeat in November. No longer able
to run as the junior Democratic senator from Connecticut, Lieberman
insists that he will run as an independent in the fall election. If he
does so, it may deny victory to the man who defeated him on Tuesday,
Ned Lamont, but Lieberman himself will plummet once again. There are a
lot of people in Connecticut who quite rightly can't stand the guy.
But the question
remains whether there is any home in the Democratic Party for a true
progressive. Lamont's victory in the primary certainly doesn't answer
that question. On most issues he's almost indistinguishable from
Lieberman. On Tuesday you had only to travel down Interstate 95 to
Georgia to see what happens to real progressives, where the Democratic
Party conspired with Fox News and the rest of the press to try to
destroy Cynthia McKinney's political career for the second time.
The Democratic Party won't tolerate any outspoken dissent. It is a
cheerleader for Israel's destruction of Lebanon. Just listen to Jerry
Nadler, a New York congressman identified as among the most
progressive in the Democratic congressional caucus. In a pro-Israel
rally on July 18, Nadler asked the crowd, "Since when should a
response to aggression and murder be proportionate?" In other words, a
green light for war crimes, such as Israel has been committing every
day. Despite all the schedules for withdrawal suddenly offered by
candidates such as Hillary Clinton, or Maria Cantwell, it's still a
Party of War in the service of Empire. Who is the leading mainstream
political voice calling for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon? The
Republican senator from Nebraska, Chuck Hagel. The Democrats rushed to
attack him, with Joe Biden winning by a nose, from Charles Schumer and
the rest of the pack.
The Democrats,
believing they have an excellent chance to reclaim one or even both
houses of Congress, are almost certainly heading for another huge
disappointment in November.
Polls show a double-digit public preference for the Democrats over the
GOP in the upcoming mid-term congressional election. But no matter.
Should sixty percent of the voters - or seventy or eighty - vote for
the Democrats, the GOP will maintain control. "What matters," Stalin
is reported to have said, "is not who votes, what matters is who
counts the votes."
In the United States of America today, the Republicans, through their
subsidiary private corporations, count the votes, and there is
overwhelming evidence that in the past three national elections the
Republicans have counted the votes to their advantage in utter
disregard of the actual will of the voters. This in addition to the
indisputable suppression of Democratic votes through registration
purges, maldistribution of voting machines, and invalidation of
ballots. The mainstream media and the Democratic Party refuse to
acknowledge, investigate, or report, this massive crime against our
democracy. But the evidence is what it is, and "facts," as John Adams
observed, "are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our
inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the
state of facts "
Thus the state of US politics has been radically changed. The United
States can no longer correctly be described as a "democracy" - not as
long as the government continues to rule without the consent of the
governed and is no longer subject to recall by the voters.
Yet the media and both parties carry on as if we might anticipate
another ordinary election in November, at which the Democrats have a
realistic chance of regaining control of at least one house of the
The march toward dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the Busheviks are systematically dismantling the
Constitutional system of checks and balances. With his "signing
statements," Bush has announced his self-enacted privilege to ignore
acts of Congress at will and thus to reduce the Congress to an
advisory body.
With that much accomplished, the Busheviks now apparently have the
Supreme Court in their sights. In a bill soon to be submitted to
Congress, Bush will attempt to nullify the Hamden Decision, in which
the Supreme Court ruled that the Geneva Conventions, which have the
full force of U.S. law, apply to so-called "enemy combatants" (a term
with no meaning or standing in either federal or international law).
Under the provisions of this bill, writes Anne Plummer Flaherty of the
Associated Press:
From Mark
Crispin Miller. Part three of
file under what real opposition parties do. Again: You're allowed
to do this? You're allowed to complain and fight for your stolen vote?
Sounds like Twilight Zone science fiction to me....
Election protesters
rally in Mexico City (pics)
Thousands of supporters of leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
protested outside Mexico's top electoral court on Monday night,
demanding a vote-by-vote recount of the July 2 presidential election.
Carrying banners with slogans, such as "Vote by vote, poll by poll!"
about five thousand protesters blocked traffic on a boulevard outside
the court.
"This is just the start of much stronger actions," said Jose Antonio
Valles, a 52-year-old engineer at the protest.
Ales Rarus:
Answer your Batphone.
California firm to start embryonic stem cell treatments for spinal
cord injuries next year. I hope the research goes well for that would
end a lot of pain and suffering for people on this world, the one we
know about. As opposed to imaginary fantasy afterlife worlds. Of
course, if I was some crazed
Catholic Jihadist I might oppose that. Everything will be settled
in the imaginary Ice Cream Afterworld afterall. Good luck with
that.One of the absurd notions about this "principled" and "moral'
stand against stem cell research is that it didn't apply to private
firms or other countries. They can do whatever they damn well please.
Hey, you work with the Republicans then you get a knife in your back.
Couldn't happen to a buncha nicer guys.
thoughts on the Leiberman race. Short version: I think the primary
Establishment goal was getting rid of the black caucus's most
progressive anti war candidate Cynthia Mckinney, or at least
that's what the Black Commentator is telling me...You could also
make the establishment case that they're not sad that Leiberman is
gone because he made it obvious that the mideast wars are Israeli
security wars that have nothing to do with this country. Let us all
bow and genuflect before the power of the Dark Siiiiide....
should lose today, but the reason I keep harping on election hacks is
that Joe is the kind of guy the GOP machine would like to keep around.
And as Donzella has said:
election results are
meaningless because they run on E-voting machines which have no
verifiable paper trail or audit system.
The lawsuit is
believed to set a national precedent.
“Good, I’m glad
she’s challenging, she should!” Brad Friedman of the noted elections
integrity website, BradBlog, said in a phone interview.
Palast on how the Mexican election is being stolen. This also
brings up a troubling issue on the verifiable election front: the
solutions aren't easy. For more, read the Palast story about how even
paper ballots can be hacked and this piece that was linked to at Mark
Crispin Miller's website about
a federal bill--that all election reform advocates generally
back--that's being sabotaged.
And for a
slight change of pace:
Documentary on
the Mars Underground. Just in case you happen to be living on a
planet which is about to be destroyed by warring factions of Invisible
Sky Monster Devotees and you thought you might like to leave. Just in
someone running as a Democrat in Georgia has found some sense.
Congressional Candidate Donzella James has filed a legal contest of
the results of her Primary race against US Rep. David Scott (D-GA),
Atlanta Progressive News has learned. The suit has been filed in State
Court in Fulton County, Georgia.
The lawsuit asserts Georgia’s election “results” are meaningless
because they run on E-voting machines which have no verifiable paper
trail or audit system.
“People know
there’s a problem with auditing these machines. But no opponent has
ever challenged after the race,” Donzella James told Atlanta
Progressive News.
The lawsuit also
lists instances of machine breakdowns and malfunctions in Georgia’s
13th Congressional District during the Primary. These instances are
similar to those documented by US Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s (D-GA)
Campaign in the 4th District, and discussed exclusively by Atlanta
Progressive News.
It looks
like the DNC is starting to take the vote suppression/vote theft issue
seriously. They're starting to put boots on the ground to at least
monitor this issue. But I agree with Brad: if you're really serious,
then the DNC should completely fund the Busby/Bilbray recount.
Announces Expanded National Voter Protection Effort
National 1-888-DEM-VOTE Voter Protection Hotline To Help Voters Across
the Country Participate in our Democracy
Washington, DC -
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today announced the
DNC's expanded national voter protection efforts. In addition to the
establishment of a national voter protection hotline and the placement
of election protection staff in 15 key states, the DNC is implementing
a comprehensive series of efforts aimed at helping Americans register
to vote, learn how and where to cast their ballot, and provide
assistance in overcoming Republican-led efforts to suppress voter
turnout for the November elections.
These voter protection initiatives
are part of Governor Dean's unprecedented investment in Democratic
get-out-the-vote efforts for the 2006 elections. Under his leadership,
the DNC has committed $12 million to help elect Democrats at every
level in 38 states across America–roughly 10 times the hard money the
DNC spent four years ago for coordinated campaigns.
The DNC's new national hotline,
1-888-DEM-VOTE, builds on the tremendous success of the toll-free
number established in March 2006 by the DNC Voting Rights Institute to
provide information about how and where displaced New Orleans
residents could vote and to help Indiana voters disenfranchised by the
Republican voter ID law passed by Indiana Republicans. It will provide
critical assistance to voters all across the country, including in key
electoral targets and in states facing Republican challenges to the
right to vote by providing poll location information, assistance in
applying for absentee ballots, and help reporting voting problems
before, during, and after Election Day.
Across America, voters have
confronted a dizzying array of Republican-led challenges to the right
to vote. These include discriminatory voter ID laws in states like
Indiana, Georgia, Ohio and Missouri; irresponsible voter registration
rules in Ohio and Florida; inappropriate purges of voter lists in
states like Indiana and Florida; the use of faulty election machines
and inadequate machine maintenance that fail to protect the integrity
of the vote; a criminal phone jamming scheme in New Hampshire; and
discrepancies in election day practices that disproportionately effect
rural, elderly, poor, minority, and student voters.
"For Republicans, nothing is more
important than their partisan interests, not even the American
people's most cherished right to vote and have that vote counted,"
said DNC Chairman Howard Dean. "The list of tools that Republicans are
using to enhance their electoral prospects at the expense of our right
to vote reads like shameful litany from past eras: discriminatory
voter ID laws; restricting access to voter registration; improper
attempts to purge voter lists; the use of voting machines that leave
no verifiable audit trails; criminal phone jamming schemes; and
inconsistently administered elections.
"Democrats believe that the more
people who vote, the better it is for our country. That is why we are
working hard every single day to protect the right of the American
people to participate in our democracy, and why we have committed
unprecedented resources to the effort to get out the vote in this
year's elections. Our national voter protection hotline,
1-888-DEM-VOTE, is the latest in our ongoing effort to ensure that
every American can vote with confidence this November."
In addition to the national voter
protection hotline, the DNC's voter protection strategy for 2006
PROTECTION STRATEGY: At the DNC's Summer Meeting in Chicago, the DNC
Voting Rights Institute and the National Lawyers Council will meet
with the leadership of every state party to lay out their step by
step plans for protecting voters at the polls at every level;
STAFF: The DNC will place election protection staff in 15 key states
and provide training and step-by-step Election Protection manuals to
other states.
ACROSS THE COUNTRY: The National Lawyers Council is recruiting 7,500
pro-bono lawyers and law students to support the DNC's election
protection program. These lawyers will be placed in precincts to
augment voter protection efforts at every level-including not just
statewide office and Congressional races, but local and county races
as well. These offices from state representatives to county sheriffs
and judges will have a profound impact on the lives of real citizens
throughout the year.
VERIFIED VOTING: The DNC will continue working with Congressional
leaders, grassroots activists and state parties to build support for
federal legislation to mandate a verified voting paper trail for
voting machines that has been proven as the best method of securing
LEGISLATION: The DNC will work with state parties to file litigation
to prevent imposition of egregious photo ID and other Republican
sponsored legislation that disenfranchise voters. This follows the
successful partnership the DNC has undertaken with state parties
pursuing legal challenges to, for example, Indiana's voter ID law
and to the effort to investigate the criminal phone-jamming scheme
in New Hampshire.
The National Lawyers Council and the Voting Rights Institute will
continue to meet with top election law attorneys and monitor state
legislative initiatives that have the potential to dilute the voting
rights of key constituency voters. They are also updating manuals
from the last election cycle to reflect new changes in election laws
across the country.
I see that
the Kos
Pod people are unhappy that the Green Party made the Pennsylvania
ticket. Well, screw Kos and the censored site that he rode in on.
The DNC made the crazy choice of pushing a pro war, anti choice
candidate in a blue state. That was stupid. You know how likely the
Green Party candidate would get my vote if the Democratic senatorial
candidate was pro choice? About zip. Now, I'm very open minded about
Romanelli. Let's see what he has to offer. (Still waiting for those
YouTube ad vids, however...)
NYI: Do you
feel that the U.S. has become a police state?
Palast: Well, if you’re in
Guantanamo, it’s a police state for you. Whatever happened to the
story about the people being held incommunicado in the United States?
What was it, 1,100 the ACLU was trying to uncover? The story just
disappeared. So whoever was rotting in jail is still rotting. Now as
for the war on terror, hey I have no problem going after Saudi Arabian
hijackers, but I don’t see any investigation going in that direction.
And by the way, that whole checking the checking accounts thing —
believe it or not, Bin Laden doesn’t use his ATM card now. He has a
feeling that they’re watching the checking accounts. This is bullshit
— that’s not how they move their money and they know it. This is not
part of the war on terror, it’s part of the war on democracy.
this whole stuff with them needing to tap phones without a warrant.
There’s a special national security court panel that approves wiretaps
and surveillance requests and our information is that the U.S.
government has never once in the history of the panel been told, “No
you can’t.” So you have a pushover panel that will go along with
anything and yet there’s certain surveillance that they won’t even put
before them.
That means it’s not
about terrorists. If there’s any hint of terrorism or connections to
terrorism, they get the warrant. When George Bush says “I want to know
about your phone calls with Al Qaeda,” he gets it. But it’s not about
that. It’s about this phone call right now. That’s what they want. And
I do feel sorry for the poor bastard who has to listen in on this. And
by the way, in Houston . . . well I won’t tell you that story. Anyway,
they waste a lot of time on me, let’s put it that way. Because I’m an
open book.
That's a rally of over 2
million people. Here's what else was said:
"We will take drastic
measures. We will blockade airports, we will take over embassies,"
threatened Sara Zepeda, 32.
You can do that? I'm
trying to think of a democratic presidential nominee that would fight
for the vote like that. No one immediately comes to mind. I mean,
this guy says he would've
fought, but couldn't the vice president have made his own
challenge? I am leaning towards John Edwards for 2008...
UK - The vast Amazon rainforest is on the brink of being
turned into desert, with catastrophic consequences for the world's
climate, alarming research suggests. And the process, which would be
irreversible, could begin as early as next year. Studies by the
blue-chip Woods Hole Research Centre, carried out in Amazonia, have
concluded that the forest cannot withstand more than two consecutive
years of drought without breaking down.
Scientists say that this would spread drought into the northern
hemisphere, including Britain, and could massively accelerate global
warming with incalculable consequences, spinning out of control, a
process that might end in the world becoming uninhabitable.
For Immediate Release:
July 31, 2006, San Diego
CONTACT: Ilene Proctor PR, (310) 271-5857
Press Conference
Set for 10:30am in San Diego
Today, famed
election attorney Paul Lehto filed an election contest lawsuit in San
Diego County Superior Court demanding a count of all paper ballots in
the Busby/Bilbray special election to replace convicted Republican
Congressman Duke Cunningham. On the face of the pleading, Lehto, on
behalf of voters of CA-50, asserts that they are entitled to a 100%
ballot count at a reasonable cost because of massive security
violations of federal and state law by election officials.
California state
law requires that all votes cast in an election be properly counted
and tabulated. In the CA-50 election, however, it cannot be determined
whether or not all votes were counted because legally mandated
procedures were violated both in the run-up to the election and during
the official voter request for a hand ballot count. County Registrar
Mikel Haas sent the Diebold voting machines on "sleepovers" in the
unsecured homes and cars of volunteer poll workers for weeks prior to
the election in violation of federal and state law. When voter Barbara
Gail Jacobsen filed for a recount, Haas set an exorbitant price of
$150,000 but refused to provide the documents necessary for that
"Given the fact
that all the voting machines were circulating in the county for at
least a week prior to the election, and manipulation of a single
machine can rig an election, there is no basis for voters to have
confidence in the election results," attorney Lehto said. Indeed,
because the Diebold machines used in the election
were conditionally certified by the Secretary of State under stringent
security and chain of custody
conditions to protect against manipulation, the lawsuit asserts that
non-compliance with those conditions necessarily requires
decertification of the election results.
A press conference
will take place today on the steps of the San Diego County Superior
Court at 10:30 am. Lehto, voters and activists will be on hand to talk
about the lawsuit and their plans for further action to ensure
compliance with all California election laws.,
a network of scores of election reform organizations demanding honest
and accountable elections, is handling the fundraising for this CA-50
legal challenge and donations are being accepted on its website,
Speaking of songs that make me weep, this is one of
my fave songs of all time. Hold your breath waiting for one of your
idiotic and useless cable music stations to play it.
New York, NY —
The year is 2011, and Jimmy Burns, a young anti-corporate blogger
has just seen his Williamsburg apartment blown to bits by yet
another terrorist attack on New York City. He’s recorded the
gruesome scene on his videoblog camera—footage Burns beams live to a
freaked-out world and that makes him an overnight media sensation.
Exploited by his own network (Global News: “Your home for 24-hour
terror coverage”), enraged by the terrorists, and determined to tell
the American people the truth, Burns takes off for Iraq to get the
real story of a war that’s been raging for more than eight years.
SHOOTING WAR is written by Anthony Lappé, illustrated by Dan
Oh that's what I am. A
not so young anti corporate blogger.
why an African American Scoop site? Well, for one thing, there needs
to be a national discussion among all black civic groups
about what to do when they steal your vote. And, quite
frankly, I don't think the responses should be nice. I think that
Mexican opposition leader is showing us the way. There also needs to
be a site that defends slightly crazed hair politicians like Cynthia
McKinney who are black. I mean, its not like Ebony or Oprah is going
to defend her. What I like about her is that she's anti war, clearly
and without apology. While her AIPAC approved black opponent appears
to have taken the insane Bob Casey slow withdrawal route.
There also needs to be
a scoop site that allows freedom of speech, even when you don't like
it and even when its not nice. I suppose American Samizdat (haven't
been banned there yet) would be the perfect site for that
already--although I'm not sure how thrilled Doc would be with learning
what looks to be fairly complicated software. Not to thrilled with
that myself, but I think I could learn it.
also a big piece about how evil AIPAC--or what Jewish blogger Mathew
Yglesias refers to as the Lobby That Shall Not Be Named--is
steering the discussion about Iran. (And its not in a good way.)
Its in Rolling Stone, again. Looks like someone is interested in doing
some real reporting. You know, when I had that debate down there at
the Booman Tribune about this I couldn't
believe that there were people defending AIPAC. Related: Of
that might be related to this.
the way, when Rahm and Schumer (the completely impartial Jewish people
who seem to be picking Republican lite dems at every opportunity to
"retake" the house and the US Senate)
call to condemn the Iraq prime minister--which their evil
handiwork created--it reminds me of a word.
That word is
June 27
A letter from Chomsky and others on the recent
events in the Middle East (July 19, 2006):
The latest chapter of the conflict between
Israel and Palestine began when Israeli forces abducted two
civilians, a doctor and his brother, from Gaza. An incident scarcely
reported anywhere, except in the Turkish press. The following day
the Palestinians took an Israeli soldier prisoner - and proposed a
negotiated exchange against prisoners taken by the Israelis - there
are approximately 10,000 in Israeli jails.
That this "kidnapping" was considered an
outrage, whereas the illegal military occupation of the West Bank
and the systematic appropriation of its natural resources - most
particularly that of water - by the Israeli Defence (!) Forces is
considered a regrettable but realistic fact of life, is typical of
the double standards repeatedly employed by the West in face of what
has befallen the Palestinians, on the land alloted to them by
international agreements, during the last seventy years.
Today outrage follows outrage; makeshift
missiles cross sophisticated ones. The latter usually find their
target situated where the disinherited and crowded poor live,
waiting for what was once called Justice. Both categories of missile
rip bodies apart horribly - who but field commanders can forget this
for a moment?
Each provocation and counter-provocation is
contested and preached over. But the subsequent arguments,
accusations and vows, all serve as a distraction in order to divert
world attention from a long-term military, economic and geographic
practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of
the Palestinian nation.
This has to be said loud and clear for the
practice, only half declared and often covert, is advancing fast
these days, and, in our opinion, it must be unceasingly and
eternally recognised for what it is and resisted.
Tariq Ali
John Berger
Noam Chomsky
Eduardo Galeano
Naomi Klein
Harold Pinter
Arundhati Roy
Jose Saramago
Giuliana Sgrena
Howard Zinn
June 26
again. This time from the Booman Tribune....Sigh. Okay. That's it.
I'm looking into buying the Scoop software. There needs to be a site
that is muscular enough to stand for free speech, even when its
uncomfortable, and even when you don't like it. (By the way, I got
nigger baited down there about a half dozen times. I didn't once ask
for those persons to be banned. I figure I can take it. I mean, if you
can't handle coarse language on a message board what kind of real
fuckin' change can you institute in the society...?)
There also needs to be a
site for African Americans. We need our own space.
June 24
know, I can't get prominent black bloggers like Oliver Willis and
Steve Gilliard to take the vote theft issue seriously. (I can't even
get Steve to glance at the websites.) Thank Gawd there are smart
people running the Harlem Book Fair,
which had a whole panel on voter integrity issues and featured Greg
Palast and Steve Freeman (high level stat guy with a new book out
that Steve will be ignoring.) Check out the lineup here. Greg Palast
totally rocked, where
he bitch slaps Black Republican apologist John McWhorter. I think
his line is: "Martin Luther King didn't reward the lynchers!" He even
makes an argument about how black organizations need to pressure Dems
to count the vote. (I still think Greens are the way to go. That puts
pressure on the Dems and we don't have to join the Confederacy Party.)
Greg Palast: More of a legitimate black nationalist than Oliver Willis
or Steve Gilliard. Shameful really.
Here's an
Eclectic Playlist. What can I say? That Steelydan3 has good taste.
Update: Playlist appears sometimes, goes away during others. Don't
know why. Permalink
here. And if it does appear again, like Mary weeping, and it asks
you to go back to the site, just refresh and hit the next vid on the
Please start
posting video ads on YouTube so I can fully express my anger at the
Democratic Party about their anointed anti stem cell (anti progress)
pro life Senate candidate. (I can vote for the pro choice Rendell in
good conscience. (Ed. note: Not to mention
that he's more qualified than Confederacy Candidate Lynn Swann...)
It's cheap to do and gives you a weapon that you never had before: A
kind of television. The Revolution Might Not Be Televised, but there's
an excellent chance that it could be streamed. I'm supporting Rendell
but if I can avoid a vote for Bob Casey without thinking it might be
thrown away (you have to reach 60 percent name recognition among
likely dem voters and 20 percent should be willing to vote for you by
October) that would be nice. One more thing:
Please make ads that are better than this. If you're looking for a
director, then ask Kurt Nimmo,
who does work like this. Or I could even take a shot at it. Just
send audio and mpeg tapes to this address.
July 20
YouTube Playlist is a very cool idea that essentially allows you to
program your own television. Its probably the best music television
station, ever. No duds. Or at least that's less likely when you
program your own channel. Still needs work though in that it seemed to
stop every two to four vids. Still, pretty good. It should only get
better. Prepare for Phil's Music Television. And:
hope these lawsuits go nowhere. It seems like they're protected,
but other video download channels--Google and Yahoo come to
mind--manage to screen out possibly infringing vids and that's the
main reason they suck. Music videos simply aren't being played
anymore. Some of the beautiful vids I've seen on YouTube have nearly
brought me to tears...(what can I say? I'm an emotional guy..)
All the hep
vids that were posted at
Cyborg Democracy,
with a switcheroo or two. (Sometimes the graphic doesn't appear in
Mozilla or takes a year to download in Explorer.
Here's the direct link.) Thanks Steelydan3! What a nice guy...
July 19
Jesse Said. Short version: The GOP didn't win because they had
better "values". They won because they cheated and the Dems offered no
resistance. Its almost like they didn't mind. Almost.
going to the dentist with an aching tooth, and going through the pain
of having it diagnosed and pulled -- only to discover the dentist
pulled the wrong tooth. Not only have you suffered for nothing, you've
still got to operate on the real problem.
Democrats seem about to put themselves through
this agony. Pundits and politicians tell Democrats that they have a
"values" problem -- that people of faith vote against them in large
numbers because the Democratic party is seen as secular, or as
anti-Christian, or as straying from mainstream values.
Poppycock. Democrats didn't lose Florida in 2000
and the 2000 election because of the lack of a high faith profile. Al
Gore won the popular vote nationally and the popular vote of the
majority who cast ballots in Florida on Election Day. He lost Florida
because the fix was in, because the Voting Rights Act was not enforced
-- and because Republicans turned the recount into an alley fight
while Gore played by rules. Then a transparently partisan majority in
the Supreme Court violated its own principles and shamed itself by
ordering an end to a fair count, worried Bush might lose. This wasn't
about faith; it was about will.
Similarly, Democrats didn't lose Ohio in 2004 and
the 2004 election because of the lack of a high faith profile. They
lost because the fix was in, and because once again, Republicans had a
partisan zealot -- Ken Blackwell -- as secretary of state. Once again
he abused the powers of his office in choosing voting machines and
election schemes. Once again, a majority of people set out to vote for
Bush's opponent.
Having identified the wrong tooth, Democrats are
now hearing the wrong prescription. They're urged to embrace the
symbols of faith, to go to church, to speak from the Gospel, to
advertise their faith.
July 18
scores a big interview with
Robert Kennedy Jr., who's fighting for the black voters that the
DNC didn't think were worth fighting for in 2000 and 2004. Hey, no
matter what Steve Gilliard thinks some African Americans are
Thank You Robert Kennedy
Are you then adding a layer of suspicion about the direct manipulation
and fraudulent counting through computerized voting?
KENNEDY: That also happened, that
was another factor. Our democracy is broken. Our democracy is broken
because of our campaign finance system, which is just a system of
legalized bribery, which has allowed corporations and the very wealthy
to control the electoral results. Let me go back and say our electoral
system is broken for three reasons, in three large respects: The first
is our campaign finance system, which is a system of legalized
bribery, and which has allowed corporations and the very rich to
control the results of our electoral process. Number two is the
failure of the American press and that is also a function and result
of corporate control, as I showed in my book. Number three is the
election system itself, which is broken. We've privatized it and
allowed four large corporations to count our votes on machines that
don't work.
But also the
Republican party has inculcated a culture of corruption.
The Republican party has
adopted a strategy of denying votes to blacks and other minorities,
and to other people more traditionally Democratic, suppressing
Democratic vote and fraudulently expanding Republican vote. And this
is happening all over the country. I would urge you to read Greg
Palast's latest book,
Armed Madhouse. He does for the national elections what I did
for the Ohio election, which is to synthesize the information that's
out there into a readable document, in which he shows exactly how this
election was stolen-not just in Ohio but in many other states as well.
: Have any of your expert witnesses
or anyone referred to some of the stringent requirements in the gaming
industry which uses computerized slot machines, poker machines and so
forth involving the levels of certification and disclosure of the
security requirements of its vendors?
KENNEDY: Well, you see this was just
another corporate boondoggle that gave the most venal mendacious
corporations charge of our most sacred public trust, which is the
right to vote. These corporations were making hundreds of millions of
dollars. The machines, as it turns out, were manufactured by wireless
companies and were just a cheap piece of junk that cost less than $100
to manufacture, and they were selling them for $2400 apiece. And they
were using Jack Abramoff and other corrupt lobbyists to persuade
federal officials to pass the federal act to appropriate the money and
then to persuade state and local officials to purchase the defective
from the main bloc of writers from DKos and nothing from Atrios on the
Robert Kennedy issue. It has to be the money. These guys have opinions
about Cats and dopey YouTube vids, but nothing about the Biggest Story
of Our Times. Here's the thing: if you think its a bad story wouldn't
you take time to debunk it properly? It can't be ignored. That's not
going to work. They've become compromised by the Propaganda Model.
The Democratic Alliance,
the financial rainmakers hoping to build the DNC, is run by Simon
Rosenberg. Truthdig, run by Jewish American Robert Scheer,--a mensch
by the way-- implies that
there's a purity test behind the big money that funds the Alliance.
Let me guess: you get money if you don't talk about AIPAC or vote
fraud or how Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein supporting Joe
Leiberman looks kind of tribal or how the Democratic Party's Jewish
delegation may have switched sides. Gawd knows we wouldn't want to
weaken the 10 member plus Jewish American Senate delegation. It would
be terrible. You might get a filibuster or something or even a party
that could be united against a proxy war for Israel. How horrible.
Reminds me: Here's a
story about ACT that I never told anybody. I worked for ACT
Pennsylvania for six months before and up to the election. Here's the
weird thing: We never said a bad word about Arlen Specter or did a
thing to help his Democratic challenger Joe Hoeffel. We could have.
But we were funded by George Soros, known Jewish Holocaust survivor
(By the way, if you were a Holocaust survivor would that make you more
tribal or less tribal...It would make me more tribal.) Perhaps that
was the price for his money: You can work for Kerry but not against
Specter. Its probably the same for getting money from the Democratic
Alliance and the DNC and why so many big name blogs are silent about
this issue.
really think the
"No Confidence" argument is a great idea. It allows you to then
say: "Since I have no confidence in how you were elected, I can't
support any of your policy proposals or court nominations as a matter
of principle." Or at least I wish that's what the Washington Generals
Democrats could or would say.
Resolution of
no confidence in current U.S. elections
by J30 Coalition
July 16, 2006
Whereas an election is the legal process by which We, the People,
transfer power to our governmental representatives; and
Whereas, current electronic voting technologies have been shown to be
unreliable, insecure and unverifiable; and
Whereas, electronic voting technologies which do not include a
permanent paper ballot of record provide no means to verify results
reported by elections officials, through recounts or other legal
means; and
Whereas, citizens are denied oversight of the software used in
electronic voting and counting machines; and
Whereas, the use of proprietary (secret) software in our elections
amounts to a secret vote count; and
Whereas, publicly-funded testing and certification of software and
hardware of electronic voting systems is shrouded from public
oversight; and
Whereas, current election procedures violate "chain of custody" laws
thru the use of removable and/or remotely accessible memory cards,
which now constitute the official ballot box; and,
Therefore, Be It Resolved that there is no basis for confidence in any
election held under these conditions; and
Therefore, Be It Further Resolved that J30 demands the media not
report results it does not independently verify; and
Therefore, Be It Further Resolved that J30 joins the California
Election Protection Network in demanding a hand count of the June 6,
2006 San Diego County, California election.
Resolved this 4th day of July, 2006 by J30 Coalition (a 65-member
group of election integrity advocates based in Columbus, Ohio)
The mission of J30 Election Coalition is to implement fair, honest and
transparent elections by raising public and political awareness, by
organizing and empowering activists, by pursuing and/or supporting
legal actions as appropriate, and by cooperating with and supporting
other voting rights activists with which we agree, as a unified body,
and for which we can provide human and other resources.
July 16
This is Norah Jones with Wax Poetic. I thought she
did better music with this band. Try "Technology"
and "Purple
Elephants". There's just more of a kick. Definitely not pop music
for senior citizens.
Lessons from the
Un-Gore of Mexico
[Watch “Florida
con Salsa,” Palast’s 15-minute
investigative report from Mexico City for Democracy Now!]
The Exit polls said he won, but the “official” tally took his
victory away. His supporters found they were scrubbed off voter
rolls. Violence and intimidation kept even more of his voters away
from the polls. Hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly showed
no choice for president — like ballots with hanging chads.
And the officials in
charge of this suspect election refused to re-count those votes in
public. Everyone knew full well a fair count would certainly change
the outcome.
You’ve heard this
story before: Gore 2000. Kerry 2004.
But Lopez Obrador
2006 is made out of very different stuff than the scarecrow
candidates who, oddly, call themselves “Democrats.”
For six years now,
I’ve had this crazy fantasy in my head. In it, an election is stolen
and the guy who’s declared the loser stands up in front of the White
House and says three magic words: “Count
the votes.”
This past Saturday,
my dream came true. Unfortunately, it was in Spanish — but I’ll take
what I can get. There was Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, presidential
challenger, standing in the “Zocalo” — the square in front of
Mexico’s White House, telling the ruling clique inside, “Count
the votes!“
Most important, his
simple demand was echoed by half a million pissed-off, activated
voters chanting with him, “Vota por
vota!” — vote by vote.
And you know what? I
think they are going to have to listen.
I strongly suspect
they don't count because it involves black and latino voters. I
guess this is the defense against the "emerging democratic
majority". The white guys in both parties will overlook minority
voters even when they make up a majority.
has drones? That means Iran has drones. Uh, wonder what their
range is...? Do they have a dozen or a thousand? Guess I'll have to
learn to duck. I'm sure those drones won't care about my anti zionist,
anti Iraq war stances...
a segment that I call "My
Family Is More Talented Than Your Family", here's a painting by
Princess Simpson Rashid--
--(My Uncle Rashid, who
even though he's divorced from my Aunt Sonya (something about Islam
being the house religion even though Aunt Sonya grew up in a
fundamentalist Christian church) has always praised my writing and I'm
grateful, converted to Islam in the 60s. He works as an engineer, has
worked in Africa and his every move is probably being watched.)--
Refers to Blackwell in
telling crowd he shouldn't run election
Hillary Clinton took a shot at Secretary of State Ken Blackwell of
Cincinnati, the Republican candidate for governor, Monday during her
third visit to Ohio this year.
Speaking to more than
3,000 people at a national conference of ACORN - the Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now - Clinton prompted whoops and
hollers by saying, "Let's make sure that we count every vote in our
Clinton also called
for an increase in the minimum wage. If it makes the Ohio ballot
Nov. 7, voters will be asked to approve raising it from $5.15 an
hour to $6.85.
Referring to
presidential races, Clinton said, "This country deserves to have an
electoral system that has integrity. I know there's been a problem
here in Ohio, and I hope everybody from Ohio is watching this
election like a hawk. Don't let them pull anything over your eyes
Without naming
Blackwell, Clinton said, "One of the people running for high office
is actually running the election. That should not be permitted. It's
a conflict of interest. ... We've got to take back our democracy.''
and Thugs" by
the Transplants.
(Song is here.) Over at American Samizdat I do something called
the Mystery Link. This one is too easy.
July 11
are the rules: if the Mexican population fights--by massive marching
in the streets or even French style rioting (hey it worked)--for a
fair vote by not being as nice as John Kerry--ie, not caring that its
not "nice", or being called "sore losers" (especially since it looks
like they won) they'll get their candidate. If they act like American
democratic voters and do nothing (of course it takes a leader as inept
as Kerry to not only want to do nothing, but to not even fight it out
in the courts to prevent theft like this from happening again) in 2000
and 2004 then they'll lose.
Update at Palast and, for once,
a well
reported critical piece against Palast. We're fair and balanced
around here...
try to get out...but Steve Gilliard keeps!
So I threw some more
bombs over at Steve Gilliard's site over at
this post:
analysis. Let me throw my usual bombs.
First, MoveOn, Act and Grassroots ( on a par with ACORN and PIRG for
being run both weird and badly) worked. What lost Ohio was the 300000
voters that Blackwell (is he an ironic Dickens character)purged and
the 90000 provisional ballots that were never counted. I remember
standing around the ACT office a day after the election and we were
pissed off at ACT Ohio. It wasn't their fault and it wasn't the
Grassroots campaign fault..The DNC should have fought for those votes
and gotten those voters re registered if necessary.
Two, during an election you should get rid of the fundraising and
focus entirely on voter contact and turnout. But that's easy for me to
say I was with ACT which was funded by George Soros.
Three, when STeve says the GOP did a better job he's wrong. How do I
know he's wrong? Because I know that he hasn't read the vote theft
stuff, well sourced and written by highly intelligent folks and non
new republican writers, and drawn the right conclusion: if you control
the vote outcome nothing you do works...
Philip Shropshire Philip Shropshire |
Homepage | 07.11.06 - 10:04 am |
then the DKOS approved blogger/Empire Strikes Back!
Philip Shropshire,
The fact is that you're conflating five different issues. So how did
the GOP win New Mexico? No one said vote fraud there, did they?
I'm tired of reading about diebold when no one who writes about it can
tell me which ED's used which machines. It varies from county to
Palast is closest to the truth when it comes to voter suppression. The
rest, mostly theories by people who have never worked an election.
The fact is that the GOP got their voters out, even in Ohio. You can
pretend it's Diebold, but that only proves you believe people too lazy
to do basic research.
The simple point is this: if electronic voter fraud was needed, a
comparison of past elections in an ED would show it. Voting trends
don't change overnight without explaination from demographics and the
But grand conspiracies are more interesting than research.
And then Return of the
Steve: I've
actually done the research! You haven't and it shows. Coupla things:
There are no audits of the voting systems right now that's why its
very hard to get the kinds of data that you're talking about. Two: Its
hard to even get legal recounts underway. For example, we're trying to
get one in the busby/bilbray race but we've gotten a cost estimate of
$150000 dollars. Perhaps you know a prominent Kos approved blogger who
can help them raise the money (go to Bradblog.) Three: Are you talking
about the political naive Bob Fitrakis who serves as a committeman and
is now the Green Party candidate for governor? Come on. Four:
Actually, both Fitrakis and Palast have claimed that New Mexico was
stolen as well which you would know if you had done the
do the research already! These guys are good Steve. Just read the
links I gave you... Philip Shropshire |
Homepage | 07.11.06 - 11:10 am |
Look, we have five published books now written by heavywweight or two of them are online. Can't you read them or at
least the table of contents... Philip Shropshire |
Homepage | 07.11.06 - 11:12 am |
then went on to quote four sources where both Fitrakis and Palast
talked about New Mexico. Why this blind spot amongst the Internet's
Best and Brightest?
July 10
been giving Steve Gilliard a hard time about his not writing about the
vote theft issue because, as I stated in the comments, Vote Theft
trumps all issues and policy tactics. Vote Theft is the Ring that
rules them all. And no matter what cruel things I say to him in his
comments section I have a great deal of respect for him. (I agree with
him about a buncha stuff: the fact that Oprah disses all black men,
not just rappers, or the fact that the Nation should hire somebody
like Steve Gilliard--
(Sidenote: some of the
MSM media's hostility toward Kos is because he's not an Ivy League
Jewish guy. I think the New Republican editor said he would never hire
someone like Kos. Well, that's because ivy league only hiring
standards are fucked up. The problem is with you not with Kos, who
despite his faults built up his site his own damn self.)--
--and of course there's
the fact that he clued me into cousin Leonce's new book, which I
shamelessly promote.) Yet over on his blog..
Steve said this:
UH, I haven't even reviewed Cobra II, yet and that comes before books
I have no intention of reading.
But you're free to review them at will and send me a link. steve_gilliard | 07.09.06 -
9:53 am |
I offered this retort Sam Jackson Pulp Fiction stylee:
So you're
equating the theft of two national elections to what I think is the
nonexistent Stallone sequel? Truly, evil Markos dark side force is
strong. Actually, you don't even have to read the books you can check
out their websites. Here's a clue: if you don't fix the machines or
even strongly argue for fixing the machines, say, on a blog, you're
not going to win in 2006, 2008, 2010, probably 2100 when the gop
machinebots have taken over...
Anyway, links:
Try the Kennedy pieces first. Its a nice summary of those five books
and he puts forth some arguments of his own. He's also suing, frankly,
on behalf of disenfranchised black voters. If only a prominent black
blogger could show thanks...
Look, I know they're showing "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" but if you
can take a few minutes and read through these and use that law degree
of yours to figure out that if the vote is compromised everything
you're doing is a fucking waste of time some of us would appreciate
(sic) that...
Philip Shropshire
PS: You can also read updates at my site about this minor incidental
story about how your vote's been hacked.
PPS: One final point, Glenn Reynolds, GOP talking pointman, thinks
there's nothing to this vote theft story. And that's its not
responsible to even talk about it. I guess you agree with him. Draw
your own conclusions. Philip Shropshire |
Homepage | 07.09.06 - 10:25 am |
A Full Recount
Would Show that López Obrador Won Mexico’s Presidency by More than One
Million Votes
The Tip of the
Iceberg of the Crimes Committed by Mexican Electoral Authorities Is
the Fraudulent Vote Count of 2006
By Al Giordano Part II of a Special Series
for The Narco News Bulletin
July 8, 2006
Commercial Media
organizations are reporting that Felipe Calderňn won Sunday’s
presidential election by 0.58 percent of the vote and will govern
Mexico for the next six years, beginning on December 1.
It would not be the
first time that the Commercial Media has been wrong.
Many of those reports
have claimed that Wednesday’s first official count of precinct results
in Mexico – 130,000 pieces of paper that claim to represent the vote
tallies – was a “recount.”
It would not be the
first time that lazy “pack journalism” got a major international story
The truth: No recount
occurred on Wednesday, or before, or since. What occurred – we repeat
– was only the first official count of precinct tallies.
A Narco News
investigation has found that in the small sample of precincts – less
than one percent – where a recount was allowed, the shift in numbers
away from Calderón was so drastic that, if recounts of all the ballots
followed the same trend, the official results would invert and Andrés
Manuel López Obrador would become the clear winner of the presidency
by more than one million votes:
Hey, at least he fights for the vote. He
doesn't think its impolite or unsportsmanslike to fight for his voters
unlike some fake opposition parties I know.
And the winner in Mexico’s presidential contest is… Senor
The official count of the ruling party is: 36.38% for the
ruling party and 35.34% for the challenger.
Or, to put names and numbers to it: The Bush-o-philiac
candidate, Felipe Calderon, collected 402,000 more votes than
Bush-bashed Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. But the big winner was
Mr. Blank — the 827,000 ballots without a mark for president.
I smell something rotten… eau d’Ohio, vintage 2004. In that
state, as in Mexico this week, the presidential “winner,” George
Bush, had victory margin smaller than the combined “undercount”
(blank ballots) and rejected and mangled ballots.
Blank ballots are rarely random — in the USA, nearly 88% were
cast in 2004, notably, in minority areas, the result of bad voting
machines. That is, Democrats’ ballots “spoil” and “blank out” a
heck of a lot more often than Republican ballots. What about in
I intend to find out. As soon as I saw the “official” vote
count, I booked a plane to Mexico City. I’ll be there to tomorrow
to join our investigators on the ground — and to fill in the
And what about the “spoiled” vote — ballots rejected, lost,
mangled? Well, some are sitting in dumpsters in Veracruz State
which is controlled by the old ruling PRI. (There’s a darn good
chance that the PRI, hoping to stave off its extinction, played a
bigger role than Calderon’s PAN in shoplifting votes from
challenger Lopez Obrador.)
But I'm not sure he's doing the best reporting for once. Looks
like that prize goes to
Giordano of Narco News.
One of the major problems for IFE and
the Fox administration is that if they were to allow the
bread-and-butter recount that the public demands, the ugly truth
would come out that an unknown number of ballot boxes have
“disappeared” in the past two days. The ballots from three
precincts in the city of Nezahuacoyotl – a López Obrador
stronghold – were discovered yesterday in the municipal garbage
dump. The results from two of those precincts have been missing,
since Sunday, from IFE’s vote tallies.
An IFE official, ambushed by television
reporters, exacerbated the crime yesterday when she blamed the
Mexican military: the Armed Forces, not IFE,
are supposedly guarding the ballots, she said, in defense of her
bureaucracy. This, sources close to the military told Narco News,
produced significant anger among the military generals and troops
who – if the public does not believe or accept
IFE’s final decision – will be called upon to quell the
national rebellion that follows.
Of course, we've seen this pattern before in 2004. If only the DNC
or the Daily Kos could see it...
plays like a dude. A dude who looks like
Allan Holdsworth with Scott Henderson phrasing. And she's not Jewish
(apparently) and she's definitely not a lesbian (married to the
bassist with the big bass...).
Is that possible? My worldview and preconceptions are shattered.
She seems to borrow
from the Holdsworth IOU era. (Update:
Her name is Susan Weinart. I'd like to see her live. Not so sure
about the Mark Murphy vocalist...)
Welp, my holiday reading
this and this.
First, Frederick Douglas:
What, to the American slave, is your 4th of
July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the
year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To
him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license;
your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty
and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your
shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your
sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity,
are, to Him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy-a thin
veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is
not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than
are the people of the United States, at this very hour.
Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and
despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every
abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the
everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for
revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.
then there's this from Bradblog. You know, its interesting what those
wacky extremists who started the country get upset about:
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most
wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing
importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be
obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts
of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation
in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable,
and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole
purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly
firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to
be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have
returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in
the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and
convulsions within.
Geez is there anything
sadder than the losing soccer fan? Give the English and German fans a gun
why doncha and end the misery...
of stolen elections, it looks like Robert Kennedy is
moving ahead and suing the bad
people who make the "fixed" machines. Of course, one of the tactical
decisions of ever so wise Billary was to not fight for the courts. I even
wonder if there's a single appeals court in Democratic Party hands. As I
said before: Pick your judges wisely.
though Atrios is on my Colbert-like list (no publicity for the vote theft
issue. I guess his evil master Markos won't let him write about it, unless
its to debunk it of course...) I think he's
absolutely right about this Tom Tomorrow cartoon. I just wish he would
make the next logical leap: the press is just another arm of the Republican
state. When the Republicans are out of power they drum up bs discontent
(blowjobs = impeachment, while lying about a war which has killed 50000
Iraqis, 2500 Americans and made our country into the New Germany = we won't
even aggressively defend ourselves against treason charges...maybe they'll
come after those blogofascists and it will be so worthwhile...) and when
they're in power they ignore the obvious and fill the waves or their print
runs with happytalk or blame dem propaganda. All corporate media is Fox
news. They're just more subtle about it. Yes they'll support dems but only
corporatist dems.
the imaginary God's sake don't check out this
new porn version of
Youtube. Its just wrong. Wrong I tells ya...
Appell, who for my money is just as good a debunker of global warming
critics as Chris Mooney and has actually worked as a research scientist,
is back at his blog Quark Soup,
which now has a spot on the vast Blogger/Google servers. He was supposed to
do a story on what I so humorously referred to as the "Turkey Guts" people
(this was a guy who claimed he
could turn any trash (sewage, glass, political enemies of the state) into
oil. Dave never finished that story but Discover did three stories (here
here and the
final story
here) and declared that the tech works, but the early models did smell bad
and there were some other problems. .Oddly enough, the guy who runs that is
called Brian Appel, no relation and no extra L apparently. (Not related to
this I think. Tip o the hat to my evil theocratic archfoe The BishopAles Rarus for that find.)
June 30
Billionaires for Bush Rap Video (While not overly enamored with the
hippity hoppy, let us give credit to rap songs that note election theft and
Herbie Hancock's "Maiden Voyage". Its a terrible video. IN
fact, this guy has done 10 videos and its different music to this same film.
But where can I hear one of the best songs of all time? Internets beat music
June 28
that spunky online blog called the Washington Post. By the way, if this
minor story about how your elections are hacked reaches the importance of,
say, really critical things like car crashes and underclass crime in the
corporate media then thank Bradblog, Greg Palast, Mark Crispin Miller, and Bob Fitrakis.
They're the main drivers of the most important story of our lifetimes,
unless you lived through the Crusades or something...
A Single Person Could Swing an Election
Electronic Systems' Weaknesses May Be Countered With Audits, Report Suggests
By Zachary A. Goldfarb
Special to The Washington Post
Wednesday, June 28, 2006; Page A07
To determine what it would take to hack a U.S. election, a team of
cybersecurity experts turned to a fictional battleground state called
Pennasota and a fictional gubernatorial race between Tom Jefferson and
Johnny Adams. It's the year 2007, and the state uses electronic voting
Jefferson was forecast to win the race by about 80,000 votes, or 2.3 percent
of the vote. Adams's conspirators thought, "How easily can we manipulate the
election results?"
The experts thought about all the ways to do it. And they concluded in a
report issued yesterday that it would take only one person, with a
sophisticated technical knowledge and timely access to the software that
runs the voting machines, to change the outcome.
The report, which was unveiled at a Capitol Hill news conference by New York
University's Brennan Center for Justice and billed as the most authoritative
to date, tackles some of the most contentious questions about the security
of electronic voting.
The report concluded that the three major electronic voting systems in use
have significant security and reliability vulnerabilities. But it added that
most of these vulnerabilities can be overcome by auditing printed voting
records to spot irregularities. And while 26 states require paper records of
votes, fewer than half of those require regular audits.
"With electronic voting systems, there are certain attacks that can reach
enough voting machines . . . that you could affect the outcome of the
statewide election," said Lawrence D. Norden, associate counsel of the
Brennan Center.
With billions of dollars of support from the federal government, states have
replaced outdated voting machines in recent years with optical scan ballot
and touch-screen machines. Activists, including prominent computer
scientists, have complained for years that these machines are not secure
against tampering. But electronic voting machines are also much easier to
use for disabled people and those who do not speak English.
Voting machine vendors have dismissed many of the concerns, saying they are
theoretical and do not reflect the real-life experience of running
elections, such as how machines are kept in a secure environment.
"It just isn't the piece of equipment," said David Bear, a spokesman for
Diebold Election Systems, one of the country's largest vendors. "It's all
the elements of an election environment that make for a secure election.(Editor's
note: They're lying!)
I've started a new blog project called Open Letters to the Mostly Powerful.
I addressed this one to the Earth Liberation Front. All in good fun of
Phil's Cool New Meme (Even the Kewl Kids are Repeating It..)
Open Letter
to Earth Liberation Front:
1. After five
books and about 2000 pages of evidence, I have concluded that the GOP
purposely stole the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, not to
mention numerous house and senate seats that haven't been looked at too
2. I don't
think nonviolent resistance can work in a reality where the vote has been
and will be thwarted on a continuous basis.
3. I still
can't sanction the taking of human life, but I'm quite comfortable with
the destruction of things. In other words, instead of blowing up a car
dealership or two, why not find the warehouses that are storing the
machines and destroy the machines, preferably a day or two before the
election so that the machines can't be replaced and you have to rely on a
paper ballot--which is harder to hack. Just something to think about.
New Gil Scott Heron vid called "Lady Day and John Coltrane". Features this
thing called "dancing" that the RIAA fears so much. . Can't stop playing the Gil Scott
Heron. Over at
Samizdat, I mentioned that Mr. Heron wouldn't mind cute dancing white
girls. Then I recalled that I actually met him, think it was 1983, and even
though I was a card carrying member
of DSA back then he was considerably to my left. So he might mind. I
thought he was going to beat me up. But, like Del Toro sez in "Sin City" I'm
no racist...
I'm demoting that not
ambiguously gay crimefighting duo Gayboy (whose page won't even
upload) and Girlydyke, because they simply don't post enough.
Too bad. They were both interesting bloggers. Looking for replacements
for Pittsburgh bloggers. Gender and/or mammal preferences not an issue.
Black Muslims arrested as
terror suspects. I'm trying to put a positive spin on this but I just can't.
The Booman Tribune, which is now
my Scoop site of choice because they seem to understand the importance of
the vote theft/vote suppression issue, urges caution:
--A Muslim chaplain in the U.S. Army has been arrested
and is being investigated on suspicion of espionage and possibly
treason, officials familiar with the case told CNN. Army Capt.
James Yee was taken into custody by U.S. military authorities September
10 at the naval air station in Jacksonville, Florida, while in
possession of classified documents "that a chaplain shouldn't have," an
official told CNN, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
ALOHA, Ore. —
A lawyer and former Army officer who
converted to Islam was arrested as a material witness in the deadly
train bombings in Spain, federal authorities said. Brandon Mayfield was taken into
custody Thursday by FBI agents, who also searched his home in the
Portland suburb of Aloha.
It was the first known arrest in the
United States with connections to the March 11 terrorist attacks in
Madrid that killed 191 people and injured 2,000 others.
Remember Richard Jewell,
falsely accused for the Atlanta Olympic Park bombing?
Caution is the watch
word. The good news is that law enforcement had penetrated this group.
This calls into question the Administration's insistence that you can't
fight terrorism as a law enforcement matter. Really? If that's true then
why was this handled as a "law enforcement" matter? This should be a
reminder that law enforcement, particularly with the help of local law
enforcement, is our first and best defense against domestic terrorism.
From a first glance, they
don't seem to be the smartest terrorists in the world. Note to self: When the
African American FBI mole comes into my limited social orbit and asks "Hey,
isn't Al Q great? Wouldn't you like to join and blow up stuff and could you
please speak directly into the microphone...?" Just say no. I mean, if
they were looking for good ideas...
I guess its the timing
that I'm trying to understand. Why now? If you've been following the vote
theft story then, like me, it has dawned on you that if the Republicans
hadn't actively suppressed the black vote in 2000 and 2004 they wouldn't
have won the presidency--and probably numerous other house and senate seats
that we haven't even looked at (Here's an interesting point: usually the
party that doesn't hold the presidency makes gains in both the House and
Senate, except for the last six years...where I strongly suspect the
machines have been hacked.) and you should be really really angry.
I Predict a Riot, and if there was an independent Guardian like national
press in the US perhaps there would be. But there isn't. We can't even get
prominent bloggers to write about the issue (unless its to denounce it), let
alone the corporate press.
Of course, if you were trying
to demonize black people anyway, these arrests couldn't have come at a
better time. Perhaps they're setting up a pretext to do something that
they've always wanted to do anyway: Not renew the Voting Rights Act.
I might also note that if
you were an oppressed and despised minority group, whose legal franchise to
vote has essentially been stripped away, you probably would have no choice
but to look beyond nonviolent options. How do nonviolent options work if you
don't have the vote? And, of course, the history of the United States is
that every black leader of prominence, no matter what philosophy they
represented, was slaughtered. How do you show your disapproval if you don't
have the vote?
Speaking of outright
theft, Ken
Blackwell is at it again. He wants every registration to go straight to
his office. This is so that he can eliminate every application that is
missing so much as a comma. That's probably unlawful and it certainly isn't
very democratic. But of course, what's against the law and what Republicans
can get away with are entirely different concepts.
June 22
of the Gifted Jewish Lesbian Guitarists. First
up is Mimi
Fox, with a very butch cut but I held out hope that one day she would
be mine. She's incredible in this clip by the way. I wish she would just cut
a dvd with this band. Dumbass BET on J won't release her concert on DVD.
here's Kaki King. I think its her best live performance. She looks relaxed.
course, if you're such a great lesbian Mimi then why are you sitting on
Steve Vai's lap? Probably because
he's just produced your two cd straight ahead jazz album, one in a group
setting and one all solo pieces. I think I understand. So, when my 40
million dollar lotto ticket comes in: "Yes, is this Kaki King? I understand
that you need a producer for your possibly not commercial acoustic Hawaiian
marching music. I think I can help, but first: there's a lap I know that
yearns and yearns for happiness, delivered with a big exuberant smile...."
Bradblog talks about town meetings
to get a recount in the Bilbray/Busby race. Might be
voting machine shenanigans and/or tomfoolery here in Pittsburgh.
From 2 Political Junkies.
And Kennedy hints at legal action. I hope it will be in time for the
2008 elections. Please pick your judges carefully.
Palast on how the GOP has stolen millions of black votes. Short version:
There should be rioting in the streets. I mean, if you're going to riot then
this is a good reason to do so. If the GOP hadn't illegally stolen and
suppressed the black vote in 2000 and 2004 then the Republicans probably
would not be in power. This is what they call an "Act of War". Of course,
there isn't an independent black press to report on this issue. They're all
owned or run by the GOP. (I know Scaife has his claws in the Courier, just
don't know how much. Not that he needed too many claws with pro life, pro
clinic bombing editor Rod Doss at the helm.) And our friends in the
corporate press, which won't touch the very minor "your elections have been
hacked" story won't put it out there. Don't hold your breath for the
corporate media to do its job. Even my fave PG columnist
Gnarls Barkley
hasn't written anything about it. Beautiful fractal vid
done by an amateur. (The Joy of the
Internets.) Features great acidy jazzie Boards of Canada tune Crossposted at
Cyborg Democracy. I believe that this is the music of the Future.
Your Sunday Atheism Service. Part Two of Richard Dawkins' "Root of All
Evil". Apparently, religion is
a malicious virus that some people don't
outgrow, thereby short circuiting their capacity to think rationally. I did
not know that.
June 18
That's a picture of my late father
(John Shropshire) that I drew
on a computer a long time ago. I miss him. Could use his wisdom right about
now. I have always believed that you can solve problems nonviolently. But if
the vote is compromised, and I think that it clearly is (note for
clueless dems who don't know this yet:
people who have legitimately won the vote welcome recounts. It just reaffirms
their victory. Judge for yourself
what the Republican response has been and act accordingly.) you've lost
99 percent of what you can do nonviolently. More stuff about Pop: he was a
conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, was a pro football prospect,
and had great taste in books. I stole lots of books from him: all of his
Frantz Fanon and the speeches of Malcolm X. He was a cool guy. Miss him.
Mark Crispin Miller:
Why are the Democrats Ignoring the Stolen Election Story? He also
debunks any strategery involved in not telling voters. I can understand
Republicans stealing my vote. They're fuckin' evil. I will never understand
why my party of the last 25 years won't fight for me or my vote. Here's
So much for the democratic spirit
of the Democratic Party, which, in burying the most important civic
issue of our time, has been just as complicit as the GOP, although they
cloud the issue far less rudely. Take "Democracy at Risk," the DNC
report on the election in Ohio, which came out in the summer of 2005. The
document appears to be a very damning study of Republican malfeasance in
Ohio. It offers many harrowing statistics, and some strong firsthand
accounts, of Democratic disenfranchisement throughout the state -- only to
deny that fraud had anything to do with it. The problem, rather, was
"incompetence," which was somehow epidemic in Ohio on Election Day, and
which, stranger still, invariably helped Bush/Cheney and hurt Kerry/Edwards.
The report is not exactly readable, with long abstruse equations covering
page after page -- a haze of math that does not quite conceal the bald
self-contradictions that distort the document like heavy cracks across a
windshield. For instance, the report confirms, in various ways, that there
were far too few machines only in Democratic precincts, while the number of
machines in GOP strongholds was more than adequate. Then, out of nowhere,
toward the end, we're told that members of both parties were affected
equally by the statewide shortage of machines, so that the glitch did not,
of course, affect the outcome of the race.
The whole report is twisted thus, the authors tortuously bending over
backward to assure us that DeLay et al. were right: "No voter
disenfranchisement occurred in this election of 2004." If we look deeper
into the report (and also read the pertinent expos�s by Bob Fitrakis and
Harvey Wasserman at, we find that it is less an earnest study
of the fraud committed in Ohio than a political statement, meant primarily
to distance the committee, and the party, from John Conyers and those other
Democrats who had been so tactless as to harp on the abundant evidence of
systematic fraud by the Republicans. This fact is highly relevant to
Manjoo's attack on Robert Kennedy, as Manjoo's case is heavily dependent on
the DNC report. Manjoo invokes it several times, accusing Kennedy of quoting
only certain parts of it and pointedly ignoring all those later parts that
clear the GOP of fraud. Your reporter calls this a "deliberate omission of
key bits of data." And yet that charge is groundless, as the DNC report is
only partly accurate, and Kennedy, quite rightly, quoted only its sound
figures and ignored its weird exculpatory spin.
The DNC report is typical of that
cowed, calculating party, whose managers consistently deny the evidence of
fraud, even though the consequence is their assured political castration.
Why exactly would they take that suicidal course? The reasons generally
given for their silence on the subject are preposterous on their face.
Kerry won't discuss the issue frankly on the record, we've been told,
because he's worried that the media will smack him for it. ("They're saying
that, if I don't concede, they'll call us sore losers!" he reportedly said
to a stunned John Edwards just before he called it quits the morning after.)
That may be what Kerry, among others, actually believes, but it's absurd, as
no amount of public scorn, however withering, could ever be as frightening
to a democratic politician as the twilight of democracy itself.
We also hear that Democrats have been reluctant to speak out about election
fraud because they fear that
doing so might cut down voter turnout on Election Day. By such
logic, we should henceforth utter not a peep about election fraud, so that
the Democratic turnout will break records. Then, when the Republicans win
yet again, because they've rigged the system, how will all those Democratic
voters feel? Maybe those who haven't
killed themselves, or fled the country, will recover just enough to vote
again. Would it then be prudent for the Democrats to talk about election
fraud? Or would it still seem sensible to keep the subject under wraps?
The argument is
idiotic, yet the people who have seriously made it -- Bernie Sanders,
Markos Moulitsas, Hillary Clinton's and Chuck Schumer's people, among others
-- are extremely bright. The argument, as foolish as it is, does not bespeak
a low I.Q., but, I would suggest, a subtler kind of incapacity: a refusal
and/or inability to face a deeply terrifying truth. The Democrats refuse to
talk about election fraud because they cannot, will not, wrap their minds
around the implications of what happened in 2004, and what is happening
right now, and what will keep on happening until we, as a people, face the
issue. In short, whatever clever-sounding rationales they may invoke (no
doubt in all sincerity), the Democrats won't talk about election fraud
because they're in denial,which
is itself based on a lethal combination of inertia, self-interest and, above
all -- or below all -- fear.
Breakin' news! Here first!
(Really. No one covers the unimportant trivial story of how the last two
national elections were hacked. Silly blogger. Tricks are for kids.)
That's just brilliant. I'm
thinking about making t-shirts. Something along the lines of "NO CONFIDENCE
in election results for 2000, 2004 and elections to be named later." I
suppose if you were a member of an opposition party you would use this to
undermine the president with every speech and utterance, unless
you're the
Washington Generals political party of course..
From Mark Crispin Miller's
News from the Underground:
Courageous Schakowsky
Congresswoman 'Apologizes' for Not Taking Allegations of Stolen 2004
Election Seriously! Was it Stolen? 'Only Answer is Yes,' says Schakowsky who
Claims DCCC to Announce Steps Soon to Avoid 'Repeat Performance'
From the Congresswoman:
For us, it (winning 2006 elections) must all be about execution.
First, we must not allow the Republicans to steal the election-again.
I apologize for not taking seriously enough the allegations that the 2004
election was stolen. After reading Bobby Kennedy's article in Rolling Stone,
"Was the 2004 Election Stolen?", I am convinced that the only answer is yes.
He documents how 357,000 Ohio voters, the vast majority Democrats, "were
prevented from casting ballots or did not have their votes countedĹ more
than enough to shift the results." Watch for the DCCC to take some very
public steps in the near future to ward off a repeat performance. In the
meantime, there needs to be a citizens' effort starting now to assess the
machines, the ballots, the registration process within each and every
election jurisdiction in each and every swing district and state, in the
case of Senate races. Where the situation looks perilous, go to the media,
raise a stink, demand changes. This is a great project for the many of you
who have been diligently working to guarantee fair and accurate elections.
This is a response to
assertions made by the Christian Right that America is a Christian Nation
and if you aren't Christian then you're not welcome here. They are openly
trying to steal this country and force their fiction based religion on
Realists who believe that reality is what's really real.
Our response - screw you!
We realists are not going to let it happen. We aren't going to let you
destroy civilization just to feed your religious fantasies. Our response is
- Choose Reality. We're fed up and we're pissed off. We are not going to put
up with it any more. When you cross the line from the benignly misguided to
threatening then it's time to bite back. We've had enough and we aren't
going to take it any more.
We're going to talk about what's real, what's really real. The kind of
reality that stands up to doubt and scrutiny. The kind of reality that
relies on evidence, is supported by logic and reason, and stands up to
scientific principles. We're talking about the kind of reality that doesn't
go away when you stop believing in it. Choose Reality is a statement that we
believe in what is real and that we are ready to talk about anything in the
context of it's reality. It is a statement that we refuse to live the lie.
We do not accept a life of fantasy.
We challenge faith based religions on the
basis of what is real. We stand for reality. Where do you stand on reality?
Choose Reality is a
direct challenge to faith based religions who are making false claims about
reality. Religions that are trying to redefine science and move education
and civilization back into the Dark Ages. We challenge the unquestionable
claims that one is supposed to believe on blind faith. We challenge you to
prove your position and we are ready to prove ours. We believe in
accountability and if you think your deity exists and that you have found
the true religion then trot it out here because if you are right, we'll all
join you.
June 11
Modest Sunday Night Around the Internets
going to join FON. It might be
the only way to create universal broadband. Wasn't surprised by the
negative house vote (fully in the grasp of the Dark Side) although
there is hope. Actually, the
only hope is for Google and Microsoft and Ebay, hopefully not together
because that would create another kind of duopoly, to create their own
national broadband network. Let's hope Sergey gets angry. You wouldn't like
Sergey when he's angry...probably because the Software Kings are really
really talented. Google would clean the telcos clock and create much better
television while they're at it. (Of course, in working democracies,
governments like Japan and France and S. Korea can simply look out for the
public good and the telcos would have to put their rapacious greed on
hold...wish we had that here.) The
Make Blog is very cool. I've put
it right beside Boing Boing because it fits. Bow
before the might,
power and truthiness of Captain Copyright! (an industry shill who
apparently raids Swedish servers and litigates against grandmothers and 12
year olds) Cory Doctorow has already linked to
mashups and satires here. Brazilian
gangs take on the police. Can reach out beyond the cell. Have mixed
feelings about this. If its clear that you're being groomed for prison or
exclusion, why care about the "law"? The
Seduction of Joe Tynan Daily Kos. Or:
wonders why Kos is cozying up to DLCer Warner. Probably because that's
where the money is at.
They have been gearing up
for this for some time. However, Rove had wanted to use this against African
Americans, not Hispanics. He knows that alienating the Latino vote is the
kiss of death for the party long term. But it's out of his hands now.
Immigration has a life of its own and I suspect it will be quite easy to
adjust the plan and the machinery to try to 1) get out the base, 2) suppress
the Latino vote which is now heavily leaning democratic and 3) serve as a
rallying cry and cause when they lose seats and possibly their majority.
This will be immediately played for 08 with a whole bunch of "voter
integrity" legislation. They will be screaming to high heaven. Lou Dobbs
will have his aneurysm removed on live television.
The Democrats could have innoculated against this when the Republicans stole
the 2000 election, but they didn't. Had they been
screaming bloody murder for six solid years about Republican vote fraud, it
would be much more difficult for the GOP to suddenly glom onto this issue.
Instead, it was a mere underground drumbeat that was heard, but only in the
vaguest way. Now the CW about stolen elections is going to be turned on us
--- and we will be on the defensive fighting both the charge of electoral
fraud and being soft on criminal Mexicans because we need illegal aliens to
stuff the ballot boxes for us.
--From Digby, who I'm now
permalinking. He's the only big league blogger who gets it.
Here's some Priceless Analysis From Kos on
Why She Lost:
1. Democrats are not
motivated to turn out
2. 2006 will be a
base election -- the party that wins is the party that gets more of its
partisans to the polls.
Really? Is that why you
supported Bob Casey in the primaries? Because I happen to be a democratic
party partisan--excluded as I am from nearly all important policy
decisions--and Bob Casey, a man who hasn't met an anti union, blatantly
corporatist Bush appointee he doesn't like so far and is against censure and
is thrilled that a pharmacist can deny me a condom (not that I need
one lately with my pathetic sex life but a man can dream!..), not to
mention a devotee of the nation's flying invisible monster of
choice...doesn't get me too excited about voting. Really. I don't know
why they're so thrilled with "Nedmentum". You could make the same dumb
argument for Leiberman..."yeah, we'll get a vote for majority leader,
probably majority leader Leiberman...."
In light of RFK's piece
on election fraud and his reference to my
article on the Clermont stickers, I thought I would send this out
again. To date, the FBI has yet to conduct a full investigation of
the Clermont case despite having witness statements, video footage,
and the public record of an official who slipped up and admitted to
tampering with ballots, despite all that, the FBI has done nothing.
The people who came forward - initially a far bigger number - did so
despite being intimidated and harassed while the people they spoke
out against are still in their jobs
Shocking really. Related:
Fitrakis and Wasserman bring out their stats guy to debunk Manjoo
and here.
I'm not qualified to judge maybe Fester can take a shot. My feeling is: Do
you believe that the Bush administration has acted honorably and honestly in
all matters? Or any matter for that matter? Why wouldn't that extend to
voting? Plus, there's
Greg Palast who has documented all of their caging techniques... Its
obvious that they steal. What isn't obvious is why the democratic party (by
the way, even if they win somehow with their gutless win on the margins
efforts, it will be a decidedly DLC friendly congress...don't expect much
change) doesn't take up the issue, although
I had a
Washington Generals theory earlier...Time
to take a look at our Pennsylvania Green Party slate. Of course, they
need to get 69000 sigs in about two months, which probably means 80 or 90
thousand just to be safe. Good luck.
What the Green Party needs is
a self financed Ned Lamont or two...(Hollywood Left where are you...?)
By the way, here are
free mottos for any resurgent Green Party effort: "Its time for a change.
No, really." Or "Because the status quo isn't good enough anymore" or even
"Because if the status quo means 5 dollar a gallon gas then I'm crazy enough
to vote Green."
June 8
June 2
By the way, one reason the voter fraud story hasn't gotten better traction is that the Big Three of
Left Blogity Blog circles--Kos, Atrios and Calpundit--simply haven't
acknowledged the story. In fact,
Kos and
Chris Bowers (MYDD) are hostile to the issue and both Atrios and
Calpundit have ignored the story as they whistle through the graveyard. (At
the time I write this they have. 3 pm eastern time.)
They keep scratchin' their heads
wonderin' why the techniques used to steal two presidential elections
would get
people so upset. (Read the comments section.) I responded at MYDD. I
would have responded at Kos but I got banned there because of my "What Hesh
Said" post.
You're Way Off Here on this point..
(none / 0)
Well, the reason this issue rockets to the top at DKOS is that if the vote
is compromised then nothing else that we're working on makes much sense!
Plus, the Republicans act like squirrely vote stealers! Of course its
important. Actually, try to do something more complicated in Philly: audit
the vote. Go ahead I dares you. I double dares you. You actually probably
can't be sure that you won in any district that used a voting machine that
doesn't leave a trail.
By the way, it wasn't just some crazy statistician that smelled a rat with
the exit polls (smaller discrepancies turned over the Ukraine vote by the
way) it was a whole team of stat guys, plus Kathy Dopp, plus four books,
plus America Votes, plus Greg Palast's new book...this stuff is well
researched and generally unrebuted by the right...! Smell a rat why doncha...
by pshropshire on Fri Jun 02, 2006 at 06:04:27 AM EST
Re: Demand Election Reform, But Only If You Mean I (none / 0)
By the way, I don't think becoming a committeeman means too
much if the GOP can "disappear" about 300000 thousand votes like they did in
Ohio. And: please rebut that charge if you will. No name calling. No insults
about us weak minded people who can't see through that hack Greg Pallast...probably
one of the greatest investigative reporters of our time, who of course works
for the BBC.
I think the answer, quite frankly, lies outside of nice DLC political moves.
We need to do what the masses did when they tried to depose Chavez, or what
the Paris kids did when they tried to turn their employment status at will
or what thousands of latin American immigrants did when they were threatened
with being turned into felons...Massive demostratations. Worker's strikes.
And they need to be big...of course, they can't be big if we insist that
there's not a problem with mostly black people having their vote
The huge
story of the day is that a national media publication finally breaks the
voting fraud story. The publication is Rolling Stone and the writer is
Robert Kennedy and its well documented.
Like many Americans,
I spent the evening of the 2004 election watching the returns on television
and wondering how the exit polls, which predicted an overwhelming victory
for John Kerry, had gotten it so wrong. By midnight, the official tallies
showed a decisive lead for George Bush -- and the next day, lacking enough
legal evidence to contest the results, Kerry conceded. Republicans derided
anyone who expressed doubts about Bush's victory as nut cases in ''tinfoil
hats,'' while the national media, with few exceptions, did little to
question the validity of the election. The Washington Post
immediately dismissed allegations of fraud as ''conspiracy theories,''(1)
and The New York Times declared that ''there is no evidence of vote
theft or errors on a large scale.''(2)
But despite the media
blackout, indications continued to emerge that something deeply troubling
had taken place in 2004. Nearly half of the 6 million American voters living
abroad(3) never received their ballots -- or received them too late to
vote(4) -- after the Pentagon unaccountably shut down a state-of-the-art Web
site used to file overseas registrations.(5) A consulting firm called Sproul
& Associates, which was hired by the Republican National Committee to
register voters in six battleground states,(6) was discovered shredding
Democratic registrations.(7) In New Mexico, which was decided by 5,988
votes,(8) malfunctioning machines mysteriously failed to properly register a
presidential vote on more than 20,000 ballots.(9) Nationwide, according to
the federal commission charged with implementing election reforms, as many
as 1 million ballots were spoiled by faulty voting equipment -- roughly one
for every 100 cast.(10)
The reports were
especially disturbing in Ohio, the critical battleground state that clinched
Bush's victory in the electoral college. Officials there purged tens of
thousands of eligible voters from the rolls, neglected to process
registration cards generated by Democratic voter drives, shortchanged
Democratic precincts when they allocated voting machines and illegally
derailed a recount that could have given Kerry the presidency. A precinct in
an evangelical church in Miami County recorded an impossibly high turnout of
ninety-eight percent, while a polling place in inner-city Cleveland recorded
an equally impossible turnout of only seven percent. In Warren County, GOP
election officials even invented a nonexistent terrorist threat to bar the
media from monitoring the official vote count.(11)
Any election, of
course, will have anomalies. America's voting system is a messy patchwork of
polling rules run mostly by county and city officials. ''We didn't have one
election for president in 2004,'' says Robert Pastor, who directs the Center
for Democracy and Election Management at American University. ''We didn't
have fifty elections. We actually had 13,000 elections run by 13,000
independent, quasi-sovereign counties and municipalities.''
But what is
most anomalous about the irregularities in 2004 was their decidedly partisan
bent: Almost without exception they hurt John Kerry and benefited George
Bush. After carefully examining the evidence, I've become convinced that the
president's party mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to subvert the
will of the people in 2004. Across the country, Republican election
officials and party stalwarts employed a wide range of illegal and unethical
tactics to fix the election. A review of the available data reveals that in
Ohio alone, at least 357,000 voters, the overwhelming majority of them
Democratic, were prevented from casting ballots or did not have their votes
counted in 2004(12) -- more than enough to shift the results of an election
decided by 118,601 votes.(13) (See
Ohio's Missing Votes) In what may be the
single most astounding fact from the election, one in every four Ohio
citizens who registered to vote in 2004 showed up at the polls only to
discover that they were not listed on the rolls, thanks to GOP efforts to
stem the unprecedented flood of Democrats eager to cast ballots.(14) And
that doesn't even take
into account the troubling evidence of outright fraud, which indicates that
upwards of 80,000 votes for Kerry were counted instead for Bush. That alone
is a swing of more than 160,000 votes -- enough to have put John Kerry in
the White House.(15)
''It was terrible,''
says Sen. Christopher Dodd, who helped craft reforms in 2002 that were
supposed to prevent such electoral abuses. ''People waiting in line for
twelve hours to cast their ballots, people not being allowed to vote because
they were in the wrong precinct -- it was an outrage. In Ohio, you had a
secretary of state who was determined to guarantee a Republican outcome. I'm
terribly disheartened.''
Indeed, the extent of
the GOP's effort to rig the vote shocked even the most experienced observers
of American elections. ''Ohio was as dirty an election as America has ever
seen,'' Lou Harris, the father of modern political polling, told me. ''You
look at the turnout and votes in individual precincts, compared to the
historic patterns in those counties, and you can tell where the
discrepancies are. They stand out like a sore thumb.''
I actually think
Come On Let's Go is Broadcast's best tune. And someone went out and made
vid for Black Cat, off of their new album. "Curiouser and
curiouser.." ..not at all related to
Kool Thing.
Former biology
undergraduate Rorla Monere began taking sleeping pills to dull the pain and
fear after witnessing the kidnapping of a close friend who was thrown into a
car and later raped; a suicide car bomb left another of Monere’s close
friends in a wheelchair. Afraid to go out, Monere stays at home, terrified
that someone will storm the house.
“The pills don’t have any
effect anymore,” she told NPR’s “Morning Edition,” “because I take so many
of them. I just want my day to finish. I spend it alone. … My wish is to
die, to be free and rest. Better than this slaughter.”
Some U.S. soldiers know how
she feels. In a May 2 letter to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Sen.
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) wrote, “Last year’s suicide rate was the highest
since 1993. Eighty-three Army soldiers on active duty committed suicide, 25
while deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan—a 24 percent increase over the prior
year. I find it simply astonishing that the sheer magnitude of the mental
health crisis facing our Armed Forces does not compel you to action.”
May 25
From Tom Moody's
underrated weblog... Yes you will look into the spinning spinning
animation and check out his site...
Another stunning tune called "Airborne" by
Jaga Jazzist.
a documentary about them if you're interested. Just a great band that
I've never seen on any of my music channels.
May 22nd
More Bitching about the Pennacchio campaign. One
other glaring error from Chuck is that he refused to take PAC money of any
kind. I think you can make that call quite self-righteously if you're
independently wealthy. You can't make that call if you're a middle class
university prof, at least if you want to win. I never could figure out why
he couldn't take money from, say, labor, environmental groups and most
importantly pro choice groups. I mean, if you have to, then simply state
clearly why you're taking the money and what you won't do for the money.
Now, he may have thought that he wouldn't get any money from them anyway
(labor, which is also probably pro life in this state, was in Casey's pocket
all along) and thought that arguing principle would get him more votes. He
was wrong about that. And that 30 or 40 grand he might have gotten if had
taken that pac money might have funded my Virtual ACT plan. I can see the
evil tradeoffs when you take money from the telcos or Halliburton, but not
from Planned Parenthood.....
On the other hand, I'm not even
sure if my vote for Chuck Pennacchio even counted. I'll definitely be
using an absentee ballot in the future. Bob Fitrakis gives me the scoop
over at
Free Press. Here's a clip:
Will the major media finally cover the electronic
election fraud issue?
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
May 15, 2006
That the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen has become an
article of faith for millions of mainstream Americans. But there has been
barely a whiff of coverage in the major media about any problems with the
electronic voting machines that made those thefts possible---until now.
May 21nd
This week's Anti-Lawrence Welk/Anti BET on J (also known
as the Anti Tony Mowad jazz show)
More bitching about the senate race.
During the last days of the senate race, it was clear that the Pennacchio
campaign was ramping (Perhaps it was dawning on them, wayyy too late, that
my white paper was the only way to go) up their field canvass by way of
"volunteerism". We can now say that doesn't work too well. For one thing,
canvassing, done right, is physically brutal work--especially here in the
endless stairs and hills of Pittsburgh. And the kind of thing that
people rich enough to volunteer probably can't do very well. You don't get
Paris Hilton to volunteer to dig ditches--at least not if you want to dig
the ditches well. In fact, and this was a complaint about the Howard
Dean staff, the only people that can do that, generally, are rich white
folk. Not exactly a diverse campaign. Didn't work very well for Dean either.
By the way, some of the fallout from the
work at the
Press and now
Greg Palast (again), is that
Coming Together actually worked in about 16 of 17 states. What we didn't
count on were the hackable machines and how liberal republicans were in
purging opposition voters off of the rolls. For example, I know that we--and
not just ACT but ACORN and Vote America--registered about 100000 new
voters in Ohio. However, black theocrat in training Ken Blackwell,
about 300000 voters from the rolls so we actually lost ground. Then
there's the 90000 provisional ballots that they never counted and that Kerry
never fought for.
Speaking of stolen elections, Greg
Palast has a new book out. Please check out his interview here on Democracy
AMY GOODMAN: You broke this
on BBC.
GREG PALAST: Yeah, I broke
this on BBC, and to get in the United States, we got Michael Moore to put on
a chicken suit and report it here as a joke. And then, thank you very much,
Amy, for bringing it across the water and breaking through the electronic
Berlin Wall. By the way, all of these stories are stories developed out of
BBC and Guardian that basically are blacked out, except for here on
Democracy Now! That's very important, because these are the stories that
they don't want you to have for good reason. And they don't want you to have
it, because -- I then followed up with 2004. Now, it’s accepted 2000 pretty
much was fixed. Well, there’s a chapter, “Kerry won.” 2004 was fixed. And
the way it was done is that 3.6 million votes were cast and never counted in
the United States. That's very important to know. This isn’t Greg Palast
conspiracy nut stuff.
AMY GOODMAN: Say the number
GREG PALAST: 3.6 million
ballots cast, never counted. And that's because they call these spoiled
votes or rejected provisional ballots, 1.9 million so-called provisional
ballots, and then, most of those don't get counted. And so, whose votes
don't get counted? If it was random, it wouldn’t matter. In other words, if
these were votes where the machine doesn't record it properly, hanging chads,
extra marks on a paper ballot, you had the wrong address on your absentee
ballot, etc.
Three million ballots. Whose
ballots? If you're a black person, the chance your ballot will be
technically invalidated is 900% higher than if you're a white voter.
Hispanic voter, 500% higher than if you're a white voter. Native Americans,
it’s like 2,000% higher than if you're a white voter. The overwhelming
majority -- and I went to the state of New Mexico, which supposedly Bush won
by 5,000 votes, 89% of the ballots were cast out of minority precincts that
were thrown away. Kerry won New Mexico. You go into the dumpster, and it’s
black votes, 155,000 black votes that were chucked away in Ohio. Kerry won
those votes. He won Ohio.
As I write this, I'm guessing that Chuck Penn didn't win.
That's probably because 90 percent of the voting public doesn't know who he
is. (By the way Atrios:
Thanks for fuckin' nuthin. You and the Kos have disappointed me to no
end in your support for Casey (more Kos) and refusal to do anything for
Chuck Penn. You coulda ran a fuckin' ad. You've been working nonstop against
the guy in Connecticut working to overthrow Leiberman but nothing for the
progressives in your own state? What do we tell this small faction of women
voters in Pennsylvania, who only make up half of the fuckin' electorate...!
I can't work for Casey (I can't see voting for him either) and I seriously
wish Kate Michelman would reconsider her third party run...In fact, I could
work for just about any serious Third Party run and it would have to be
serious because you need about 70000 signatures to get on the
ballot....Look: Casey isn't a guy who's going to help dems. He's the guy who
switches parties in order for the GOP to keep their majority, all for
imaginary Jesus of course....)
Now, Chuck did have a few flaws. He was just a terrible
fundraiser. Of course, had the netroots chipped in, say Kos and Atrios, who
knows how much he could have raised. He also didn't try my plan--simple
version: replicate ACT in at least Philly and Pittsburgh-- which, on paper
anyway, could have raised his name recognition and put him in a position to
win. My plan only cost about 10 to 30 thousand dollars by the way. But he
never tried it fully. Paying one guy (me) to canvass in the city isn't
enough. And I think he abandoned it once I left the campaign. I can now
state that his secondary plan wasn't very good, unless its for running again
in the future, which I would hope that he would do. He was having trouble
meeting my massive $200 a week salary. Not good at fundraising.
I'm very proud of the candidate and the fact that he stood
for something. I just wish YouTube had peaked two months ago. That's what
the FCC was worried about in retrospect. Thousands of websites running
television ads that had the same reach as TV...all for cheap. That would
mean you wouldn't need big donors to run campaigns, which would be quite a
shame, which I'm sure is what the FCC was thinking....
As for the krazy Jewish conspiracy idea I had in my had
head...well, why else do you push a pro life guy in a blue state? (The
machine guy they should have drafted was
Mark Singel, betrayed
by Bob Casey's father by the way...) Because the machine guy will back the
war--which, and here's the conspiracy part, the Jewish Democratic
congressional delegation secretly and not so secretly likes--and get the
money from the Jewish donors, who, according to
Alexander Cockburn, dominate Democratic Party fundraising. Of course, in
my overall drug fueled Oliver Stone conspiracy theory, American Jews
are the Mentats and the
Money Men
behind the party. Both of the men responsible for taking back the majorities
in the House and Senate are Jewish. Rahm is a former Israeli soldier for
god's sake....
I guess the question is: what if the Mentats have joined
the other side? They probably wouldn't tell you that you're too wimpy to
murder recklessly for Israel but you could watch what they do. What if
they want to reward the Republicans for fighting proxy wars on behalf of
Israel? And as I've mentioned before, if your people had been through a
holocaust would you be more likely to overreact or under react to possible
threats? I think you would overreact. Of course, that's just my crazy opium
fueled fantasy scenario...then again, Bob Casey is about the one Democrat
that I think Rick Santorum could beat. I mean, Casey lacks Ron Klink's
charisma or anyone else's charisma for that matter. Just a horrible
candidate. In fact, if you had switched sides, you really wouldn't want the
Democrats to take power, ever. You would sabotage their efforts in fact,
work for their weakest candidates, never offer clear contrasts, etc.... I'm
hoping I'm wrong...Bottom Line: I'm having a hard time even trying to
conceptualize a vote for Casey.
May 14
The Fourth Installment of the Anti Lawrence Welk/Anti VH1
Soul Jazz Show. Real Music. Real musicians.
Must now mock Bet on J.
"The Magician" by Return to Forever
(Features their best lineup: Clarke, Corea, Dimeola and White. Check out
Lenny's standup at the end. Yeah we get it. Its called the "Romantic
St. Germain live (very intense from the first bar. If you really
wanted to sell jazz to the young people, this is what you would play.
Not fuzak, not 60s Miles Davis...)
"Shadow of Ourselves " by the Thievery Corporation (Live track
"Black Market" by the Zawinul Syndicate (Features narada walton on
Al Jarreau Medley With Miki Howard Sly Stone's "Everybody is a Star"
and Beatles "Hey Jude"
I'm not writing a lot this week, which is probably a
huge mistake because thanks to Robot Wisdom I've seen a surge of hits here
and mostly at the Red Light District. He's been linking to some of my
obscure YouTube jazz rock selections. You never know who's a closet
Mahavishnu Orchestra fan. We haven't always been this cordial, as
earlier email exchange might reveal. We were probably both right in
retrospect, by the way....Anyway, past history aside, thanks Jorn.
His answer: competing and irrational fundamentalist strains of
and Islam and Judaism. You just don't ever see this kind of thing in the
United States. Check out the teapot analogy at the end of Part 3.
Part Two of the show.
Part Three of the show.
This show, about 2 and a half hours long if you listen to
everything (hey, no commercials), features two very rare performances by
Mahavishnu Orchestra. There's an excellent chance that you won't see any of
these songs on VH1 Classic, VH1 Soul, MTV Hits, or BET on J. It's a nice mix
of old and new. So enjoy. This is the second installment of the Anti
Lawrence Welk/Anti VH1 Soul Jazz show. And, quite frankly, it features
better performances, song writing and outright talent than you will ever see
on those aforementioned stations.
Funny Dave Cross on Your Pals in Heaven (Frankly, both Riverworld and
Where Dreams May Come offer a cooler afterlife than the Bible with its
burning lakes and Mimi Rogers standing outside the golden castle forever and
ever.. (in the very scary movie called the "The Rapture"--Actually, the
Christian concept of the afterlife is both terrifying and cruel. It features
a clearly defined Hell and and a nebulous never really clarified "Heaven"
("Do I get a vote, on anything, O King of Kings...? You're going to throw
the entirety of Taoist China into the Lake of Fire and you're the Nice
New Wired I have yet to read. Features Al Gore, who runs
Current, which has no agenda in a world with Fox News. Sure, why not run
again. Its not like its worth fighting for. We don't want to be like those
bad French kids, who won and who can only be fired for cause and who get six
week mandatory vacations. ...Wouldn't want to be like them gosh knows...
Let's all be adults and not look at the Playboy Models
struttin' around to
Santana's classic Europa. Show some discipline people. Come on.
By the way, The Big Telcos are deathly afraid of viral
vids like this,
this and
It's just better than what you're getting from your news channels.
April 23
Public Service Message of the day:
By the way, one reason why net neutrality is important is
that the current Internets kind of allow you to control and create your own
programming. As you may know, you being my one or two faithful readers, I'm
really pissed off that Bet on Jazz has turned into Bet on J, which right now
looks to be a weak impersonation of VH1 Soul, which isn't a great channel.
With these new tools, I can bring you a better show than
Bet On J. So, here's my jazz show. It's wide ranging and it features
traditional, triphop, and there's even a real jazz rock tune thrown in
there. It's Phil Music Television or as I also call it the Anti Tony Mowad/Bet
On J Jazz show. It's jazz that you can't see on VH1 Soul and that has ideas
that extend beyond 1964. It's meant not to draw in the Lawrence Welk
audience. Ever.
"People go
to churches to hide from the truth," explained Beyond Belief Media
president Brian Flemming, a former Christian fundamentalist. "At no time
is this more apparent than Easter, when Christians get together to
convince each other that a man died, stayed dead three days, rose from the
dead and then flew into the air above the clouds.
"Our nonviolent
campaign sends the message that nowhere in the country is safe from the
truth. Wherever Christian leaders are indoctrinating children with
2000-year-old fairy tales, the truth may just find its way there.
"Our 'War on
Easter' is of course completely without violence of any kind. Christians
believe that beating a man to a pulp and nailing him to a cross somehow
solves all the world's problems. Beyond Belief Media does not."
Happy holidays and a challenge by
Trevor Blake and related American
Samizdat news. Yeah, there was a virgin birth, he rose from the dead and
there's this guy from Nigeria who wants to send me a lot of money...!
It all sounds just a bit too good to be true but....On the other hand,
there's something hard wired into most people when it comes to belief
systems. I don't know if this is the best way to change someone's mind. On
the other other hand, I'm growing tired on this war on reproductive rights
(waged mostly by men against women), which seems to be fought by the most
unchristian leadership that I've seen in my two score. Perhaps the time for
being nice to the devotees of the Invisible Sky Monster needs to end...(By
the way, in case you're wondering about the differences between the
Internets and the corporate press..If I've said it once, I've said it a
thousand times: The Internet is the new Alternative Press. Related: Here's
what's happening to the old alternative press
Well, let's all say a collective
thank you to Celeste Taylor for
filing this
lawsuit. This is serious stuff. The fact that it has to be filed against
Democratic Party officials should tell you everything you need to know about
what's wrong with today's Democratic Party. You can read the
full file briefing here and
the story here.
More later about this when I have time, Here's my fave bits:
The complaint asserts
that the state certified Electronic Voting Machines made by Elections
Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S) are not accessible by voters with
disabilities -- contrary to the requirements of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
of 2002 and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Nonetheless,
Allegheny County has selected their machines for use in upcoming elections.
That, after previously hoping to go with Diebold, and then with Sequoia
Voting Systems, until finally settling on ES&S after the first two choices
fell apart either due to the politics of the companies involved and/or due
to the discovery their Electronic Voting Systems were found to be hackable.
As mentioned, the choice to not use Diebold in Allegheny occurred, in
no small part, because of the company's known hard-right partisan leanings.
The lawsuit, however, points out the irony of finally choosing to go with
ES&S…considering their own dubious partisan background…
The risk from tampering or hacking
the voting machines’ computer controls is heightened in this case. ES&S
[Elections Systems and Software] itself presents a security threat to U.S.
elections, including those in Allegheny County, because of the company’s
and its senior executives’ strong partisan ties. Like Allegheny County’s
first choice – Diebold – ES&S poses unacceptable risks of partiality and
bias which will, at a minimum, undermine public trust in the fairness of
ES&S is an Omaha,
Nebraska-based company which declines to fully reveal its ownership.
According to published reports, about half of ES&S is owned by the Omaha
World-Herald Company, the publisher of Omaha’s daily newspaper, and
another quarter of the company is owned by the McCarthy Group, an Omaha
investment fund. The other owners, if any, are unknown, as is the full
ownership of the McCarthy Group.
Republican U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel was the head of ES&S’s predecessor,
American Information Systems (AIS) until 1995, when he resigned to run for
Senate. Senator Hagel continues to own a multi-million dollar interest in
the McCarthy Group, Inc., of which ES&S is a subsidiary. In the past,
Senator Hagel – widely considered a likely Republican presidential
contender in 2008 -- has failed to fully disclose his financial ties to
Michael McCarthy, CEO of the McCarthy Group, Inc. acted as Senator Hagel’s
campaign manager in both the 1996 and 2002 elections.
In 2006, McCarthy contributed money to the Sandhills PAC, which
contributed money to Rick Santorum, the Senate Republican incumbent for
Pennsylvania, who will be on the May 16 primary ballot in Allegheny
County. According to published reports, in the past three election cycles,
Michael McCarthy and his wife contributed substantial sums of money to
Republican candidates and nothing to Democrats, while in the last five and
half years, executives and employees of the McCarthy Group, Inc.
contributed almost six times as much money to the GOP as to Democratic
Strong partisan ties, combined with a lack of transparency regarding the
ownership of this company, will lead to public questions about the
integrity of the voting process, which in turn will diminish voters’
confidence in that process. Such voter concerns are well founded.
Read the whole thing as they say.
Links N At
Calpundit leans nuclear, the deadly gift that keeps on killing, nearly
forever. Here's a
better solution. Remember: The tech will get better. Perhaps not
computer processor better but an improvement.. Combine that with
decentralized power sources and conservation and we'll be just fine. Now, if
we just weren't run by fuel execs who kinda like the current dependencies...
Tunes to Catch at Youtube. Yes, there's probably some violation here of
copyright law. On the other hand, the music channels don't seem very
interested in playing music, especially jazz. So I hope these artists
understand that this is exposure that they wouldn't otherwise be getting.
And two from CNET (?) which now downloads vids apparently.
Beautiful tune
by Dave's True Story and the
Electric Miles at the Isle of Wight Festival in 69. Features Keith
Jarrett (looks to be high and/or distracted) and Chick Corea on
electric keyboards, Airto on percussion, Dejohnette on drums, great sax
player but don't know his name. Guessing the bassist is Dave Holland.
Shortlist for white bassists playing in Miles band at that time is very
small...Scary Bitches Brew type tune that goes on for 18 minutes. Kind of
feels like Free Jazz. Not my fave tune but it catches Miles before he lost
his lip. Intense.
Thoughts about the debate: I
thought that the senate debate was kind of a wash. Like the 2
Political Junkies people, I thought Casey was deadly deadly dull. Our
losing Pittsburgh mayoral candidates had more gravitas. I thought
Sandals tended to talk funny and out of only one side of his mouth. And I
don't mean that metaphorically, he physically talked out of one side of his
mouth (Should've taken those image grooming classes like Casey in order to
appear confident and relaxed when you're explaining positions that are
completely out of sync with the Democratic base...).
I sort of thought Chuck won the debate although he did talk like a professor
at times which never wins you any points politically. (See career of Adlai
Stevenson). He also had the most vocal supporters. Passion, apparently, is
something that the machine can't buy..
I did think Sandals had the best moment of the debate when he looked Casey
in the eye and made it clear that criminalizing women (and onward toward the
elimination of contraception including condoms and summary execution of
people who put nekkid girls on websites (reminds me: new updates at the Red
Light District)) is kinda of a big deal. The Christian Right never stops.
How can you be wrong when you talk to God? After South Dakota, this issue is
more important than ever.
I also think Sandals is right that an anti-choice candidate won't win in
November. What kind of party picks a candidate that appeals to the
Republican base, in a state where pro choicers like Rendell and Specter win?
unfathomable. Of course, Alan, it would be nice if there wasn't another
choice candidate to split the vote. Great timing. Did Schumer give you a
For the next debate, I really think Chuck has to contrast himself with Bob
Casey every chance he gets. Ignore Alan. It would be nice if the next debate
allowed follow up questions by the candidates...
Dean Baker blog. He gives
the rundown on what those French protesters were fighting for. One more
thing: those French kids won. And that's what they did over a procedural
matter. Imagine what they would do if someone stole their elections. That's
why Europeans get better lives than we do. And as Baker points out, the
French are more productive as well. They're probably well rested after their
mandatory six week vacations.
Your song picks at YouTube: Try
two from Jamiroquai
Older disturbing story
about Indicted poll workers in Cleveland. Apparently, the fix was in.
Credits bloggers with keeping the story afloat. Thanks fellas. If you're
keeping score at home, then that's two fixed national elections. Open letter
to organizers of French protests: Please visit the United States...Of
course, here your protests would probably be met with lethal force and
martial law. We're a Christian nation don't you know...
Don't forget: Chuck Pennacchio debate at
7 and 10:30 on PCN. Hope Chuck's crew is on the ball and gives us short
highlights we can distribute on the Internets.
In End of the World news:
Hersh sez attack
on Iran a go and will include nuclear weapons. You know, if we're the
Nazis with nuclear weapons, doesn't that make us worse than the Nazis?
Hitler never had working nukes...And if Iran does have nukes, wouldn't they
be more likely to use them against Israel? And if Israel retaliates wouldn't
we strike Israel in order to protect the oil reserves, because we're, you
know, totally evil at this point?
And here's some songs:
First, the evildoers at BET on
Jazz transformed themselves into BET on J, where the only time I'll be
hearing jazz will be on commercials or the station promos. Yet I at least
had Ovation, which would show one or two interesting concerts per week. Not
much. But something if you're over 14 and like tunes. Today, they got rid of
Ovation--its in my luxury tier and they didn't even bother to ask me if this
was something I wanted--and replaced it with movie channels (Update: They
just moved Ovation. Thanks evil cable company...). That gives me about
40 or so movie channels. Nothing for jazz. Thanks fellas.
On the other hand, I just discovered YouTube and its
virtually a mecca for music fans.
By the way, see panel one for my
short opinion on the Lynn Swann candidacy. I think blacks that run on the
Republican ticket are sellouts. Try the Green Party for God's sake. Yes,
there are some blacks running on the Republican slate. And yes, if elected,
they will work tirelessly and thoughtlessly against the interests of black
and poor people.
Black people, by the way, have figured this out. Then again, Swann is
running against our pal Ed Rendell, and there's a chance that he'll be
running alongside Santorum-lite Bob Casey--
--For the record, I think Chuck Penn has done a great job and as well
predicted--unlike the Daily Kos and Atrios which I guess makes us smarter...howcum
I don't have a zillion hits a day...(?)--Casey's lead has dropped to the
single digits. And just as the Zogby poll predicted the more they see of
Casey's positions, the less they like him. Chuck needs a way to get more
name recognition--
--and thereby fueling me and every other pro choice voter with rage. I might
just stay home. A Swann gubernatorial win would be disastrous, however.
Swann would, in the interests of his party, turn Pennsylvania into Ohio,
imagined by Bob Fitrakis of the Free Press. What Ohio in 2004 and
Florida in 2000 (and probably 2004) mean is that the Democrats never get to
win. That's a problem, if you haven't yet noticed.
Unnamed lady: You can disagree with the evangelicals but they're great
friends of the Jews. They believe Israel is the holy land.
Hesh: Just wait. (As seen on last Sunday night's Sopranos...)
What Hesh Said: I
'm also praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster (the one true god and you
must believe this as well or I'll have to kill you and liberate your oil or
something) that Tony strangles that Christian fundamentalist with his bare
hands. 6000 years. Jesus Christ.
I'm still working on a bigger Jewish conspiracy piece (short version: Jewish
dems have traded the party for what they think will protect Israel: War with
Iraq (and possibly other countries to be named later.) Biden and Leiberman
and Feinstein love the war. That's why the filibuster hasn't been used once,
according to my crazy conspiracy theory. You can't sustain it without
Jewish senators. There are about 44 dems, one independent. There are
10 Jewish senators. You need 40 for the filibuster. Do the math. They
think they have to kill to protect Israel. I don't entirely blame them. If
you had been through a Holocaust wouldn't you be more prone to overreact?
But it does mean, unfortunately, that I can't trust them. ). Right now, I
don't fully trust Jewish Democrats, especially the ones who are "running"
our efforts to take back
both the House
and the
Senate. If my theory is true, then Rendell and Schumer (both Jewish and
I used to not care) really don't want to unseat Rick Santorum, and if they
do unseat Rick then they want a candidate who will stick out the war, and
possibly favor other invasions in places like
Iran and Syria. Casey sounds
like their guy. They think that's good for Israel. I don't trust the Alan
Sandals candidacy for the same reasons. I think he's running to split the
pro choice vote, or better yet, get another senate vote for Israel. That
means more war. Infinitely.
I might add that when you strengthen the hand of the Christian right in this
country--which you're doing when you pay Satan's price and roll over on
court nominees and policy issues--then you're not working for the safety and
inclusion of the Jewish people, anywhere. Or as Hesh said: "Just
There was an interesting discussion some
months back as to whether or not you should use your real name when you
write online. If you're just writing for fun, then being
anonymous is probably a good idea, especially if you want to write about
something interesting. (See the above post.) However, I'm pretty serious
about writing. I don't mind controversy, as long as I get it right, or at
least am seen as trying to get it right. I'm under no pretense that what I
have written will help me get a job. Quite the opposite I'm sure. (See above
post, again.) When it comes to writing I'm kind of like the lead character
in Gattaca: "I'm not saving anything for the trip back."
March 31
A Tired Yet Satisfied Weekend Around the Internets
One of the reasons I'm so worried about
net neutrality is that the Internet is one of the few channels I like that
hasn't been cancelled yet. For example, I used to really enjoy watching Bet
on jazz. Yet, a few weeks ago they turned it into VH1 soul. Now, they're
determined to play anything but jazz in prime time. So, jazz is now
relegated to an early morning/late night ghetto in its own station.
I've been making my complaints felt
on the message
Links n' at:
I've added
Digg and
Progressive Pa Politics
to the permalinks. I'm also going to revamp the Pittsburgh permalinks when I
have time. Some of those guys just don't blog enough and I'm not exactly
demanding on that score as you can see. Also, check out the revamped and
refurbished Better Humans and
Techdirt, probably the best
tech analysis site out there and they're also covering the voter machine
fraud story...
Saw the V for Vendetta and enjoyed it
immensely. I'd give it an 85 as Overall Art and a 90 as Interesting
Propaganda. Still doesn't top all time Overall Art as Propaganda winner JFK,
which had me so paranoid I thought there were "people" out in the lot who
knew that I knew too much and would arrange one of those inopportune
accidents that wipe out dem senators, grassy knoll witnesses and
troublemakers of all sorts...more later when I have more time. Definitely go
see it. The fun is imagining those that get sliced and diced as, say,
Rumsfield, or one of your fave Fox News announcers...Ex tremely satisfying
that way. Trust me on that. V for Vengeance, indeed.
There's been
an inexplicable
purge of voters in California thanks to dicey computer screening, used
to spectacular effect in both Ohio and Florida. Don't be shocked when Arnold
gets reelected and California turns red. Dems haven't caught on yet. In
related news, Washington Generals don't contest mid court hook shots for the
400th night in a row. I'm beginning to think those Generals are paid by the
Globetrotters to lose! Shocking I know, but I'll need three or four more
stolen presidential elections to sort through this...Related: Even a
Republican candidate
smells a rat.
Two must reads and must listens about
keeping the Internet as it is. First, check out great Cory
speech over at Changesurfer Radio. Then check out this very thorough
about net neutrality from the Wi Fi blog. Net neutrality allows everyone
an equal opportunity to have their ideas heard. You can see where this
current administration would just hate that....
March 24
She's funny. I hope many
people called. And Check this out. Someone should rap it over a song (Saul
Williams) over a beat:
This was
published in the Washington Post. Its part of a book--this would make
four to my count--that shows that the 2004 elections results were probably
hacked. Just more evidence as to why the Dems should take up this
issue. Its a winner, for a real opposition party anyway. Here's the quote by
author Steve
easier to rig an electronic voting machine than a Las Vegas slot machine,
says University of Pennsylvania visiting professor Steve Freeman. That's
because Vegas slots are better monitored and regulated than America's voting
machines, Freeman writes in a book out in July that argues, among other
things, that President Bush may owe his 2004 win to an unfair vote count
V for Vendetta may be--why hedge? is--the most subversive cinematic
deed of the Bush-Blair era, a dagger poised in midair. Unlike the other
movies dubbed “controversial” (Fahrenheit 9-11, The Passion, Munich,
Syriana), it doesn’t play to a particular constituency or polarized
culture bloc, it’s working on a deeper, Edger Allen Poe-ish witch’s brew
substrata of pop myth. Cultural conservatives will loathe it without
seeing it (they love not having to leave their houses to lament the latest
installment of civilization’s decline and fall) once they hear of and read
about the movie’s disturbing political parallels (a fascistic TV host with
a witty resemblance to Berlusconi, fertilizer explosives a la Timothy
McVeigh; torture, renditions, and subway bombings; black hoods that will
be forever associated with Abu Ghraib). Yet lots of cultural liberals with
educated tastes will find it anxiety-producing and irresponsible too, not
only because they’re more comfortable with humanistic stories and
documentary techniques than with pop spectacle (as Kael discovered
whenever she praised upstart movies like DePalma’s Carrie or The Warriors
and received letters from profs and Ph.D couples complaining about her
soiling the New Yorker’s space on trash), but because V for Vendetta
doesn’t just depict a 1984’s dystopia--it advocates radical remedy, and
illustrates what it advocates with rhapsodic, operatic, orgasmic flourish.
It follows the course of its own logic to its Kubrickian conclusion, but
this isn’t a clinical exercise, like Kubrick at his most voyeuristically
Writer Alan Moore, who might be the
world's smartest writer but is clearly not the world's smartest man (he
should be making J K Rowling money...),
vents on why he didn't want to associate with the film. Here's the
thing: In his defense, this is right after They screwed the League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen. But the guys who are making this movie have chops.
While the Matrix trilogy might only be average, the Matrix might be one of
the best movies ever made. he should have given this film and its producers
more of a chance.
March 13
I've been too busy to post because I've
been watching too much television.
Here's a short synopsis of what I've seen:
24: They killed Edgar (you bastards!) and Tony and that hobbit guy!
And 40 percent of CTU....Noooooooooooooo! ("C-Chloie? Ack!")
Sopranos: You shot fat Tony! You bastards!.... Noooooooooooooo! (They
didn't show a preview of the next episode
so I found spoilers
on the Internets...)
Battlestar Galactica: You stole an election (you bastards etc etc),
but you admitted it and then let the rightful winner take his place at the
helm! Nooo---hey. Wait a minute. Guess this is a case where I prefer fantasy
to reality. Best line for us vote theft theory conspiracists: "I've taken
part in a lot of elections, fair and fixed, and
fixed ones never make any sense." Really? You don't say?
March 6
Here's more minor
news on your stolen election front. Turns out that there were more than
voters purged from the rolls in Ohio in the 2004 presidential
election...would you like to guess where? Go ahead I dare you. Yes, that's
right. Democratic Party strongholds. I know. Shocking. Holding my breath
here waiting for the Democrats to make an issue of this. That's what a real
opposition party would do by the way. Just sayin'. Take it away Bob and
It turns out, we missed more than a few of the
dirty tricks Karl Rove, Ken Blackwell and their GOP used to get themselves
four more years. In an election won with death by a thousand cuts, some that
are still hidden go very deep. Over the next few weeks we will list them as
they are verified.
One of them has just surfaced to the staggering tune of 175,000 purged
voters in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), the traditional stronghold of the
Ohio Democratic Party. An additional 10,000 that registered to vote there
for the 2004 election were lost due to "clerical error."
As we reported more than a year ago, some 133,000 voters were purged from
the registration rolls in Hamilton County (Cincinnati) and Lucas County
(Toledo) between 2000 and 2004. The 105,000 from Cincinnati and 28,000 from
Toledo exceeded Bush's official alleged margin of victory---just under
119,000 votes out of some 5.6 million the Republican Secretary of State. J.
Kenneth Blackwell, deemed worth counting.
Exit polls flashed worldwide on CNN at 12:20 am Wednesday morning, November
3, showed John Kerry winning Ohio by 4.2% of the popular vote, probably
about 250,000 votes. We believe this is an accurate reflection of what
really happened here.
Wait, there's more:
Ohio election history would indicate that the
elimination of 175,000 voters in heavily Democratic Cleveland must almost
certainly spell doom for any state-wide Democratic campaign. These 175,000
pre-2004 election eliminations must now be added to the 105,000 from
Cincinnati and the 28,000 from Toledo.
Therefore, to put it simply: at least 308,000 voters, most of them likely
Democrats, were eliminated from the registration rolls prior to an election
allegedly won by less than 119,000 votes, where more than 106,000 votes
still remain uncounted, and where the GOP Secretary of State continues to
successfully fight off a meaningful recount.
There are more than 80 other Ohio counties where additional pre-November,
2004 mass eliminations by GOP-controlled boards of elections may have
occurred. Further "anomalies" in the Ohio 2004 vote count continue to
In addition, it seems evident that the Democratic Party will now enter
Ohio's 2006 gubernatorial and US Senate races, and its 2008 presidential
contest, with close to a half-million voters having been eliminated from the
registration rolls, the vast majority of them from traditional Democratic
strongholds, and with serious legislative barriers having been erected
against new voter registration drives.
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned for what exactly? I wish this was a show I
could turn off but I can't...Horrifying.
And now for some links I can't comment more about because
my undisclosed location is about to close:
Steven Barnes, one of the world's most dangerous
men and prolific science fiction writer, has a
new blog out. (I highly recommend
his novels Lion's Blood and Charisma...)
Sorry for the long
delay in posts. My cable modem and cable, and subsequently my cable phone
service went out about four days ago. I now post from an undisclosed
location. If I was the paranoid type then I might assume it had something
to do
with this, but only if it happens a third or fourth time. I'm just like
the Democratic Party: You'll have to steal three or four presidential
elections to get my attention. And just for the record: Preznit Bush: still
worse president, ever. Iraq War: still monumental folly and as ethically
sound as invading Poland. And: if you can't change the direction of the US
by way of the ballot and nonviolence, then you need to ask if methods of
violence would achieve the ends you're looking for. I kind of like the sound
of "systems disruption" myself. You would be killing "things" as opposed to
people. Come and get me coppers...Update: Now my archive site, Mirror
Universe, is showing an error message. Yet another coincidence no doubt...fiends.
Feb. 27
Science fiction
writer Octavia Butler passed away several days ago. She was prominent
because she was one of the few black women who wrote and published science
fiction. I regret that I didn't read a lot of her work even though I enjoyed
the one novella of hers that I had read. You can find more of a wrap up at
Boing Boing. She was also featured a few months ago on Democracy Now,
probably her last interview. Check out these quotes from her work.
Sounds like someone we know who really is buying the rope to hang ourselves
so to speak...Here's the late Ms. Butler:
OCTAVIA BUTLER: I'm going to read a
verse or two. And keep in mind these were written early in the 1990s. But I
think they apply forever, actually. This first one, I have a character in
the books who is, well, someone who is taking the country fascist and who
manages to get elected President and, who oddly enough, comes from Texas.
And here is one of the things that my character is inspired to write about,
this sort of situation. She says:
your leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a coward is to be
controlled by all that the coward fears. To be led by a fool is to be led
by the opportunists who control the fool. To be led by a thief is to offer
up your most precious treasures to be stolen. To be led by a liar is to
ask to be lied to. To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you
love into slavery." (Ed:
Reminds me of someone..)
And there's one other that I thought
I should read, because I see it happening so much. I got the idea for it
when I heard someone answer a political question with a political slogan.
And he didn't seem to realize that he was quoting somebody. He seemed to
have thought that he had a creative thought there. And I wrote this verse:
"Beware, all too
often we say what we hear others say. We think what we are told that we
think. We see what we are permitted to see. Worse, we see what we are told
that we see. Repetition and pride are the keys to this. To hear and to see
even an obvious lie again and again and again, maybe to say it almost by
reflex, and then to defend it because we have said it, and at last to
embrace it because we've defended it."
AMY GOODMAN: On that note we'll have
to leave it there, but we'll continue it online at Democracy
Octavia Butler.
Speaking of Democracy Now, if you want
to depress yourself check out
and Friday's
episodes. It really is as bad as you think.